Update on Envirocrime Contract:
To receive a presentation from the Environmental Health Service Manager, ELDC.
The Chairman welcomed David Dodds, Environmental Health Service Manager (ELDC) to provide an introduction and present Members with an update on the Envirocrime Contract.
Members received a presentation (a copy is attached at Appendix B to the Minutes).
Councillor Martin Foster as Portfolio Holder for Operational Services provided reassurances that although initial staffing issues suggested all resources were being utilised at the coast, a request was made to the Assistant Director - Regulatory to place more emphasis on inland Parishes and Towns over the winter months. Challenges submitted by the public were reviewed by the contractors Kingdom and the Council’s own staff, and positive feedback was provided to complainants. Overall, it was a good year with a 10% return of income and at zero cost to the Council.
Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.
- A Member raised issue that no points on the maps presented covered the wider coast and was mainly targeting key coastal areas such as Mablethorpe and Skegness. It was also queried what more could be done in terms of scrap metal dealers licenses. In response, the Environmental Health Service Manager advised that more was being addressed. Site inspections of scrap metal installations was being examined and further follow-up was being carried out on a greater number of unlicensed collectors.
- A Member expressed concern with the unbalanced charging system for scrap metal collectors who had premises versus those without a fixed base which could not be controlled. In response, the Environmental Health Service Manager advised that issues with mobile collectors were recognised. The current contract that was in place aimed to address the mobile collectors.
- A Member queried why fixed location collectors paid significantly higher rates compared to mobile collectors. In response, the Environmental Health Service Manager advised that the charging regime had been inherited and was currently being reassessed. It was supported that the Environmental Health Service Manager examine the charging regime and provide a report back to the Committee.
- In reference to the 10% income returned back to ELDC, a Member queried how the money was being used, noting particular need for the emptying and number of bins available in areas of high need such as Mablethorpe, and it was further queried whether the bulky waste tip could return. In response, the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services advised that waste services and street cleaning did not fall under the environmental crime team. Furthermore, the returned income could not be used in other areas as it was ringfenced in that area of the budget. A discussion with the various teams about the frequency of emptying bins was possible. The Council always strived for the best service with the resources available.
- A Member requested clarification on what route Councillors should take to seek more patrols for their residents from the Envirocrime Contract. In response, the Environmental Health Service Manager advised that anyone with concerns could email the Envirocrime contact address and should include targeted information such as street name and times of day to be most effective. This information was to be circulated to Members following the meeting.
- A Member commented that the dropping of litter was very time specific and recommended that new housing estates should have dog bins installed as standard, with developers contributing to maintaining them.
N.B. Councillor Claire Arnold left the Meeting at 11.15am
- A Member queried if waste bins on new housing estates would be on the next agenda as there was issues in relation to placing them on unadopted roads. The Chairman confirmed this was to be a future agenda item in liaison with the Assistant Director for Neighbourhoods.
No further comments or questions were received.
The Chairman thanked the Environmental Health Service Manager for his report.
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