Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker:

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 211 to 232 of the Agenda refer. Members were invited to review the tracker and put their comments and questions forward.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement


Recommendation No 1 ‘To recognise the need to make Caravan Enforcement a priority for the new Council with the first priorities dealing with the issue of unauthorised occupancy and to review and strengthen licence conditions’, page 215 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed dissatisfaction with the delay for the report being presented to the Executive Board and highlighted that the issues in relation to funding for caravan enforcement had been ongoing for forty years.  In response, the Chairman informed Members that further updates were expected by September and October 2024 and that the Executive Board would be made aware of the Committee’s comments.


A Member expressed further concern for the capacity of the enforcement service.


Recommendation No 9 ‘Obtain specialist legal opinions on how a charging regime could be introduced for holiday sites, and a further opinion on strengthening licencing conditions, including the internal quality of accommodation’, page 221 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented on the update for July 2024 that the recommendation was awaiting further clarification.  The Chairman confirmed to Members that further updates would be expected as an item on the next Agenda.


Members expressed disappointment that the Recommendation Tracker remained Amber throughout. 


Recommendation No 16 ‘Consider reviewing the Planning Policy in relation to caravan sites and any restrictions as part of the local plan review’, page 223 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that caravan sites on the east coast were not only related to tourism and that tourism should not remain the Council’s only focus when many caravan sites were residential.


Recommendation No 17 ‘As part of their remit, the portfolio holder for the coast to arrange regular meetings with coastal operators’, page 224 of the Agenda refers.


In reference to the ceasing of meetings during the pandemic, a Member suggested that the wording should use the term ‘reinstated.’


Recommendation No 18 ‘Seek to work in partnership with Lincolnshire Trading Standard to investigate ‘rogue’ operators’, page 224 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that non-compliant operators may not wish to be referred to as ‘rogue’ operators.


How can ELDC help improve the design, quality, and choice of new and existing housing in the district?


Recommendation No 5 ‘Builders and architects will be supported and encouraged to ensure home interiors and landscaping are designed for accessibility for all, in all homes – providing homes’, page 226 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed concern that architectural design could be undertaken by someone with no formal design qualifications and queried whether the Interim Planning Policy Service Manager was taking on architectural design responsibilities.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments.


No comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.


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