Agenda item


Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024


Action No. 8, 16 and 18 – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 8 – ‘Towns Funds Projects Update’ from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024, page 41 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed disappointment that self-cleaning glass had not been utilised on the Sutton on Sea Colonnade development which would have saved the Council a significant amount of money in consideration of a design that was predominately glass.


A Member provided an example of glass cleaning at the North Sea Observatory which was a similar development and commented that window cleaning was undertaken as infrequently as once a month.


Action No. 16(a) – ‘Performance and Governance Framework – Quarter 4 Monitoring Report’ in relation to Key Performance Indicators from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024, page 41 of the Agenda refers.


The Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the figures included in the update for Action No. 16 for ‘number of working days lost to sickness absence YTD’ should be presented as number of days and not as percentages.


A Member commented that the percentages in the Monitoring Report did not provide enough information and queried the level of detail and the format of information provided to ELDC in comparison to information provided to PS2.


In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate explained to Members that the information received by the PSPS Board of Directors as a company differed to the information received by the Council.  The Assistant Director – Corporate assured Members that the Directors of the Council received a significant level of detail which was reviewed quarterly and acted upon, and this included workforce profiles which examined levels of sickness absence.    


The Assistant Director – Corporate further advised Members that consideration of the level of information provided on work force issues could be approached through Councillor Kirk as Portfolio Holder and the Head of HR.


A Member commented that it was the responsibility of all Council Members to look after the welfare of staff.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that welfare of the workforce was a matter for the Chief Executive of the Council as Head of Paid Service.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that options to include a higher level of detail in the report would be explored.


Action No. 16(b) – ‘Performance and Governance Framework – Quarter 4 Monitoring Report’ in relation to Sand Risk from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024, page 41 of the Agenda refers.


In reference to flooding of the promenade in Mablethorpe with regards to beach nourishment, a Member highlighted the increased challenges brought about by protecting flood defences where efforts had proved counterproductive and requested that more consideration was given to protecting businesses from flooding.


Action No. 18 – ‘Executive/Council Forward Plan’ in relation to working in Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector from the Meeting held on 11 June 2024, page 42 of the Agenda refers.


In reference to Appendix A2, a Member commented on the statement that the Council continued to work with and support Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations and queried whether further information could be provided on the role and duties of the Volunteer Co-ordinator, page 47 of the Agenda refers. 


The Chairman commented on the valuable work undertaken by the Service Manager – Healthy Living and her team to provide support to volunteers in Horncastle.


A Member endorsed the new role of Volunteer Co-ordinator and recognised the value it would bring providing support to volunteers and welcomed their attendance at a future Meeting to update on progress. 


Action No. 66(a) – ‘Executive/Council Forward Plan’ in relation to representation on the Local Partnership Group and Theme Group from the Meeting held on 28 November 2024, page 43 of the Agenda refers.


In reference to Appendix A3, a Member queried the process for obtaining seats on Theme Groups and the East Lindsey District Partnership Sub-Group, pages 49 and 50 of the Agenda refer.  A Member further queried the area of operation for the Supporting Local Business Theme Group.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that further information would be requested on the measures taken which ensured that East Lindsey businesses and groups had local representation.

Supporting documents: