General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn 2021/22:
07/07/2022 - General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn 2021/22:
1 That the provisional year end position, variations to the 2021/22 approved budget and resulting effect on the Council's balances and reserves as shown in Appendix A - Table 1 be noted;
2 That the provisional revenue surplus (currently estimated to be £867,723) be transferred to the Transformation Reserve to fund future projects which will help realise future revenue savings, efficiencies and service improvements be recommended to Council;
3 That delegated authority be given to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to use this amount for ‘Invest to Save’ projects and to cover any budget pressures which may arise during 2022/23;
4 That the transfer of £4,866,072 to the Business Rates Volatility Reserve to fund the 2022/23 budget, this being the excess Section 31 grant allocated to the Council in 2021/22 but to be utilised in 2022/23 be recommended to Council;
5 That the return of £1,000,000 to the Investments Volatility Reserve which was the amount withdrawn to cover fluctuations in Property fund asset valuations during the pandemic be recommended to Council;
6 That the return of £193,941 to the Business Rates Volatility Reserve which was the amount used to cover fluctuations in Property Fund asset valuations during the pandemic be approved;
7 That the use of reserves in Appendix A - Table 3 be noted and approved;
8 That the capital position shown in Appendix A - Table 4 be noted, and the changes required to the Capital Programme for 2022/23 as detailed in Appendix A - Table 5 be agreed;
9 That the carry forward of Capital Budget of £18.62m as detailed in Appendix A -Table 7 be recommended to Council.