Agenda item

Scrutiny Panel Report - To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae's 5-year plan, including Key Performance Indicators (Part Two):

To receive the final report of the Panel.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Ruchira Yarsley, Chairman of the Magna Vitae Scrutiny Panel to the meeting who was in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


Members were referred to the final draft report of the Panel, pages 67 to 88 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member commented that scrutiny groups with newer Councillors could benefit from mentoring to assist with formulating recommendations.  A concern was also raised over the proper maintenance and repair of facilities whereby the Council was incurring great expense for these.  In response, the Scrutiny Panel Chairman advised that unfortunately explanations for each of the recommendations had been removed during revisions which would have aided greater understanding, and whilst ELDC supported Magna Vitae financially it was necessary to obtain the benefits and credit for providing that support.


·       A Member queried the reason for the contract being secured where Magna Vitae would not undertake maintenance   In response, the Scrutiny Panel Chairman advised that the current contract had to be adhered to and that pre-scrutiny could be undertaken before the next contract was agreed.  It was further advised that ELDC had previously supported paying maintenance as it related to capital assets which belonged to the Council and required protection. 


·       A Member sought clarification on the definition of sight tourism and commented that the recommendation for an annual presentation from Magna Vitae was already undertaken, page 82 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Scrutiny Panel Chairman advised that sight tourism occurred when people came to visit areas with beautiful countryside and undertook activities for the benefit of the views and scenery they encountered.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer informed Members that meetings with Magna Vitae had been attended and that they were aware of the report and had been given the opportunity to comment prior to today’s meeting.


·       The Chairman commented on the benefits of new Councillors becoming involved in the scrutiny process and that it was refreshing to see new perspectives.


·       In relation to Recommendation 2, a Member queried who was responsible for communication, page 82 of the Agenda refers.  The Chairman advised that the existing ELDC team was undertaking work on promotion and that Magna Vitae had their own communications and promotions team.  The work ELDC was undertaking aimed to ensure the connection between ELDC’s funding and Magna Vitae was more publicly visible and recognised.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer further advised that ELDC assisted promoting campaigns on behalf of Magna Vitae and the Chairman confirmed that no further funding was required for advertising.


Councillor Graham Marsh as Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction assured Members that there was good lines of communication between ELDC and Magna Vitae.  It was further advised that there was scope to readdress the decision of the maintenance contract in future and that the Council had wanted to ensure its properties were well maintained.   Councillor Marsh concluded that the contract was not expensive in comparison to the benefits in the community and it was important that Councillors shared the same goals when considering future contracts.


The Scrutiny Panel Chairman explained that the communications recommendation was intended to perform similarly to the Members’ Point Brief to ensure all Members were kept informed of the collaborative work ELDC and Magna Vitae had undertaken.  Thanks was given to the Scrutiny and Policy Officer for her assistance throughout the process and it was concluded that a future joint scrutiny would be beneficial.


·       A Member queried statements regarding the Partnership’s vision for the future of health and leisure, page 73 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Chairman advised that a response would be more appropriate outside of the meeting as it related to a Member of staff.


The Chairman thanked the Panel Chair and Members for the good work that had been undertaken.


Following which it was,




  • That the draft report of the ‘To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae’s 5 year plan, including Key Performance Indicators (Part 2) be noted.


  • That Overview Committee recommended the report for consideration at the next Council meeting.


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