Issue - decisions

East Lindsey Investment Fund:

19/09/2024 - East Lindsey Investment Fund:

1.    That the principles in the East Lindsey Investment Fund Plan, as detailed in this report to guide the allocation of funding and resources be approved.


2.    That the allocation of the East Lindsey Investment Fund for each theme – Pride in Place; Tourism and Events; Community Development; Business Growth and Development be approved.


3.    That the Assistant Director theme lead in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to utilise the Investment Fund to support enabling activity, including the procurement and appointment of consultants/contractors, provide staffing resource and delivery of pilot projects to support the development of action plans relevant to each theme.


4.    That an allocation of up to 5% of the Investment Fund to support the enabling activity be approved.


5.    That the Director for Economic Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Market Towns and the Rural Economy be delegated authority to support the establishment, administration and Terms of Reference for a Market and Inland Towns Group – the Connected Wolds – to support engagement with businesses, local communities and town/parish councils.


6.    That an allocation of up to 2% of the Investment Fund to resource and support the Groups (Connected Wolds and Connected Coast), which will include, but not be limited to, enabling engagement with businesses, local communities and town/parish councils, and supporting the establishment of a new Market and Inland Towns Group be approved.