Agenda item


Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024


Action No. 112 – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 23 January 2024


Action No. 73 – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 103 – ‘Update on Heritage Appraisals’ from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024, page 23 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried the role of Place Manager being responsible for conservation in the Heritage Manager’s absence and requested that a more detailed update should be provided, in particular for Louth as it was a Conservation Area where the town centre was classified as being at risk.


The Chairman acknowledged that a specific timescale for the conservation area consultation had not been provided and that parish councils were awaiting information.  In response, Councillor Tom Ashton as Portfolio Holder for Planning advised Members that he would personally seek an update on the conservation areas consultation and that he was keen for additional areas to be assessed.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the heritage appraisals action was to remain open for future updates.


Action No. 112 – ‘Scrutiny and Policy topic suggestion forms’ from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024, page 23 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer informed Members that further clarification had been provided by the Monitoring Officer which confirmed that scrutiny of the Council’s Constitution was work for the Audit & Governance Committee to undertake through the Constitution Working Group.  In undertaking the task, the working group could ask for the support of the Overview Committee.


A Member highlighted that the topic put forward on ‘Councillors, Constitution and Democracy’ aimed to address a democratic deficit within the Council and was intended to examine the Council’s approaches rather than changing the Constitution.  Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the topic suggestion would be revisited to ensure there was no conflict with the role of the Constitution Working Group.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer reminded Members that the Constitution Working Group’s role was to ensure the Constitution was fit for purpose.


Action No. 73 – ‘Review of the use of planning conditions’ from the Meeting held on 23 January 2024, page 24 of the Agenda refers.


The Chairman informed Members that the Enforcement Service Manager was present at today’s meeting to provide an update for Agenda Item 5.


A Member commented that further training on planning enforcement would be well received and beneficial for all Council Members.


Action No. 66 – ‘To outline a proposed Protocol on the use of Community Reserve to provide loans to Parish Councils for capital works’ from the Meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 24 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer clarified to Members that the report presented to Executive Board on 8th May 2024 had been put forward to agree funding and that a more detailed protocol was being developed.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the protocol on the use of the Community Reserve action was to remain open for future updates.

Supporting documents: