Councillor Patricia Anne Bradwell

Profile image for Councillor Patricia Anne Bradwell

Party: Conservative

Parish: Baumber ; Benniworth ; Bucknall ; East Barkwith ; Edlington With Wispington ; Gautby ; Great Sturton ; Hainton ; Hatton ; Hemingby ; Horsington ; Kirkby On Bain ; Langton (Nr Horncastle) ; Langton By Wragby ; Market Stainton ; Minting ; Ranby ; Roughton ; Sotby ; South Willingham ; Stixwould and Woodhall ; Thimbleby ; Tupholme ; Waddingworth ; West Ashby ; West Barkwith ; West Torrington ; Woodhall Spa ; Wragby

Contact information

Home address: 
39 Horncastle Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 8UY

Phone:  01526 352842

Mobile:  07717 850235
