Agenda item

Joint Scrutiny of the S&ELCP Healthy Living Action Plan:

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Councillor Edginton as Chairman of the Healthy Living Action Plan Scrutiny Panel provided Members with an update on the recommendations being put forward following the joint Scrutiny Task & Finish Group’s review of the Healthy Living Action Plan which was being monitored and updated by the S&ELCP Healthy Living Board following approval of a county wide Health and Wellbeing Strategy, pages 81 to 126 of the Agenda refer.


Councillor Gray as Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging spoke in support of the report and advised Members that recommendations had been brought forward from the Healthy Living Delivery Plan which referenced important issues which included obesity and child obesity.  It was further advised that the Campus for Future Living in Mablethorpe was a key project which aimed to provide innovations with medical technology and research and bring together a range of partners in health, academia, housing and the voluntary sector.  The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging confirmed to Members that a preferred operator for the Campus for Future Living from Community Trust groups in the area was to be announced before a report was presented to the Council.


The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging further informed Members that the Healthy Living Board had proven significantly valuable for the Partnership Councils and had brought together a range of partners for the benefit of residents and the community.   


Roxanne Warrick, the Healthy Living Strategic Lead provided Members with a background to the work which had brought about ELDC’s adoption of a county wide and district led Health and Wellbeing Plan and was satisfied that the recommendations of the Joint Scrutiny Panel had focused on prevention initiatives.


The Chairman of the Healthy Living Action Plan Scrutiny Panel endorsed the report and its recommendations and provided thanks to the Healthy Living Strategic Lead for her input.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         The Chairman queried the timeline for expecting a progress report.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging advised Members that it was his expectation to provide an update in six months’ time and that senior health partners had been taking an active interest in the work being undertaken.


·         A Member spoke in support of an update being provided to the Overview Committee in six months’ time.


·         The Chairman queried whether the Joint Scrutiny Report was being presented to full Council.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the report would progress through the three Partnership authorities before being presented to Council. 


·         A Member further queried whether ELDC were the last of the Partnership Council’s to receive the report.  In response, the Healthy Living Strategic Lead confirmed that the report had already been presented to the two other Councils.


At this point in the Meeting, Councillor Watson declared an interest stating that he was an ELDC representative on the Board of Magna Vitae, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on the item.


·         A Member expressed disappointment with the statement that ELDC had a Funding and Management Agreement with Magna Vitae to 2039 as this had been partially terminated and would no longer benefit the community by helping to introduce them to exercise and leisure, page 91 of the Agenda refers. 


·         A Member referenced the delays that had occurred for the new leisure centre at Mablethorpe and stated expectations for Magna Vitae to bid for the tender to enable the actions of the Healthy Living Action Plan to be fulfilled.


·         A Member further commented that encouraging people to be more active and engage in sport by making use of green spaces was a valuable opportunity and that funding considerations were necessary to install equipment and ensure facilities were maintained.


·         A Member commented on the value of using beaches as yellow spaces for encouraging exercise.


·         The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging reminded Members that many green spaces on housing estates were not owned by ELDC and were managed by housing groups that limited activity on them which included no ball games.  It was further advised that support needed to be gained for mitigation measures which would enable these locations to support this type of exercise and not prohibit it. 


·         The Chairman welcomed updates on future progress and supported the inclusion of beaches for places to encourage people to be active.


Following which it was,




That the Joint Scrutiny of the S&ELCP Healthy Living Action Plan be noted and the associated recommendations agreed.


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