Agenda item

Towns Fund Projects Update:

To receive a verbal update from the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery.


The Chairman welcomed Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery to provide Members with an update on Towns Fund Projects.


Members received a presentation (a copy is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes).


The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery informed Members that £50 million in funding had been received for Towns Fund projects in Mablethorpe and Skegness which consisted of twelve schemes and six of those schemes were being delivered internally by the Council.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project


·       A Member commented on issues with the previous structure where metal had rusted within concrete and queried what measures were in place to prevent this reoccurring in the future.


·       A Member further commented that the previous structure had been built after the flood of 1953 and that modern modular steel buildings were entirely different in construction.


·       A Member queried whether the Colonnade development was utilising self-cleaning glass.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed that further information would be obtained and brought back to the Committee.


·       A Member expressed support for the official naming of the project to assist with identifying the building as a prestigious development with great potential for the local community and visitors to the coast. 


·       The Chairman referred to the recommendation from the tracker which related to gardening and landscaping requirements, page 77 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed that considerations for gardening, design and landscaping would be considered as the scheme developed. 


·       A Member commented that the adjoining Pleasure Gardens had previously been designed by Dame Sylvia Crowe, a renowned landscape architect and that historical recreations were important.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that public consultation would take place prior to the approval of any landscaping. 


·       The Chairman referred to the recommendation from the tracker which related to resurfacing of the Broadway car park, page 75 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that resurfacing of the car park was a County Council decision and not a function of the District Council.


·       A Member queried whether the Colonnade’s name was able to remain the same.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery explained to Members that the new building was no longer structurally a colonnade with concrete columns and that the public would be consulted on the official name.


·       A Member spoke in support of the name remaining the same and the benefits of consulting the public.


·       Members spoke in support for local gardening groups to be able to assist with landscaping.


·       The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery commended the future potential of the site as being an asset to the area.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Watson requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 6 that he was a business owner in Sutton on Sea, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on the item.


Mablethorpe Leisure and Learning Hub


·       A Member queried issues in relation to funding repairs to the memorial and sought an update on whether Towns Fund money was available for completion of the work.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed that the work would be funded from the project funds.


·       A Member praised that Sutton on Sea was being given the opportunity to decide on a name for the Colonnade project and expressed disappointment that Mablethorpe was not being given the same opportunity for the Learning and Leisure Hub.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that the Executive Board had agreed the final name for the Mablethorpe Leisure and Learning Hub.


Campus for Future Living


·       A Member queried whether a contract had been signed by an operator for the facility.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that a contract had not yet been signed and that the process was in the late stages of agreement.


·       A Member commented that the building was an empty shell with great potential and was waiting to be occupied.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that the greatest challenge had been getting an operator in place.


·       A Member queried whether it was correct that a housing association was stepping in to operate the facility.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed to Members that negotiations were ongoing with a housing association.


Mobi Hub


No comments or questions were received on the Mobi Hub project.


Cultural Skegness


·       A Member queried what contingency plans were in place if external funding could not be obtained.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that in the event that funding could not be obtained, a request would be made to the Council to approve funding through the Council’s resources rather than from the Arts Council.


·       A Member further queried whether the plans and designs were likely to change.  In response, The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that the scheme remained the same and progress was dependent on when funding became available.


·       A Member commented that Skegness was not a place for culture and the need for this in Skegness was not understood.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that the initiative aimed to increase what Skegness had to offer and attract more people.  The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery further advised Members that it was incorrect to assume no-one in Skegness was interested in culture and heritage and that improving the vision to increase year- round attraction to Skegness assisted with levelling up and improving facilities.


N.B. The Portfolio Holder for Planning left the Meeting at 11.08am.


·       Members spoke in support of the ambition to improve the offering at Skegness through arts and culture.


Skegness Foreshore


·       A Member expressed disappointment that the southern bowling greens had not been purchased and supported that the Travelodge hotel would generate interest in bringing further development to the area.


No further comments or questions were received. The Chairman thanked the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery for attending the meeting and providing the Committee with a valuable update.


N.B. The Portfolio Holder for Planning returned to the Meeting at 11.17am.

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