Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 22nd March, 2023 6.00 pm, Executive Board

Venue:   The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact:    Ann Good
Democratic Services Manager

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Craig Leyland Chairman Apologies
Councillor Graham Marsh Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present
Councillor Tom Ashton Committee Member Present
Councillor Sarah Devereux Committee Member Present
Councillor Martin Foster Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Fry Committee Member Present
Councillor William Gray Committee Member Present
Councillor Adam Grist Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Steve Kirk Committee Member Present
Deborah Proctor Council Staff Expected
Robert Barlow Officer In attendance
Michelle Sacks Officer In attendance
Adrian Sibley Officer In attendance
Andy Fisher Officer In attendance
James Gilbert Officer In attendance
Rachel Robinson Council Staff Expected
Lydia Rusling Officer In attendance, virtual
Alison Sparks Officer Expected
Christine Marshall Officer Expected
Janet Hadden Officer Expected
Samantha Knowles Officer In attendance, virtual
Councillor Fiona M. Martin, M.B.E. Guest In attendance
Jonathan Burgess Officer In attendance, virtual
Councillor Rosalind Jackson Guest In attendance, virtual
Ann Good Officer In attendance
Elaine Speed Officer In attendance