Agenda item

Q1 Risk Management Position:

To receive a report from the Group Manager, Insights and Transformation.


Suzanne Rolfe, Group Manager – Insights and Transformation presented Members with the Q1 Risk Management Report which set out the Q1 position for risk management as at 30 June 2023.  A copy of the Q1Strategic Risk Register was attached at Appendix A to the report, pages 33 to 40 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that a Risk Management Policy had been drafted for the Partnership.  This would be reviewed by Senior Leadership Team and Portfolio Holders in the first instance.  It would then come to Audit & Governance Committee for comment prior to Executive Board and then to Council for approval.  The aim was to bring this to the November meeting of Committee with Quarter 2 reporting.


It was highlighted that two new risks had been identified across the Partnership relating to the implementation of the Environment Act and the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility.  These replaced the risk shown in the last report for Quarter 4 in July 2023 which had incorrect wording and had now been corrected and split into two risks, as set out in Appendix A.


Members were advised that items identified at Audit and Governance Committee and Overview Committee were being reviewed for reporting in Quarter 2, Paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of the Agenda refer and that a Partnership risk register was also currently in development.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


A Member queried what the route was if Members were aware of any risks not being addressed.  The Group Manager – Insights and Transformation advised the Member to contact her in the first instance.


Further to a query raised, the Group Manager – Insights and Transformation confirmed that she hoped to bring the revised risk management policy to the November Meeting.


A Member referred to CORP002 ‘Uncertainty of future Linchshore flood defence scheme’, page 33 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that the impact consequences and wording seemed to evolve around the impact on economic growth, whilst there were other impacts to consider of equal importance, for example the threat to infrastructure, local services and housing and it was queried whether this was mentioned elsewhere.


The Chairman referred to Risk No. 19 ‘Implementation of the Environment Act’ and Risk No. 20 ‘Introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)’, page 37 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that the government had made recent announcements that the EPR would be delayed by a year and other factors would affect the Environment Act that would create uncertainty and queried whether this would impact the way that the risk register was mitigated.  The Group Manager – Insights and Transformation responded that the uncertainty was already quite high, therefore covered in the mitigation and advised Members that officers were involved in monitoring this and had responded to relevant consultations, however the risk register was currently being reviewed for Q2 which would take into account any further uncertainties since 30 June 2023.


A Member referred to CORP003 ‘Business continuity and recovery in the event of a major incident or event’, page 34 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that there was a lot of narrative regarding the mitigating actions, however would like to see a target date included for the update of the plans.


The Group Manager – Insights and Transformation advised Members that she would pick up the points raised and report back to Committee.

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