Agenda item

Towns Fund Projects Update:

To receive a verbal update from the Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Delivery.


The Chairman welcomed Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) to the Meeting who was in attendance to deliver a presentation to Members on the Towns Fund Projects (a copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix C to the Minutes).


Following which, Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member referred to the Colonnade project that was 2/3 months late in starting due to significant issues with the contractors revised costs and stated that it was concerning that accurate quotes were not being received and queried whether there was a flaw in the process.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) stated that nationally, all major projects were coming in over budget.  Members were provided details of the two different ways to procure a contract.  It was further explained that it was difficult to lock a contract value into a project.  It was confirmed that the scheme had been amended to fit the budget and the second part of the scheme had been put out to the external market and when finished it would be a fantastic facility for the public.


·       A Member queried why the Mablethorpe Leisure and Learning Hub had changed its name to Station Leisure and Learning.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that the operator had requested this and it had been through the executive forum, however stated that this was not set in stone and Members could to back to the Executive Board to reconsider.


·       A Member asked whether the facility included a hydrotherapy pool, following which the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that he would go back to the original specification and confirm to Members.


·       A Member stated that she was pleased to see the Campus for Future Living (CFL) development in Mablethorpe, however highlighted her concerns as the existing Marisco Medical Centre had been well equipped but under-utilised and not offering services that people could access without having to travel out of the area.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) informed Members that any activities taking place in the new development had to be endorsed by the Integrated Care Board and had to be agreed before any deal was made with the Marisco Medical Centre.  It was confirmed that the centre had no vacancies and was currently fully rented out.


·       A Member highlighted that Lincoln University was interested in the CFL, however had since pulled out from this and queried why.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) informed Members that there had been a change in leadership at Lincoln University and it was the decision of the new chancellor to pull out of the project, following which a second interested party from Leicester withdrew its interest in the project.


A Member stated that being so far into the project, it was a risk that the Council would have to take on the costs of running the building.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) added that it was also a risk that no one would want to use the building, however the project came with three years of revenue funding and there was current interest from Marisco Medical Centre and highlighted that the CFL was an exceptional facility.


·       In relation to the Mobi-Hub project a Member stated that she was keen to see this project commence.  A concern was raised by another Member however, that a massive area in the centre of Mablethorpe could be left to become derelict after Grayscroft Coaches moved to land on Golf Road as there was no back plan.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that discussions would be ongoing with adjoining shop owners about extending their premises on a temporary basis, however phase two would become critical as to where the money to develop the site would come from to create the Mobi Hub project as detailed in the presentation.  It was highlighted that it was the Connected Coast Board’s decision to split the Mobi-Hub project into two different schemes and remove the funding from and allocate to a more deserving cause due to construction price increases as this project from all of the Towns Fund projects was deemed as the least priority.


·       A Member acknowledged that people would have different views but highlighted that although Mablethorpe was a tourist area, it was important to remember those residents who lived in the town all year round and that their views were also important.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that it would be an Executive Board decision as to whether the project proceeded as there was a £150k shortfall, or whether to wait for more funding to become available.


·       In relation to the Cultural Skegness project, a Member was pleased to see the inclusion of a Vintage Fairground and considered that this was a lovely idea that would attract people to the town.


·       A Member commented that it would have been nice to see the original garden design be recreated on the Sutton on Sea project.  The Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) advised Members that he was happy to share the designs with Members as they came forward.


The Chairman thanked the Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) for his detailed updated.


N.B.  Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) left the Meeting at 11.45am.


N.B.  The Meeting adjourned for a comfort break at 11.45am and reconvened at 11.56am.

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