Committee details
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel
Purpose of committee
The Police and Crime Panel has a number of powers and responsibilities, including:
- Scrutinising the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Reviewing the draft Police and Crime Plan to ensure local priorities have been considered
- Scrutinising and commenting upon the Annual Report of the PCC
- Reviewing and reporting on the precept proposed by the PCC. The Panel has the right to veto the Commissioner’s proposed policing precept (the money collected from Council Tax for policing)
- Holding confirmation hearings for the proposed appointment of a Chief Constable and senior support staff
- Chris Cook (Chairman) Independent Co-optee
- Councillor Emma Bailey
- Councillor Allan Beal
- Councillor Patricia Bradwell
- Councillor Chris Burke
- Councillor Philip Maurice Dilks
- Councillor Graham Marsh (Vice-Chairman) East Lindsey District Council
- Councillor Jonathan Pessol
- Councillor Paul Skinner
- Councillor Sarah Trotter
- David Williams
- Councillor Stephen Woodliffe
Contact information
Support officer: Ann Good. Democratic Services Manager
Postal address:
The Hub
Mareham Road