Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker:

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 105 to 118 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to review the tracker and to put their comments and questions forward.


Carbon Management Scrutiny Panel


Recommendation No. 11 - ‘Include local offsetting projects in the council’s

carbon strategy and begin to invest in these projects as soon as possible’ page 106 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed concern that carbon offsetting was not the solution to climate change and that the principle of carbon offsetting should be reviewed to ensure it was worthwhile. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) provided assurance that local offsetting projects were to be incorporated in next year’s Annual Delivery Plan. The Scrutiny and Policy Officer further advised that the Council’s approach to carbon reduction was being revisited.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that carbon offsetting be added to the scope and that the Scrutiny and Policy Officer was to report back to Committee on the creation of future scrutiny panels. 


Overview Standing Reference Group – Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project.


No. 7 - ‘To work with Lincolnshire County Council to improve the surfacing of Broadway’ page 107 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that there had been no updates since June 2023 on the Broadway Carpark and clarification was requested on the status of the work.  In response, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised that an update was due to be provided following the completion of capital works on the main scheme and an update was to follow.


A Member further enquired if ELDC had met with Lincolnshire County Council to ensure the Broadway Carpark was resurfaced.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised that alternate plans were in progress to deliver the Sutton on Sea Colonnade and examine the parking situation.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement


No. 1 - ‘To recognise the need to make Caravan Enforcement a priority for the new Council, with the first priorities dealing with the issue of unauthorised occupancy and to review and strengthen licence conditions;’ page 109 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented on the unauthorised running of businesses at caravan sites and emphasised the importance of ensuring it was addressed.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised this was being examined and a report was forthcoming.


No. 4 - ‘Draw up, as a matter of urgency, a register of every East Lindsey Caravan site, including existing planning permissions, and this to be shared with Emergency Planning Services;’ page 111 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented on the good news of students being utilised from the University of Lincoln to assist with collecting information.


A Member further queried the term GGP which was referred to in the update.  In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised that GGP referred to a geographic mapping system that was being utilised.


No. 5 – ‘The Caravan Enforcement team to improve liaison with the Council Tax Team, including improved training for relevant officers, in order to prevent the many current misunderstandings about who is liable for council tax payments. To also amend council tax website pages to make them clearer;’ page 112 of the Agenda refers.


A Member stated that it was vital that Customer Service provided correct information in relation to paying Council Tax and that a team meeting should be undertaken before the caravan season started.  In response, the Policy and Scrutiny Officer advised that Customer Services had implemented a crib sheet and phone scripts to assist with solving the issues.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that an update on the review of measures implemented was to be provided at the next Overview Committee meeting.


No. 14 – ‘Support relevant outcomes from Floodex and establish closer working relationships with staff at Skegness and Louth fire stations;’ page 115 of the Agenda refers.   


A Member stated that it was important to establish closer working relationships with fire teams and that work was shared with Emergency Planning. The Chairman advised that the timescale indicated for further updates was scheduled for January 2025. 


No. 17 – ‘As part of their remit, the portfolio holder for the coast to arrange regular meetings with coastal operators - other portfolio holders could support on issues such as health and housing; page 116 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed disappointment that meetings with coastal operators had not restarted following COVID.  In response, the Policy and Scrutiny Officer advised that the Portfolio Holder for Coastal Economy had continued to meet with external groups to discuss issues on the coast.  The Portfolio Holder for Planning further advised that there had been no updates for some time on the Coastal Developers Forum, however highlighted that this was not operated by ELDC.

Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Planning was to establish if the Coastal Developers Forum was still in operation before the item was removed from the Recommendations Tracker.


How can ELDC help improve the design, quality, and choice of new and existing housing in the district?


No. 1 – ‘ELDC will set local energy efficiency minimums above and beyond the minimum standards required by building regulations, in line with its carbon commitments. This commitment will be a clear and central part of the reviewed Local Plan’ page 117 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried when the Local Plan was being reviewed.  In, response the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised that no final date was available, and it was on track to go out to consultation by the end of 2024.


A Member stated that it was important for residents to have input on the Local Plan, especially when extra housing had created issues for Market Towns.  The Portfolio Holder for Planning advised that all Town and Parish Councils were to be involved through consultation and every response was to be considered. 


A Member further queried if infrastructure issues were being addressed, noting examples where planning had been approved in areas prone to significant flooding such as Horncastle.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised that government measures such as sustainable drainage systems had been a valuable step forward.


A Member requested an update on the role of Assistant Director (Planning and Strategic Infrastructure).  The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised that a recruitment process was to be undertaken to find a replacement for the current post holder.


No further questions or comments were received.




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendations Tracker be noted.

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