Agenda item

Review of Polling Districts, and Polling Places:

To consider the proposals of future polling districts and polling places following the compulsory review of polling arrangements.



The Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Affairs presented Members with the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places report, pages 241 to 292 of the Agenda refers.


The report set out proposals for polling districts and polling places following a review as required by the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013.


Members were referred to the background detail of the report at Paragraph 1, page 242 of the Agenda refers.


The recommendation was duly Proposed and Seconded


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member highlighted an error at Paragraph 2.7, page 243 on the Agenda.  At subsection 2.7.6 this should read Louth St. James Ward, not St Mary’s.  The Chief Executive clarified that the recommendations referred to the polling districts and stations as set out at Appendix A which were correct, therefore no amendment was required.


·       A Member stated that she had put forward comments in relation to Mablethorpe, Sutton on Sea and Trusthorpe, however could not see these detailed in the report.


·       A Member commented that he was pleased to see there had been a good response, however highlighted that the response he had provided in the consultation had been misunderstood by the Acting Returning Officer, page 270 of the Agenda refers.  It was clarified that the request was not asking for the parish boundaries to be realigned but for a polling place to be provided in Louth Town Centre so that the residents in Keddington Ward did not have to travel to Alvingham.  It was requested for the Acting Returning Officer to consider creating an additional polling station, or whether an existing polling station could be used for two sets of voting.


·       A Member commented that she did not consider a public house to be a suitable venue for a polling station.


In response to the comments made, the Chief Executive as Returning Officer advised Members that the report set out a statutory periodic review of polling stations which was required to come to Council.  Members were referred to Recommendation 4 which reconfirmed the delegation to the (Acting) Returning Officer in consultation with the relevant Ward Members to approve any further amendments to polling places where necessary, therefore any amendments would be considered in advance of any future elections.


·       In response to a query in relation to the consultation process, the Chief Executive confirmed that this was undertaken with Ward Members.  In excess of this, there had also been public consultation and it was confirmed that responses had been received from Louth Town Council.


No further comments or questions were received.


Upon being put to the vote, it was




1.    That the schedule of polling districts and polling places as listed at Appendix A to this report be approved.


2.    That the revisions to polling district boundaries for Woodhall Spa Parish and St Clements Parish Wards as attached at Appendix E and H to this report be approved.


3.    That the revised polling district reference numbers attached at Appendix I to this report be noted.


4.    That the delegation to the (Acting) Returning Officer in consultation with the relevant Ward Members to approve any amendments to polling places prior to the next compulsory review be reconfirmed.

N.B.  Councillors Ellie Marsh and Darren Hobson left the Meeting at 3.45pm.


N.B.  The Meeting adjourned at 3.37pm for a comfort break and reconvened at 3.46pm.


N.B.  Due to the number of Members wishing to leave the Meeting, in consultation with the Chairman and Chief Executive and to remain quorate for voting it was agreed to bring Agenda Item 21’ ‘Horncastle Industrial Estate’ forward.

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