Issue - decisions

Delivery of the ELDC Temporary Accommodation Programme:

18/09/2024 - Delivery of the ELDC Temporary Accommodation Programme:

i)    That participation in the Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3 programme be agreed, with a view to bringing 12 properties into the council’s ownership to meet short, medium and long-term housing needs within the district.


ii)    That the approach to the spend of the funds, including type, priority location and delivery approach, as articulated within this report be approved.


iii)   That the Assistant Director of Strategic Growth & Development, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Ageing be delegated authority to finalise and agree the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the LAHF Round 3 programme with DLUHC and:


iv)   That the 2024/25 capital programme, as set out in Appendix 2, be amended to reflect the LAHF 3 funds and recommended to Full Council.


That Council be recommended to approve;


i)    The Council’s 2024/25 capital programme to be amended to include the £1.067m in Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3 funds, taking the council’s total capital budget for temporary accommodation investment to £2.067m.