Issue - decisions

Request for Additional Capital Funding for an enhanced and revised Mablethorpe Colonnade Towns Funds Scheme:

05/07/2023 - Request for Additional Capital Funding for an enhanced and revised Mablethorpe Colonnade Towns Funds Scheme:


1.               That agreement be given to separate the Colonnade works into two phases so that phase 1, being the pavilion, the Beach Huts, and the surrounding external works and landscaping, can commence within the approved budget;


2.               That a further report be submitted by officers for Phase 2, being the Lodges, once final costings and market testing have been undertaken. This is with a view to the development being potentially taken on by an external organisation who would provide the funding;


3.               That an addition to the Capital Programme and the use of reserves for up to £600k to fund additional enhanced works be recommended to Full Council.