Agenda item

Update on Heritage Appraisals:

To receive an update from the Place Manager - Economic Growth.


The Chairman welcomed Jeffery Kenyon, Place Manager - Economic Growth and Councillor Wendy Bowkett in her role as Heritage Champion to provide Members with an update on Heritage Appraisals.


The Place Manager – Economic Growth explained to Members that his role was to work alongside the Heritage Manager within the economic growth service and that his team undertook work on other projects such as the Levelling Up Fund, visitor economy and tourism.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth further advised Members that the Heritage Manager was currently on maternity leave and had provided detailed instructions for progressing the Conservation Area appraisals for Spilsby, Horncastle, Alford and Wainfleet.  It was further confirmed that Heritage appraisals for Spilsby and Horncastle had been drafted and that the appraisals for Alford and Wainfleet were currently in progress.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth further advised Members that the public consultation was expected to take place during June or July 2024 and a timeline had been envisioned for adoption to occur in September 2024 when the Heritage Manager returned.


The Place Manager – Economic Growth continued to provide Members with an update on conservation area leaflets and confirmed that the leaflets were being finalised before being uploaded to the website in the coming weeks.  It was further advised that the project had been jointly undertaken with the planning service as the Heritage Manager sat across both service areas.


N.B. Councillor Mossop joined the Meeting at 10.05am.


The Heritage Champion provided Members with an update on Heritage Trails and on a booklet that had been produced for walking routes around Wainfleet.  Members were advised that the Wainfleet Heritage Trail would be launched on the 26th May 2024 with the reopening of the museum and that all were welcome to attend and familiarise themselves with the wonderful heritage Wainfleet had to offer.  


The Chairman commented that similar methods to promote heritage had been used in Horncastle where interpretation boards had been installed.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         The Chairman requested whether a timeline was available for consultations with Parish Councils.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth advised Members that a timeline was not yet available as the proposals were still in draft.  It was further advised that the Heritage Manager had intended to carry out an informal consultation with Parish Councils and local ward Members in May 2024 before the formal consultation was undertaken in either June or July 2024.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth reassured Members that there was plenty of time to participate and raise awareness of the consultation.


·         A Member queried if any indications had been provided for additional conservations areas to be included in the appraisals.  In response, the Place Manager – Economic Growth advised Members that clarification would be obtained from Heritage Lincolnshire.


·         The Chairman commented on the number of conservation areas in East Lindsey and appreciated the work being undertaken.  In response, the Heritage Champion advised Members that greater public awareness of conservation areas was needed.


·         A Member queried the arrangements in place for raising heritage questions and concerns whilst the Heritage Manager was on leave.  In response, the Place Manager – Economic Growth advised Members that he was the best person to contact in the interim period and further support could be obtained through Heritage Lincolnshire. 


N.B. Councillor Watson joined the Meeting at 10.14am.


No further comments or questions were received.


The Chairman thanked Jeffery Kenyon and Councillor Wendy Bowkett for attending the meeting and providing an informative update.


N.B. Place Manager - Economic Growth and Heritage Champion left the Meeting at 10.15am.