Agenda item

Review of a Premises Licence:

Report of Group Manager Public Protection.


The Chairman invited the applicant to give an update to the Committee. 


Following which, Mr Grant Shackleston, solicitor for the applicant, addressed Members and informed them that the two parties had reached an agreed approach, subject to Members’ agreement.  Mr Shackleston explained that the balconies, which were situated above his clients’ premises had a capacity limit of 60 people per balcony and the concern was that the balconies were not strong enough and would collapse. He further explained that there was some expert evidence that disagreed with the concern for safety but Environmental Health were still concerned about whether it was safe. 


Mr Shackleston advised that some testing had already taken place by the premises licence holder, which wasn’t to the complete satisfaction of the applicant and his expert.


The two parties advised that they had agreed on a way forward and wanted to put forward a joint application to adjourn the hearing.  This would enable the premises license holder to appoint an expert, to be approved and agreed by the Council, to carry out stress and deflection tests.


The results would then be provided to East Lindsey District Council and if it was accepted that the balconies were safe, then the application for review would be withdrawn. 


Mr Duncan Craig, the Barrister for the premises licence holder, advised that the application for review could not be withdrawn, but if parties agreed that a hearing was no longer necessary then the licensing authority could dispense with the hearing.


Mr Craig commented that the time they were given was used well and gave the parties the opportunity to reach an agreement and agreed that the best thing was to adjourn. 


The Chairman and Members agreed to an adjournment.


Following which it was,




That the Application for Review of a Premises Licence for the premises known as LA Café, 1 Grand Parade, Skegness be adjourned to an indefinite date.


Meeting closed at 11:54am.









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