Kingfisher Caravan Park - Annual Pitch Fee Increase 2023:
07/07/2022 - Kingfisher Caravan Park - Annual Pitch Fee Increase 2023:
That the following be approved:
1. To increase rents (and use and occupation damages) at Kingfisher Caravan Park by 5.8% for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. 5.8% represents 50% of latest RPI monthly figure published by the Office for National Statistics at the juncture this paper was published (May 2021 – May 2022).
2. Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, the application of an early payment discount of £150 in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2023 if paid in full by 31 January 2023,
3. The application of a £150 late payment fee in respect of all pitch fees billed to licensees in January 2023 but not paid in full by 1 March 2023,
4. Where a licensee has no other outstanding debit on their account, direct debit options will be offered but with no discount to the annual charge, and,
5. Where the Council levies ‘use and occupation damages’ against an occupier (ie where no formal licence has been entered into), no discounts will be available, direct debit payment options will not be offered, but the late payment fee will apply.