Agenda item


N/016/02026/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number.  (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).


Applicant:                          Mr R Hall


Location:                           Land South and East of Bilsby Hall, Thurlby Road, Bilsby


Recommendation:              Approval with Conditions


Officer:                              Carrie Law




Application Type:         Full Planning Permission  


Proposal:                     Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 5no. holiday lodges and construction of internal access roads.




Applicant:                    Mr R Hall


Members received an application for full Planning Permission – Change of

use of land for the siting of 5no. holiday lodges and construction of

internal construction of internal access roads at land South and East of

Bilsby Hall, Thurlby Road, Bilsby.


The application was referred to Committee due to the significant public interest arising from the neighbour objections and Parish Council objection.


The main planning issues were considered to be:


·       Principle of the proposed development

·       Impact on the character of the area

·       Impact on heritage assets

·       Impact on nearby amenity

·       Drainage

·       Highway safety

·       Impact on protected trees (Tree preservation orders)


Michelle Walker, Deputy Development Manager, detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, page 19 of the report refers.


Mr Ricky Newton spoke in support of the application.


Mr Brian Scarisbrick spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor Dot Morley, Bilsby & Farlesthorpe Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application.


Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.


   A Member queried whether there was any provision for camping on the proposed site, to which Mr Newton confirmed that there was no camping, the proposal was for use of land for the siting of five holiday lodges.


  • A Member queried whether the Parish Council had no objections to the application if the lodges were moved to a different part of the park.


Councillor Morley stated that the Parish Council would prefer the lodges not to be there at all and questioned why the proposal was for the lodges to be so close to the residential properties.


  • A Member queried whether any consideration had been given to relocating the three units at the bottom of the site to the top left- hand corner of the site and also queried where visitors would do their shopping.


Mr Newton advised that the whole front northwards across the parkland was a non-designated heritage asset and there was also less screening on that side and more landscaping along the bottom side.  He further advised that the tracks for the access roads were already in place.


Mr Newton advised that shopping amenities were available at the garage and Spar shop in Bilsby, and the town of Alford was also close by.


  • A Member questioned whether it was possible to increase the amount of landscaping to the gardens. Mr Newton advised that a hedge and lots of planting was already on the site, however, more landscaping work could be undertaken but would take time to mature.


  • A Member queried whether the proposed lodges were connected to the main drainage for sewage.


Mr Newton advised that the lodges would connect to a drain on Thurlby Road and that there was already a pipe in place that could be connected in to.


  • In response to a Member querying the character of the lodges, Mr Newton confirmed that they were lodges in a high quality park with timber clad units.


Following which, the application was opened for debate.


  • A Member referred to Paragraph 7.27 ‘The development would involve quite minimal excavation works, with no more than 100mm of earth removed to create the bases’ and queried whether the 100mm for excavation of the site would cover everything.


The Deputy Development Manager advised Members that the internal roads and lodge bases would be constructed in accordance with the sections shown on the plan, Condition No. 6 refers.


  • A Member queried whether any information had been received relating to the flooding on Back Lane.  The Deputy Development Manager advised that she was not aware of any, however would check the file.


  • A Member further commented that the conditions would address any problems that had been noted, therefore would be happy to move the application for approval. 


Following which, the application was proposed for approval in line with officer recommendation.


  • A Member queried whether it was possible to have a condition to make sure there was no top water or water spilling down into neighbours’ gardens. The Deputy Development Manager advised that a condition could be added to cover surface water.


Following which, the application was seconded for approval to include the addition of a condition relating to surface water.


Upon being put to the vote for approval, the vote was carried.


Vote:           10 In favour                   0 Against              0 Abstentions 




That Full Planning Permission be approved with the following conditions:




Supporting documents: