Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 1st February, 2023 10.15 am, Audit and Governance Committee, MOVED

Venue:   at the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact:    Elaine Speed
Senior Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Will Grover Chairman Present
Councillor David Andrews Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Adrian Benjamin Observer In attendance
Councillor Danny Brookes Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Colin J. Davie Committee Member Present
Councillor Rosalind Jackson Committee Member Present
Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders Committee Member Present
Councillor Terry Taylor Committee Member Present
Councillor Dr. Graham David Williams Committee Member Present
Mr George Krawiec Co-Optee Present
Mr Walter Leschenko Co-Optee Present
Robert Barlow Officer Expected
Christine Marshall Officer In attendance
Samantha Knowles Officer In attendance
Sean Howsam Officer In attendance
Suzanne Rolfe Officer In attendance, virtual
Richard Steele Officer In attendance
Lucy Pledge Officer In attendance
Matthew Waller Officer In attendance
Jon Machej Officer In attendance
Elaine Speed Officer In attendance
Lynda Eastwood Officer In attendance
Adrian Sibley Officer Expected
John Medler Officer Expected
Stacey Richardson Officer Expected
Deborah Proctor Council Staff Expected
Alison Sparks Council Staff Expected
Janet Hadden Officer Expected