Agenda item

Rough Sleeping Intervention Team Annual Report 2022-23:

To receive a report.


Jason Oxby, Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) presented Members with the Rough Sleeping Intervention Team Annual Report 2022-23, pages 75 to 90 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member praised the report and queried the target date which was set by the Government to end rough sleeping by 2025, page 83 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that 23 months to end rough sleeping was a major challenge and the target would aim to halve by 2025, and to end by 2028. It was concluded that the target date was not achievable unless people wanted help and both accommodation and access to services was available.


·       A Member queried if there was a lower age limit in order to qualify for help.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that young people 16 years and under were in a different category and that no-one under 18 years of age should be sleeping rough.  There was a youth housing protocol in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council, and the priority for under 18’s was to provide support to get them back home, with a relative or to support them in independent living accommodation. Anyone with concerns for persons under 18 was recommended to contact the County Council.


·       A Member further queried if there were any shower facilities in Louth for homeless people.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) stated he was not aware of any facilities in Louth and advised that arrangements could be negotiated with other organisations if necessary.


·       The Chairman praised the work by partner organisation Lincs Digital which provided a valuable service which enabled those who were homeless to stay in contact and gain support.  It was confirmed that a copy of the information shared at the Reserved Members Session on Lincs Digital would be distributed in the Members’ Point Brief.


In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that money requested from the homelessness prevention fund was flexible and could also be purposed to provide mobile phones. It was concluded that further opportunities were to be examined in future funding applications in order to support more effective communication.


·       A Member requested assurance that all staff and officers took precautions to ensure their safety and further requested clarification on the term ‘complex needs’.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised Members that staff were supported by risk assessments and regular checks were undertaken to ensure safety.  It was further advised that the term ‘complex needs’ included a vast array of issues and that usually these were multiple issues including mental health and drugs use.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) concluded that all organisations worked in partnership and performed needs assessments on how best to support individuals, particularly those with complex needs.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Better Aging gave thanks to the Rough Sleeping Prevention Team and recognised the difficult circumstances and situations that the Council was faced with. It was reiterated that the safety of the team remained paramount, and this included working closely with Police and PCSO’s to ensure staff safety at all times.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Rough Sleeping Intervention Team Annual Report 2022-23 be noted.


N.B. The Service Manager (Housing & Support Solutions) and Team Leader (Rough Sleeping Prevention) left the Meeting at 12.10pm.

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