Agenda item

Partnership Engagement Pledge:

To receive a report from the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement.


The Chairman welcomed Shaun Gibbons, Group Manager – Communications and Engagement to provide Members with an update on the Partnership Engagement Pledge, pages 37 to 46 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Partnership Engagement Pledge was a continuation of last year’s Partnership Communication Strategy following a peer review recommendation to strengthen residents voices when informing on future service delivery.  The Group Manager – Communications and Engagement further advised Members that the corporate approach was focused on engagement and consultation work and that the pledge set out broad principles on how each of the Partnership Councils would approach engagement.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


N.B. Councillor Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging joined the Meeting at 10.05am


·         In relation to engagement, a Member queried the Council’s ability to reach different demographics when East Lindsey covered such a large rural area and in consideration of people who did not have internet access.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement provided an example of consultation undertaken in South Holland to reassure Members that every avenue was utilised to ensure that the engagement and consultation process was fully inclusive and considered all demographics. 


The Group Manager – Communications and Engagement assured Members that the Partnership did not focus on a digital only or digital first engagement process and were utilising other methods including printed leaflets and letters to ensure that everyone’s views were captured.


·         A Member commented on the high holiday maker population that lived in East Lindsey for a portion of the year and emphasised the importance of including seasonal residents in any consultations.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement provided assurance that all residents would be considered in the forthcoming engagement processes. 


·         A Member spoke in support of the Partnership Engagement Pledge and felt that ELDC did not have a strong track record of consulting and engaging with communities and commented there were lessons to be learned with examples such as the Sutton-on-Sea Colonnade Project.


·         A Member further queried whether more specific and detailed information could be included with the pledge such as an explanation of what constituted a community leader, page 45 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement supported the points raised on the broader principles of engagement and confirmed that the suggestion for greater detail would be taken forward.


·         A Member queried initiatives and support for Community Reference Groups.


·         Referring to the statement on Proactive Outreach that ‘in some cases, we will also work alongside community leaders and champions’, a Member commented that the wording was not forceful enough and that the phrasing ‘we will work alongside community leaders and champions’ created greater effect, page 45 of the Agenda refers.


·         A Member further expressed that there was a need for greater Council engagement at events and spoke in support of the new policy on engagement to provide clearer guidance on the Council’s commitments.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement assured Members that the pledge’s ultimate goal was to strengthen engagement and confirmed that the wider communication strategy was available to view on the Partnership website.


·         Commenting on the additional levels of government that were being created through the Devolution deal, a Member queried if Councils had a duty to consult and engage with residents on decisions made by other Councils or public bodies.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement advised Members that a framework had been devised for the combined authority in a shadow form and work was continuing on a case by case basis.  It was further advised by the Assistant Director – Corporate that a combined mayoral authority would require each Council to participate in consultations and the Council’s role was to support and promote the new mayoral authority.  


No further comments or questions were received.


The Chairman thanked the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement for his report.


Following which it was,




That the Draft Partnership Engagement Pledge be noted and presented to the Executive Board for approval.


N.B. The Group Manager – Communications and Engagement left the Meeting at 10.33 am.


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