Agenda item


N/092/02375/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number.  (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).


Applicant:                          KCS Development Ltd


Location:                           Land South of, Chestnut Drive Louth


Recommendation:              Approval with Conditions


Officer:                              Lindsey Stuart



Application Type:         Outline Planning Permission


Proposal:                     Outline Planning Permission - erection of up to 50no. dwellings and associated infrastructure (with means of access, landscaping and layout to be considered).


Location:                      LAND SOUTH OF, CHESTNUT DRIVE, LOUTH


Applicant:                    KCS Development Ltd


Members received an application for Outline Planning Permission –

Erection of up to 50no. dwellings and associated infrastructure (with

means of access, landscaping and layout to be considered) at land South

of Chestnut Drive, Louth.


The application was the subject of local concern and a call-in request by Ward Member Councillor Edward Mossop. The request was on the grounds that 'the site is not allocated in the ELDC Local Plan for Louth/Keddington and as such is a windfall site.  The site has been described as 'infill' by the applicants.  However, looking at the allocated sites in the Settlement proposals, it sits between the two sites LO311 and LO326 (or5) creating a pleasant block of open space on the edge of the settlement adding to the more rural, edge of town feel to Park Row.  The windfall site is for 50 houses which is considerably large and would merit it being considered as an allocated site in the future given proper consultation through the process given to a revised Local Plan.  Objections from neighbouring new-build properties describe the problems that have occurred since their completion such as waterlogged gardens and poor mains foul water drainage.  Objection from Louth Town Council.  There is no Keddington Parish meeting.  Until boundary changes take place, the properties will benefit from Louth Town Council services without any contributions from the residents through their Council Tax.  This renders the application premature'.


The main planning issues were considered to be:


  • Principle of the Development in Terms of Sustainability.
  • Impact of the Development on the Character of Area.
  • Impact of the Development on the Amenity of the


  • Highway Safety and Capacity.
  • Flood Risk and Drainage.
  • Ecology.
  • Impact of the Development on Local Health and

Education Services.

  • Contamination.


Members were referred to the additional information contained on pages 1 to 2 of the Supplementary Agenda.  


Lindsey Stuart, Senior Planning Officer, detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, pages 39 to 40 of the report refer.


Mr Nick Pleasant (Agent) spoke in support of the development.


Councillor Paul Starsmore, Louth Town Council, spoke in objection to the application.


Councillors Ros Jackson and Edward Mossop spoke as Ward Members.


Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.


-      A Member queried whether Park Row was an adopted road.  Councillor Starsmore advised that he did not believe it was and commented that with the increase of footfall there was concern with regards to who was going to maintain the road.


-      Following a query with regards to the footpath recommended by LCC Highways, Members were referred to pages 49 to 50 of the Agenda.  The Senior Planning Officer advised Members that it was not possible to view this area on Google Maps as it was too far away from the development and the ground was in an unreasonable condition.

-      A Member queried whether a reduction in the number of houses on the development would help the potential pressures to services in the area.  Councillor Mossop informed Members that he believed it would help as it was the last area of open space in that part of the town to be developed.


-      It was queried whether Anglian Water was aware of the costs involved to install the infrastructure that was required at the treatment works due to the waste not going to the Louth Water Recycling Centre.  Mr Pleasant informed Members that Anglian Water would ensure that the waste water works were upgraded.


-      A Member queried whether the viability of the project would be affected by reducing the housing density.  Mr Pleasant commented that he did not consider that it was a particularly dense scheme as there was quite a lot of green space. 


Following which, the application was opened for debate. 


-      Members discussed their concerns with Anglian Water and also that the Environment Agency had originally objected to the proposal regarding the capacity at Louth Water Recycling Centre.  In response, the Legal Representative advised Members that they had to assume that any other statutory regimes would work as directed in the NPPF and this was outside of the Council’s planning regime.


-      Further discussions were held in relation to Park Row and whether the road was adopted as there was some confusion relating to pedestrian access and whether residents would be responsible to pay for any repairs. 


-      Members raised concerns with regards to the number of houses on the application and issues with the single access point.


-      A Member commented that the Committee should not be discussing small irrelevant issues.  It was highlighted  that  Anglian Water had a statutory duty with regards to infrastructure, Lincolnshire Highways had cited no objections to the application, there would be S106 payments for the provision of NHS services and education and there would be provision for 30% of affordable homes.


Following which, the application was proposed and seconded for approval in line with officer recommendation.


As there was uncertainty relating to Park Row and whether the road was adopted or not, officers highlighted that Members could consider a deferral to allow discussions with Lincolnshire County Council and the applicant.


Following which, the application was proposed and seconded for deferral to allow officers to confirm the status of Park Row and to then report back to Members for full consideration of the application to resume.


Upon being put to the vote for deferral, the vote was carried.


Vote:        12 In favour           0 Against              0 Abstention 




That the item be deferred in order to obtain further information on the road that ran along Park Row.


N.B. The Committee broke for a comfort break at 12:10pm and reconvened at 12:15pm.


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