Agenda item

Progress update on Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2028:

To receive a report.


Jason Oxby, Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) presented Members with a progress update on the Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2028, pages 91 to 92 of the Agenda refer.


Following an introduction, Members were informed of the progress within East Lindsey and of the priorities and strategies that aimed to increase supply of accommodation, improve access to support through multi-agency working and to enable greater access to mental health services.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member expressed gratitude that mental health was included and focused on in the report, acknowledging that support was very limited in rural areas and needed to be a priority.  It was further queried what was the average time people had stayed in temporary accommodation.


In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that it was critical to get support to people on the street and provide dual diagnosis, for example when people had both mental health and drug misuse issues.  It was confirmed that the duration people stayed in temporary accommodation was extremely variable and depended on individual circumstances.


The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) further advised that additional challenges existed for accommodating large families when housing was not always available through the Social Housing Register.  It was highlighted that single persons, particularly with complex health needs were now in the majority when requiring housing, and there was a significant need for one bedroom accommodation.


·       Referring to the Support Needs Graph, page 82 of the Agenda refers,  a Member queried how people had been able to travel and be diagnosed if the closest place to residents in East Lindsey was Lincoln.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that support was available in Louth and Skegness and people had been visited at hostels.  It was acknowledged that there was always significant pressure across the district to prioritise those with mental health issues and those who were homeless.


·       A Member highlighted examples where people had been housed in unsuitable areas exposing them to further drug related temptation.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that the majority of people who had addictions had not been placed in unsuitable locations although he recognised that it was an issue which depended on individual circumstances.  It was advised that those who were single, under 35 years of age and unemployed experienced the most challenges and that all people were risk assessed to ensure the accommodation was suitable.


·       A Member expressed their appreciation of the report and the support that was being provided having experienced similar issues themselves.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Better Aging further commended the report and assured that a robust strategy was in place for Lincolnshire.  The Council was effectively working in Partnership with County engagement to support the most vulnerable people in the community and solutions were being evidenced which included multi-agency panels and hospital and prison protocols.


·       A Member queried if the Holistic Health for the Homeless Service (HHH) operated in East Lindsey.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) confirmed that the HHH service only operated in Lincoln as it was funded to trial at that location.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the report on the Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022 - 2028 be noted.

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