Issue - decisions


21/03/2024 - 2023-24 Quarter Three Finance Update:


1.              That the current forecast unbudgeted surplus of £522k and the detail set out in Appendix A be noted;


2.              That approval be given for the drawdown of:


a)       £82,040 from the Housing Reserve in respect of the Household Support Scheme concerning the Post Office payout which will be distributed to agreed household support projects;

b)       £133,000 from the Service Transformation Reserve – Funding for 2 Planning Enforcement consultants;

c)       £148,550 from the Economic Growth Reserve - External consultancy services required to complete the East Lindsey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment;


3.                  That the changes to the approved capital programme budget for 2023/24 of £2.25m as set out in Appendix A Table 4a be recommended to full Council.