Agenda item


S/216/01142/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number.  (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).


Applicant:                          Mrs R Martin


Location:                           Land South of Millbrook Lane, Wragby


Recommendation:              Approval with Conditions


Officer:                              Jane Baker



Application Type:         Full Planning Permission


Proposal:                     Planning Permission - Erection of 171no. dwellings and construction of internal access roads with associated car parking, open space, landscaping and infrastructure.


Location:                      LAND SOUTH OF MILLBROOK LANE, WRAGBY, LN8 5AB


Applicant:                    Mrs R Martin


Members received an application for Full Planning Permission – Erection of

171no. dwellings and construction of internal access roads with associated

car parking, open space, landscaping and infrastructure at Land South of

Millbrook Lane, Wragby, LN8 5AB.


The application was referred to Planning Committee due to the proposal being a departure from the Development Plan by virtue of the proposed housing development being partly on land allocated for employment use in the East Lindsey Local Plan.  Furthermore the application was for a sizeable housing development on a gateway site into Wragby and a number of local objections had been received to the proposal.


The main planning issues were considered to be:


·       Principle of development, including loss of employment

land having regard to local and national policy;

·       Design of scheme and impact on character of area;

·       Impact on neighbour amenity;

·       Highway and pedestrian safety;

·       Drainage;

·       Affordable housing and other contributions;

·       Ecology;

·       Play and open space provision;

·       Other matters


Members were referred to the additional information contained on pages 2 to 9 of the Supplementary Agenda.


Jane Baker, Senior Planning Officer, detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, pages 63 to 64 of the report refer.


Mrs Rachael Martin (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.


Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.


-      When asked what Mrs Martin would say to the residents of Wragby who considered they had been short-changed with regards to the contributions, Mrs Martin responded that the viability scheme had been submitted to Planning Officer’s and they had agreed on the amount of contributions.


-      A Member commented that the development was plain looking with a lack of chimneys and queried whether chimneys could be added to which Mrs Martin responded that the design had already been discussed in great detail so that would not be possible. 


-      Following a query from a Member, Mrs Martin confirmed that all front doors would have mid-level letter boxes.


Following which, the application was open for debate.


-      Following a query from a Member with regards to the comments from consultees, page 2 of the supplementary agenda refers, the Development Management Lead Officer advised Members that Lincolnshire County Council was a key consultee especially on technical matters and that it was rare that they would go against their recommendation.  He also commented that, with regards to the mitigation that had been requested for education and the NHS, that was something they would normally seek to secure and that they were credible and reasonable requests for the development.  Members were informed that development of the site had been left for a number of years, so the delivery of the proposed development was beneficial.


Following which, the application was proposed and seconded for approval in line with officer recommendation.


-      A Member commented that there were concerns from the Parish Council and queried whether enough landscaping had been proposed to which the Senior Planning Officer advised that there was a high acoustic fence already in place and the current landscaping would remain.


Upon being put to the vote for approval, the vote was carried


Vote:           10 In favour          1 Against              0 Abstention




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


N.B. Councillor Sam Kemp left the meeting at 12.53pm.


N.B. The Committee broke for a comfort break at 12.53pm and reconvened at 12.57pm.


Supporting documents: