N/105/01181/23: View the Plans and documents online, please click on the Application Number. (Please note: If viewing as a pdf document, this hyperlink is not available).
Applicant: BHD Louth Ltd
Location: Land at Northfields, Grimsby Road, Louth
Recommendation: Approval with Conditions and Section 106
Officer: Sam Dewar (Andy Booth)
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Proposal: Planning Permission - Hybrid application for the outline erection of 2no. warehouse/industrial buildings and full planning permission for the erection of a retail food store and retail warehouse unit, drive-thru restaurant, commercial units, warehouse and industrial development with associated infrastructure, access and servicing, car parking and landscaping.
Applicant: BHD Louth Ltd
Members received an application for Full Planning Permission – Hybrid
application for the outline erection of 2no. warehouse/industrial buildings
and full planning permission for the erection of a retail food store and
retail warehouse unit, drive-thru restaurant, commercial units, warehouse
and industrial development with associated infrastructure, access and
servicing, car parking and landscaping at land at Northfields, Grimsby
Road, Louth.
The proposal was a major application for a range of commercial
development in Louth which would provide a significant level of
investment to the town but which also required careful consideration of
potential impacts and had attracted a significant level of interest.
It was therefore considered appropriate for the application to be presented
to the Planning Committee for determination.
The main planning issues were considered to be:
· Principle of Development and Retail Impact
· Socio-economic Benefits
· Design and Heritage
· Residential Amenity and Noise
· Highways
· Ecology and landscape
· Flood Risk and Drainage
· Other matters including Contamination/Air Quality/Lighting
Members were referred to the additional information contained on pages 1 to 2 of the Supplementary Agenda.
Sam Dewar, Senior Planning Officer, detailed site and surroundings information to Members at Paragraph 2, together with the description of the proposal at Paragraph 3, pages 15 to 19 of the report refer.
Mr Marcus Allington of Boudica Developments and Ms Lucy Turner of Montagu Evans (Agent) spoke in support of the application.
Ms Hannah Walker of Stantec, representing the Co-operative Group, spoke in objection to the application.
Councillor James Drake, Louth Town Council, spoke in objection to the application.
Members were invited to put their questions to the speakers.
- A Member queried whether there had been any consideration given to protecting the heritage asset that Louth Town Council had referred to. Ms Turner advised Members that it had been looked at, but no objections were raised. It was further highlighted that there was a condition on the application for further investigation to be carried out prior to the commencement of the work.
- Following a query with regards to whether the car park would have a time limit imposed, Members were advised that the limit would be in excess of one hour. However, Members were of the opinion that three hours would be more beneficial as the site developed.
- When asked how policy SP14 would be mitigated to protect the high street, Ms Turner explained that an impact assessment had been undertaken of Louth town centre and that there were various services, including a library, pubs, restaurants and leisure services which would not be provided at the new development.
- A Member queried whether there was a prospect of having a slip road in to the development and also whether there was free access on to the road. Mr Allington responded that the developers had worked with traffic consultants and LCC Highways and the capacity and design was sufficient enough without providing a slip road. He further confirmed that the development had a right of way over the access to allow easier access into the scheme.
- A Member queried what uses the other units on the development may have. Mr Allington informed Members that there would be a mix of uses including manufacturers and warehousing, and all would be non-retail.
- When queried why the Co-operative Group had not objected to the development plans for the Morrisons store in Louth town centre, Ms Turner explained that the Tesco’s application was a concern for them because it was an out-of-town development and was contrary to policy.
Following which, the application was opened for debate.
- Concerns were raised over the S106 Agreement and a discussion ensued whereby a Member requested for the S106 Agreement to be removed, or to defer the application until more information had been received. However, the Legal Representatives urged Members not to exclude the S106 Agreement and reminded them that the request had come from Lincolnshire County Council. Members were further advised that it was common practice and the bus service referred was necessary to make the scheme acceptable in planning terms .
- Following a further concern relating to the negative impact of the lighting scheme, the Senior Planning Officer referred Members to Condition 24, page 53 to 54 of the agenda refers. Following which, a Member requested that the condition be amended to ensure the streetlights and car park lighting were kept at a low level.
- Members had various concerns regarding the Nipper shuttle bus service including the delivery cost of £145k. A query was raised on the number of buses that were going to operate and what would happen to the service when the funding depleted.
The Senior Planning Officer explained that there was an existing Nipper bus service which had been successful, and the new service would be bolted on to it and were advised that there would be a different bus and route. Information regarding how far the money would go had not been provided.
- Members were advised that there was a lighting plan submitted with the application, however it was considered that conditions needed including on the application. This was to be discussed with the Environmental Health team.
Following which, the application was proposed for approval with a condition of the lighting being no more than 1.2m high and the removal of the S106 Agreement.
The Development Management Lead Officer advised Members that the lighting condition related to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and ecology issues, however did not consider that there was justification for the extra condition.
- A Member commented that it was important for the S106 Agreement to be in place in order that the town centre was connected to the proposed application site in an area outside of the town.
- A Member further queried whether the development application would not have proceeded if the sequential test result had not been met, or whether it would have just related to that location.
The Senior Planning Officer advised Members that Nexus had discussed the sequential test at length, pages 23 to 24 of the report refer, and they were happy with the final response.
- Following a further query regarding the sequential test, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the testing had been carried out for the whole site.
- A Member raised a concern regarding the increase of traffic at the roundabout, and hoped that this had been addressed by LCC Highways.
Following which, the application was proposed for approval in line with officer recommendation.
- Following a query regarding the viability impact assessment, the Senior Planning Officer advised Members that the impact on the town centre as a whole had been considered.
- A Member raised a concern regarding the retail impact on the town centre and queried whether there could be a condition put in place stating that the remaining units in the development would not be used for retail.
The Senior Planning Officer referred Members to page 15 of the report outlining the description of the proposal.
The Development Management Lead Officer explained that there was no requirement to condition the remaining units as they were proposed for warehouse/industrial uses.
Following which, the application was seconded for approval in line with officer recommendation.
Upon being put to the vote, the proposal for approval in line with officer recommendation, subject to conditions was agreed.
Vote: 7 In favour 1 Against 2 Abstention
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
Supporting documents: