S/039/00565/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number. (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).
Applicant: R. Izzard
Location: 4 Blackended Cottages, Croft Lane, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4PA
Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
Officer: Ryan Dodd
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Proposal: Planning Permission - Change of use of an existing indoor swimming pool to a mixed use of residential and commercial (commercial use already commenced).
Applicant: R. Izzard
Members received an application for full Planning Permission – Change of use of an existing indoor swimming pool to a mixed use of residential and commercial (commercial use already commenced) at 4 Blackended Cottages, Croft Lane, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4PA.
The application was subject to a call-in request by Councillor Sid Dennis due to the level of local concern.
The main planning issues were considered to be:
- Principle of the development
- Impact upon neighbours
- Highway safety
Members were referred to the additional information contained in the supplementary agenda, page 1 refers.
Ryan Dodd, Senior Planning Enforcement Officer detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, page 3 of the report refers.
Mr Richard Izzard spoke in support of the application.
Councillor Sid Dennis spoke as Ward Member.
Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.
- A Member queried whether Mr Izzard had put any measures in place with regards to health and safety, environmental health and noise. Mr Izzard confirmed that there no surveys had been carried out for noise as most of their customers were elderly people or families.
- In response to a Member querying whether there was sufficient space for visitor parking along with any vehicles belonging to the household, workers and emergency services if required, Councillor Sid Dennis advised that Highways had not raised any concerns with the access, however, he was aware that the neighbours were not happy with the parking situation.
- Further to a query raised, Mr Izzard confirmed that he lived at the premises and sufficient parking spaces were available for any visitors.
- A Member referred to the proposed 12-month temporary condition on the permission and queried what impact this may have on Mr Izzard’s business Mr Izzard responded that it would be stressful not having secure, permanent planning permission.
N.B. Councillor Sid Dennis left the Meeting at 10:53am.
Following which, the application was opened for debate.
- A Member queried whether it was reasonable to ask for noise assessments to be undertaken and whether the parking space available could accommodate up to 10 cars.
The Senior Planning Enforcement Officer advised that the Environment Protection Officer had confirmed that there were no concerns with any potential noise impact and the Highways Authority had not raised any objection with regards to access. Members were further advised that there was a booking system in place for the pool, which would manage the number of vehicles, therefore he was not concerned with the number of cars parking.
- A Member queried whether the owner needed a license to operate the pool on a commercial basis. The Legal Advisor responded that it was her understanding that a license was not required, however the business would be required to take out the relevant insurance policies.
- A Member highlighted that the pool has been used commercially since October 2021, Paragraph 7.8 of the report refers, which was considered to be a reasonable amount of time for any noise issues or other issues to have been raised, following which it was queried whether the proposed 12-month temporary condition was workable.
The Development Management Lead Officer explained that the business had been operating during this period of time, however it had not been controlled. The plan would be to monitor and manage the visitors to the pool for a period of 12 months and bring the application back to Committee for review if there were problems highlighted. If during this period of time there were no valid issues raised, the condition could then be removed.
Following which, the application was proposed and seconded for approval.
- A Member queried whether there was a requirement for a lifeguard to be employed when operating a swimming pool as a business. The Legal Advisor responded that it would depend on the number of visitors in the pool whether this should be considered,. but there was no requirement by law to employ a lifeguard.
Following a query with regards to clarity on the operating hours of the pool, the Senior Planning Enforcement Officer confirmed that these would be included in the Management Plan.
Upon being put to the vote, the proposal for approval in line with the officer recommendation, subject to amended conditions and Management Plan was carried.
Vote: 11 in favour 0 against 0 abstentions
That full planning permission be approved, subject to the following conditions:
Supporting documents: