Agenda item

Scrutiny Panel Report - Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey:

To consider a Scrutiny Report.


Councillor Stef Bristow, Chairman of the ‘Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’ Scrutiny Panel presented the report to Council for noting.


During her introduction, Councillor Bristow extended her thanks to officers, the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services and to the dedicated Panel Members for their time and input into the scrutiny.


The recommendations were detailed at page 132 of the Agenda pack.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


Councillor Jackson stated that there was an assumption in the recommendations that would divest the toilet facilities to town and parish councils.  However, it was highlighted that whilst there may be a need to make a hard decision to save money in the future, the Council was not in the position to make drastic cuts at this time and a reduction in toilet provision would impact on the district’s tourism.


Councillor Fiona Martin thanked Councillor Bristow for chairing the Panel and highlighted to Members the history of the Council’s provision of public toilets over the last 30 years.  Whilst it was considered important to review toilet provision and was a step forward, it was acknowledged that this would be a long journey.


Councillor Wendy Bowkett thanked Councillor Bristow for the report and stated that Wainfleet Town Council was not in a position to take on the toilets, partly due to the amount of vandalism, however, was interested in the offer of storage.


Councillor Graham Marsh informed Members that Alford Town Council made the decision to take on the toilets a number of years ago with positive outcomes.  He stated that he was disappointed to hear that other town and parish councils were reluctant to consider this and concluded that the District Council should work in closer partnership with the town and parish councils to encourage them to do the same. 


Councillor Tom Ashton thanked Councillor Bristow for the report, having been involved in a scrutiny panel on toilet provision in 2017.  He welcomed the recommendations and stated that he would be interested in discussions with town and parish councils, although recognised that this was a burden which was out of proportion for what some town and parishes could manage financially.


Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders commented that there had been a lot of discussion on the radio recently regarding separate male and female toilets which was the current government guidance and was perturbed that unisex toilets were being considered.  It was highlighted that dignity and privacy was an important issue and some people, particularly the vulnerable may feel threatened.


Councillor Martin Foster, Portfolio Holder for Operational Services echoed his thanks to the Panel Members and officers involved with the scrutiny and acknowledged that it was an emotive subject.


In response to Councillor Jackson’s comment on the transfer of assets, Councillor Foster highlighted that money had been identified to refurbish some of the inland toilets and facilities, following which town and parishes would be approached to see if the Council could look at a further round of asset transfer.  It was highlighted to Members that this linked to the ‘Pride in Place’ Mission as outlined in the Government’s Levelling Up White Paper.


Councillor Foster acknowledged the cost of maintenance and repairs to toilets vandalised in towns and villages across the district and understood why some of the town and parish councils would not consider an asset transfer of the toilets in their current condition.  Members were advised that a meeting was to be convened with officers and Healthmatic who had recently taken on the facilities on the coastal stretch to look at different ways of repurposing some of these toilets and with an assurance that wherever possible, the Council did not intend to close them.


Councillor Bristow clarified that in relation to the unisex toilets, it was a toilet with one door on entry to the facility, therefore only one person would be able to access at a time.


No further comments or questions were received.




That the report be noted.

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