Agenda item

Review of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fare Structure:

Report of the Group Manager Public Protection.


An open report was submitted by the Group Manager Public Protection, which enabled Members to undertake a review of the Maximum Hackney Carriage Fare Structure.


The Principal Licensing Officer set out the background to the report, pages 2 to 3 refer.  He informed Members that the Skegness Taxi Owners Association (STOA) and the Skegness & District Taxi Drivers Association (SDTDA) were requesting an increase in the fare structure.


Members were referred to the submissions from STOA and SDTDA, set out in Appendices B and C of the report, pages 13 to 15 refer.


The Principal Licensing Officer relayed the STOA’s requests to Members as follows:


  • The flag fall (the initial charge made for the hiring of the vehicle) and the fares for distance.
  • The Sunday fare rate.
  • The booking fee/call out charge.


The Principal Licensing Officer also relayed the SDTDA’s requests to Members as follows:


  • The flag fall and the fares for distance.
  • The booking fee/call out charge.


A discussion ensued, and the following points were raised:      


Members discussed the level of the proposed increases with regards to the flag fall and the fares for distance.  It was agreed that a balance was needed between ensuring that drivers could make a living and customers were able to afford to pay the fare, highlighting the cost of living crisis.  It was proposed and seconded that the Tariff 1 daytime rate be increased to £7.00.


With regard to the 50% increase on the Tariff 1 rate for Sunday working, as requested by the STOA, a Member commented that if those drivers who supported the increase failed to receive this they may stop operating on a Sunday.  However, other Members considered that as a lot of businesses opened on a Sunday there was relatively no difference to working on any other day of the week and ultimately it was the individual drivers’ choice.  Following which, Members agreed that no change was to be made to the existing tariff.


The request for the Booking Fee/Call Out Charge to increase to £1 per mile was discussed, following which Members commented that following a 50% increase in 2022 a further 33% increase was too high.  It was considered that the 75p per mile covered wear and tear to the vehicle and that this was an acceptable rate.  Following which, it was agreed that the Booking Fee/Call Out Charge would remain at 75p per mile.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which, it was




That further to consideration from the General Licensing Committee, the annual review of the maximum hackney carriage fare structure be agreed as follows:


  • That Tariff 1 – Daytime Rate, be increased to £7.00 at the 2-mile mark.  This amendment to be advertised by statutory notice.


  • That there be no change to the Sunday tariff and to remain at Tariff 1.


  • That there be no change to the Booking Fee/Call Out Charge and to remain at 75p per mile.


The Principal Licensing Officer informed Members that he had received a letter from Mr Hogg of Ambassador Taxis, page 17 of the report refers requesting that Members consider an additional person tariff for larger 7/8 seater vehicles.


Further to discussion, it was




That no change be made to the fare structure for larger 7/8 seater vehicles, however further information be requested from Mr Hogg with a view to Committee considering a review of this in March 2024. 


Supporting documents: