Agenda item


N/105/01409/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number.  (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).


Applicant:                          Wm Morrison Supermarkets Ltd


Location:                           Morrisons Supermarket, 156-158 Eastgate, Louth


Recommendation:              Approval with Conditions


Officer:                              Michelle Walker



Application Type:         Full Planning Permission


Proposal:                     Planning Permission - Demolition of existing foodstore and redevelopment of site to provide larger, new replacement foodstore with associated accesses, parking and servicing arrangements.


Location:                      MORRISONS SUPERMARKET, 156-158 EASTGATE, LOUTH, LN11 9AB


Applicant:                    Wm Morrison Supermarkets Ltd


Members received an application for Full Planning Permission – Demolition

of existing foodstore and redevelopment of site to provide larger, new

replacement foodstore with associated accesses, parking and servicing

arrangements at Morisons Supermarket, 156-158 Eastgate, Louth, LN11



It was a major proposal which had attracted a great deal of public interest.


The main planning issues were considered to be:


  • Principle
  • Retail impact
  • Demolition, Design and Heritage
  • Residential amenities
  • Noise
  • Highways
  • Contamination/Air Quality/Lighting
  • Drainage

·       Ecology and landscape


Members were referred to the additional information contained on pages 1 to 2 of the Supplementary Agenda.


Michelle Walker, Deputy Development Manager, detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, pages 13 to 16 of the report refer.


Mr Chris Creighton spoke in support of the application.


Ms Angela Southwood spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor Paul Starsmore, Louth Town Council, spoke in support of the application.


Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.


-      A Member queried whether an optimum standard had been taken into consideration with the tactile paving and whether disabled EV charging points was something that could be looked at.

Mr Creighton responded that the tactile paving was suggested by the Highways Authority and that is what they had agreed to and with regards to the EV charging points, they would be able to look at the plan to see if they could use one of the four charging bays for disabled users.


-      A Member further queried whether Mr Creighton would be willing to go one step further with good practice rather than minimum standards and he responded that he would need to check.


-      When asked whether Ms Southwood was currently impacted by the noise from the supermarket, she replied that she was and could hear the noise of the lorries.


A Member queried whether any consideration had been given to lowering the site instead of raising it.  Mr Creighton advised that was a challenging site and consideration had been given to different access options.


-      Following a query from a Member with regards to what sort of screening would be placed around the sprinklers, Mr Creighton explained why the sprinklers were required and the location that had been chosen was the most suitable one as it would have the least impact on the area.  He further advised that planting and fencing would help to screen the sprinklers.


-      Following a query on bio-diversity net gain and the fact there was no pond detailed during the presentation, Mr Creighton advised there was a loss of bio diversity on site to be compensated by putting in extra planting and landscaping and a small pond on the Eastgate side to help with bio diversity.


Following which, the application was open for debate.


-      A Member queried whether the noise measuring equipment that was mentioned in condition 19, page 59 of the report refers, was going to be installed in the nearest house to the store and the Deputy Development Manager advised that the equipment in the neighbouring property was necessary in order for Morrisons to monitor the noise levels but it would not be there permanently.


-      In response to a query from a Member on the bio diversity net gain not being achieved on the application, the Deputy Development Manager advised Members that the application came in before bio diversity net gain became mandatory. 


-      A Member commented on the organisation required to keep the existing store open whilst building work for the new store was taking place on and the accompanying clever travel plan.


Following which, the application was proposed and seconded in line with officer recommendation.


Upon being put to the vote for approval, the vote was carried


Vote:           10 In favour          0 Against              0 Abstention




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:

Supporting documents: