Agenda item

Scrutiny Panel Report - Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey:

To review the final report of the Panel.


The Chairman introduced the final draft report from the Scrutiny Panel on Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey and informed Members that amendments had been made to the report following recommendations agreed at the previous Meeting, pages 53 to 80 of the Agenda refer.


Councillor Foster as Portfolio Holder for Operational Services informed Members that the DANFO contract for the public conveniences ended on 1st April 2024 and that Healthmatic was the new supplier for facilities on the coast and had been included in a second round of interest for maintaining the Council’s inland toilets.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services further advised Members that following the last Council Meeting, funds had been provided to refurbish facilities where there had been interest from Parish Councils to make them more attractive for an asset transfer to occur.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services further confirmed that the Council was working with Healthmatic to determine innovative ways of improving the remaining toilet facilities and to consider disposal of those with high maintenance costs or those that were highly vandalised.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         A Member expressed disappointment that installing pay toilet facilities in inland areas was not fully considered and commented that places with high seasonal footfall were strong candidates for income generation.


·         A Member further commented that public conveniences should remain the Council’s property and not be transferred to Parish Councils. 


·         The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services advised Members that some of the toilets were not viable to have pay facilities installed when considering disabled access and that installing pay gates needed to be cost effective for the maintenance contractors and the Council.  Assurance was provided that the Council would maintain ownership of the public conveniences where there was no interest for an asset transfer.


·         A Member of the Scrutiny Panel commented that it was important to acknowledge the significant cost of installing pay gates and that tremendous footfall was needed to recoup the expenditure. 


·         A Member further commented on the need to consider interest from town and parish councils for asset transfers and supported the plans for returning the toilets to a good working standard.   


·         The Chairman recollected a time when ELDC had more than 70 toilet blocks to maintain and inspect compared to the current number of toilets being maintained by the Council.


·         A Member queried whether a seamless transition between DANFO and Healthmatic had occurred for the toilet facilities at the coast.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services confirmed that a changeover had taken place on 1st April 2024 and that an issue had been experienced due to the transition between winter and summer opening hours which had resulted in the toilets being closed earlier over the bank holiday weekend.  Members were reassured that future contract changeovers would have provisions in place to ensure there was no impact on the facilities or users.


·         The Chairman queried the date for which the Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey Report was being presented to Council.


The Chairman thanked the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services and the Scrutiny Panel for their contribution.


Following which it was,




  • That the draft report of the ‘Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’ Scrutiny Panel be noted.


  • That Overview Committee recommended the report for consideration at the next Council meeting.


N.B. Councillor Billy Brookes and the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services left the Meeting at 11.30 am.


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