Agenda item

Scrutiny and Policy Topic Suggestion Forms:

To receive scrutiny topic suggestion forms.



The Chairman informed Members that Topic Suggestion Forms had been received on four topics which included ‘Car Parking in East Lindsey’, ‘Councillors, Constitution and Democracy’, ‘Planning Scrutiny’ and ‘Project Management Analysis’, pages 129 and 136 of the Agenda refer.


Scrutiny Topic - Car Parking in East Lindsey


Members were informed that car parking scrutiny had not been undertaken in several years.  The Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed to Members that a review had previously been undertaken in 2012 and 2016.


Scrutiny Topic - Councillors, Constitution and Democracy


The Chairman advised Members that clearer separation between the responsibilities of the Overview and Audit and Governance Committee was needed and that the Assistant Director (Governance) and Monitoring Officer had provided guidance that the Constitution was the remit of the Audit Governance Committee, pages 131 and 132 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         A Member queried whether a scrutiny panel could be established to report to the Audit and Governance Committee.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that further information was needed on what was permitted by the Constitution.  The Assistant Director – Corporate further advised that the Audit and Governance Committee held a responsibility to ensure the Constitution was fit for purpose through the Constitution Working Group and supported that the proposal fell within the remit of Audit and Governance rather than Overview.  Further to a discussion, it was agreed that more clarity would be requested before the next meeting.


·         A Member commented on the topic being proposed and felt it was a wider topic of concern which was not limited to the remit of the Constitution Working Group.


·         A Member noted that the topic suggestion form stated the proposal was for post decision scrutiny which suggested the Constitution Working Group were required to meet.  It was queried whether this had been agreed with the Audit and Governance Committee.  In response, the Chairman advised that it had not been agreed and that further clarification was needed as to how the topic was suited to Overview rather than Audit and Governance.


·         A Member expressed concern that there was a democratic deficit within the Council and commented that the topic proposal had been intended for a wider group of Councillors to undertake scrutiny compared to the Constitutional Working Group as a sub-group of Audit and Governance Committee which only consisted of three Members.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate informed Members that a constitutional review had been included for this year’s annual delivery plan which would examine constitutional alignment across the three Councils to improve consistency.  Assurance was provided that the Assistant Director (Governance) and Monitoring Officer was committed to progressing the work and ensuring that broader Member engagement was undertaken.  


Scrutiny Topic - Planning Scrutiny


The Chairman advised Members that feedback had been broad and that discussion with the new Head of Planning would assist with creating a more focused and refined submission, page 133 and 134 of the Agenda refer.


A Member commented in support of the topic and agreed that further refinement of the proposal would be beneficial.


Scrutiny Topic - Project Management Analysis


The Chairman advised Members that the proposal on Project Management Analysis was a good opportunity to examine the effectiveness of project management changes that had recently occurred.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




·         That the scoping documents for Car Parking in East Lindsey and Project Management Analysis be approved.


·         That additional information be provided for the topics of Councillors, Constitution and Democracy and Planning Scrutiny which would be brought back to next Meeting for further consideration.


Supporting documents: