Agenda item

Workforce Terms and Conditions alignment across the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership:

To consider a report to bring forward the process for aligning Terms and Conditions and to agree to commence delivery.


TheLeader of the Council presented a report that sought approval to bring forward the process for aligning workforce Terms and Conditions across the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) and to agree to commence delivery, pages 177 to 184 of the Agenda refer.


The background to the report was highlighted to Members, as set out at Section 1, page 178 of the Agenda refers.


Members were informed that the Business Case approved by the Councils when the SELCP formed identified the opportunity to align workforce Terms and Conditions across the Partnership.  This was also identified as being important in the findings of the Partnership’s LGA Peer Review and the Partnership’s 2023 joint scrutiny.  The alignment of Terms and Conditions, as far as possible, was an identified action in the 2024/25 approved Partnership Alignment and Delivery Plan.


The report bought forward a process for moving towards greater alignment. To facilitate this programme of activity there would be a number of workforce and union consultations required due to the complexity of existing Terms and Conditions.


Members were referred to the table at Section 2.4 which set out the Terms and Conditions likely to be aligned in Phase 1, which would commence in June/July 2024 and were requested to consider approving the recommendations. 


Following which the recommendations were duly Proposed and Seconded.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders considered that terms and conditions of employment went hand in hand with equality of pay and queried why the alignment of pay structure could not be undertaken in a timelier fashion to make these issues equal across the Partnership.


The Chief Executive confirmed that a two-year timeframe to take forward the alignment of pay across the Partnership had been agreed at the last Council Meeting, with an update back to Council in 12 months’ time, Minute No. 101 refers.  It was highlighted that it was a significant issue to consult with staff, however before this was possible the job evaluation scheme needed to be aligned and it was anticipated that the delay for challenge on this was likely to be engagement with the unions.  Therefore, to provide some assurance the approach currently being taken was to break down the work and this would be presented to Council in phases to demonstrate that progress was being made.


N.B.  At this point in the Meeting, Councillor George Horton asked it be noted that a family member was employed by the Council.


Councillor Leonard commented that the word ‘similar’ had been used regularly during the presentation of the report and queried what was dissimilar between the three councils in the Partnership and how this manifested between them.


In response, the Leader of the Council recognised that the alignment of workforce terms and conditions across the Partnership was a significant and difficult piece of work that needed to be done properly.  All comments received during the process were understood and the seriousness of this piece of work was fully recognised and understood.  However, it was highlighted that the work needed to start in a consistent and methodical way, taking professional advice from HR and consulting with the unions.  There was a full intention with the partner councils to ensure that the terms and conditions were aligned and for the pay issue to be dealt with as well.


Upon being put to the vote, it was




(a)  That the Head of Paid Service be delegated authority to:


1)    Review, determine phasing, and undertake consultation(s) on revised workforce Terms and Conditions of employment to seek greater alignment across the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, subject to financial thresholds; and


2) Implement revised Terms and Conditions after each phase.


(b)     That following completion of the consultation(s), the Head of Paid Service be delegated authority to revise HR policies as might be required to facilitate alignment.

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