Agenda item

Leader's Report:

Report of the Chairman of Executive Board.


The Leader of the Council presented Members with his report, pages 79 to 82 of the Agenda refer.


Following which, questions and comments were put forward as follows:


Towns Fund Update


Councillor Marnoch welcomed the Towns Fund update, in particular for the Station Sports Leisure and Learning Centre at Mablethorpe.  A progress report was requested on works in the War Memorial area.


In response, the Leader of the Council advised he would seek clarification on this matter.


Councillor Watson referred to the work on the erection of the steel frame for the Colonnade that had commenced in early May 2024.  Clarification was sought on whether the structure would remain known as the Colonnade as both himself and Councillor Bristow had been contacted for the local communities to be able to put forward suggestions, with a public vote to be held.  Councillor Watson supported this and considered it was important for the new structure to have a firm identity.


In response, the Leader of the Council advised he was not aware that suggestions for names for the new structure had come forward but would seek a response for this matter.


Councillor Kirk referred to the new college in Skegness that had received £15m of Towns Funding and was pleased to hear that there would be fantastic training opportunities for both young and older age groups without them having to travel to Boston or Grimsby.


In response, the Leader apologised for the omission of the college in his report and advised Members he had attended the topping out ceremony and stated that the college was a fantastic development for Skegness and the surrounding district.


Lincolnshire Wolds Outdoor Festival 11th-27th May


Councillor Arnold was pleased to see the different events listings which were very important to the economy, however it was highlighted that there were many more events taking place over the coming months, for example the SO Festival which must be adequately publicised.


In response, the Leader of the Council stated that it was important to include particular events in his report due to the commitment and funding required.  He advised that there would be a wider communication for events, including the SO Festival by Magna Vitae.


Louth Food and Drink Festival 29th September


Councillor Leonard highlighted that the report stated exhibitors had been encouraged to come forward and queried whether there had been less interest from exhibitors than expected to date.


In response, the Leader of the Council highlighted that his report was full of good news stories and the Food and Drink Festival was a fantastic opportunity for Louth with officers working hard to make it a successful event.


Arts Council England (ACE) National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) Funding 24/25


Councillor Watson thanked the Leader for highlighting the events taking place in Sutton on Sea.


Conservation Area Appraisals


Councillor Makinson-Sanders stated that she was disappointed with the update and highlighted that Louth Town Centre was deemed as ‘at risk’ by English Heritage and had been so since the Louth Town Plan was created in 2009.


In response, the Leader of the Council stated that the Council was now in a position to take steps to address this and referred to the various schemes, for example the shop front grant scheme that was available.  However, it was acknowledged that direct action was needed from a conservation enforcement point of view and he would raise this as an issue with Portfolio Holders and officers.


Organisational Development


Councillor Makinson-Sanders stated that she was concerned that events were taking place in Boston and highlighted the distance that people from East Lindsey were required to travel.  It was highlighted that there was a lot of talent in the north of the district and future events should be equally placed.


In response, the Leader of the Council highlighted that some locations attracted certain events, however he recognised that an effort should be made to hold events in locations further and wider and would take the comments on board.




Councillor Ros Jackson offered her congratulations to those across the Partnership who had been shortlisted for the Greater Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Champion Awards 2024 and asked for an update on the winners.


In response, the Leader of the Council advised that he would circulate this information to Members.


Councillor Jackson further requested that Members be kept updated on major plans that impacted on the authority, for example the project for pylons from Grimsby to Walpole and the matter of unreasonable behaviour that had taken its toll on staff. 


In response, the Leader of the Council stated that he had made a clear statement on the pylons issue and would continue to update Members on other infrastructure matters as they came forward and if appropriate and timely, would use this forum to provide any updates.


With regards to the Unreasonable Behaviour report, the Leader of the Council advised Members that the Unreasonable Behaviour Policy had been approved by Executive Board and a copy of the report would be shared with all Members as it was significant and important.  Councillor Makinson-Sanders as a Director of PSPS Limited advised Members that she had written to PSPS in relation to concerns over staff abuse and this had been fully discussed at the PSPS Board Meeting on 20 May 2024.  It was further stressed that the report covered all three councils across the Partnership and not just ELDC and training had been put in place to address this.


Councillor Simpson queried whether the recently appointed Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure could deliver a presentation to ELDC Members to set out his remit and vision for across the district.


In response, the Leader of the Council advised that there had been a discussion at the Leaders’ Meeting to introduce the Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure to towns, parishes and councillor groups and his outlook for the district was refreshing.


Councillor Simpson further highlighted that there was still a poor response to emails from officers, despite this being brought to the attention of the Chief Executive and considered that this needed addressing as it was disrespectful.


In response, the Leader of the Council advised that this had been raised with the relevant Portfolio Holder and the Chief Executive.


Councillor Hesketh highlighted that there had been no further update on the Council’s partnership with Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) or the Test of Public Support.


In response, the Leader of the Council stated he was happy to provide a full update on the NWS Community Partnership work.  He highlighted that the recent Community Partnership meetings had not delivered a lot to be retold, however he would bring a full update to the next Council Meeting to ensure Councillors were aware of the issues to be faced and what progress had been made.  It was further highlighted that there was an advert out for a permanent Chairman of the Community Partnership.

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