Agenda item


Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 23 July 2024


Action No. 23(a), 23(c), 25 and 28 – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 29 November 2022


Action No. 16(a) – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 23 (a) – ‘To request a greater level of detail on work force issues in reference to the Performance Monitoring Report under the ‘Corporate’ heading’ from the Meeting held on 23rd July 2024, page 19 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried whether Councillor Kirk was the correct portfolio holder responsible for workforce matters.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed to Members that Councillor Craig Leyland was the relevant portfolio holder.


Action No. 23 (b) – ‘To request an update on the role and duties of the Volunteer Co-Ordinator and to invite them to a future meeting of the Committee.’ from the Meeting held on 23rd July 2024, page 19 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed dissatisfaction with the update that further information was being provided to the January 2025 meeting.  In response, the Chairman informed the Committee that a job description for the role of Volunteer Co-Ordinator had been circulated to Members prior to the Meeting and that attempts had been made to receive an update sooner (a copy is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes).


In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed that a further request would be made for an update to be provided at the October 2024 Meeting.


Action No. 28 – ‘In reference to Section 106 Agreements: a) To request clarification on East Lindsey being allocated the lowest multiplier as part of the NHS formula and receiving the lowest payment in Lincolnshire per dwelling compared to other districts.’ from the Meeting held on 23rd July 2024, pages 19 and 20 of the Agenda refer.


A Member disagreed with the explanation provided and did not accept the reasoning that East Lindsey district had been allocated the lowest multiplier compared to other areas such as Boston Borough.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed that greater level of detail would be obtained and brought back to the Committee.


In reference to Appendix A2 and the ELDC weblink for Section 106 obligations and infrastructure Funding Statement, a Member expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of benefit to the coastal strip which was observed from examining the list of areas that had received S106 agreements. 


A Member further queried whether caravan sites were utilising Section 106 agreements to benefit the community and local infrastructure. 


In response, Councillor Leyland as Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Affairs informed Members that Councillor Tom Ashton was the relevant Portfolio Holder and that the issues raised were critical in relation to the upcoming review of the Local Plan.  Councillor Leyland further advised Members that provision of housing within 35% flood risk areas was non-existent because of the Local Plan and that the Environment Agency did not support development in flood risk areas which the Council had continued to challenge.


Councillor Leyland advised Members that the review of the Local Plan would present the opportunity to drive housing into the coastal areas and that timing of the Local Plan review was critical in relation to the Environment Agency’s review of sea defences and long-term strategies.


In conclusion, Councillor Leyland stated that he would liaise with Councillor Tom Ashton as Portfolio Holder for Planning on Members becoming more involved in reviewing the Local Plan and that the Committee’s comments would be taken forward.


A Member further queried the likelihood of the Environment Agency changing its view on the provision of housing in flood risk areas and the lack of forward planning and strategy to reinvigorate the coast and update flood defences. 


The Chairman informed Members that the Committee would be able to highlight these issues to the Portfolio Holder for Planning at the next meeting.


Action No. 103 – ‘Clarification to be provided on a timeline for appraising additional conservation areas’ from the Meeting held on 16th April 2024, pages 20 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed dissatisfaction with the rate of progression for appraising conservation areas.  In response, the Chairman confirmed that an update was being provided at the next Meeting by the Portfolio Holder for Planning.


Action No. 23 (a) – ‘To request an update on the recruitment process for the Local Partnership Group and Theme Groups and the measures taken to ensure that local businesses and groups have local representation’ from the Meeting held on 23rd July 2024, pages 19 of the Agenda refers.


In reference to Appendix A1, a Member expressed dissatisfaction that there was no Councillor representation on the Theme Groups and queried who was responsible for appointing Members to the group, page 23 and 24 of the Agenda refer.


In response, Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director - Economic Growth advised Members that the UKSPF was currently managed by Saul Farrell and that government requirements had been to utilise the existing structures from Town Boards from 2022.  The Assistant Director – Economic Growth further highlighted the background leading to the formation of theme groups and informed Members that confirmation would be obtained that the approach to selecting representation was inclusive across the whole of East Lindsey district.

Supporting documents: