Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Elaine Speed  Senior Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies were received from Councillor Alex Hall.


It was noted that in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor David Hall had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Claire Arnold for this Meeting only.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests.  None were received.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 20 June 2023.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 June 2023 were agreed as a correct record.


N.B.  Councillor David Hall joined the Meeting at 10.03am.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.

Additional documents:


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 20 June 2023.


Action No.6.


Action Nos. 14 (a) and 14 (b) ‘Performance and Governance Framework Q4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23 – CORP001(b) Economic Growth’ ‘CORP002 – Uncertainty of future Lincshore flood defence scheme’ page 17 of the Agenda refers.


The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that further to comments received, these items were being fed into the Q1 Risk Register.


Actions from the Meeting held on 7 March 2023.


Action No.87.


The Chairman referred to the written update provided, pages 21 to 22 of the Agenda refer and thanked the Assistant Director (Corporate) for his efforts in obtaining a comprehensive response.


Actions from the Meeting held on 29 November 2022.


Action No.27 (c).


Action No. 16 (c) – Q and A Session with John Turner, Chief Executive, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, page 18 of the Agenda refers.


Members were advised that Maz Fosh, Chief Executive of Lincolnshire Community Health Services (LCHS) was to leave her post at the end of July 2023.  The LCHS and ULHT Trusts would in future, share a Chief Executive and Andrew Morgan would take up the joint role from 1 August 2023.  However, he was due to stand down in March 2023, therefore the recruitment process for a new Joint Chief Executive would soon be underway nationally.  It was agreed that this action would remain in hand.


South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Customer Experience Strategy: pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To receive a report from the Assistant Director, Wellbeing and Communities.

Additional documents:


Roxanne Warrick, Healthy Living Strategic Lead presented Members with a report that detailed the draft South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Customer Experience Strategy, pages 23 to 28 of the Agenda refer.


The Chairman further welcomed Councillor Graham Marsh, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction and Emily Spicer, Assistant Director forWellbeing and Community Leadership and Client Lead for Customer Services to the Meeting.


Members were further delivered a presentation, a copy of which is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes.


Members were advised that as a sovereign Council and as part of the Partnership, East Lindsey District Council was committed to a vision of providing a customer experience that was simple, effective and customer focused and ensured access to the many services that were offered.  One of the key principles to achieving this vision was to understand the Council’s communities and customers, and how they changed to inform the way the Council provided its services, now and into the future.


The draft South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Customer Experience Strategy was attached at Appendix A which set out the vision, principles and approach for Customer Experience across the three sovereign councils ‘working together to offer a clear and consistent experience’, pages 29 to 38 of the Agenda refer.


The strategy set out three key outcomes that the Council was seeking over the next four years to achieve:


·       An organisational culture that was customer focussed

·       A simple, effective, and positive customer experience

·       Support that met the Council’s customers’ needs

Success would be monitored through the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Customer Experience Board who would have oversight of the Strategy and work collaboratively to enable effective strategic direction and co-ordination of delivery.  The governance framework for the Customer Experience Board was attached at Appendix B, pages 39 to 40 of the Agenda refer.


N.B.  Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders joined the Meeting at 10.16am.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member queried why the strategy was focussed on services offered and not customers, particularly in relation to the large number of complaints that the Council received for the customer services department.  It was further considered that staff would need an element of retraining and a concern was also raised for residents who could not access officers at the Hub in person, and those that were not able to access the internet.

It was highlighted that in the past Councillors had offered to ‘test drive’ the new website which was a cheap and easy solution, but this had not been taken up.


·       A Member referred to the consultation process and queried what demographic had responded to this.  The Healthy Living Strategic Lead informed Members that out of the three Councils in the Partnership, ELDC was the best represented and added that a wide list of people and organisations were consulted.  However, it was highlighted that there was no requirement to consult but was carried out as it was considered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update:

To receive a verbal update from the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire.

Additional documents:


The Chairman referred Members to the briefing paper from Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire following its Meeting held on 19 July 2023.  The briefing paper was circulated to Members on 24 July 2023 and a copy of this is attached at Appendix B to the Minutes.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders advised Members that on 28 June 2023 the Department of Health and Social Care announced that community organisations would be able to make bids from a national fund of £1m for a community automated external defibrillator. 


Interested organisations had been invited to register expressions of interest.  Applicants would be asked to demonstrate that defibrillators would be placed in areas where they were most needed, such as places with high footfall, where there were vulnerable people, or in rural areas, or due to the nature of the activity at the site.


It was estimated that 1000 new defibrillators would be provided by the fund with the potential for this to double as successful applicants would be asked to match the funding they received partially or fully.’.  The Chairman asked that this be circulated in the Members’ Point Brief.


Particular emphasis was made to fluoridisation and it was requested that the three councils across the Partnership collectively write to local MPs Victoria Atkins and Matt Warman for more research to be undertaken in this area.  It was highlighted that fluoridisation in water made a huge difference to oral health and Members agreed that it was timely for Council to debate this issue.  A Member stated that Councillor Carl Macey was the Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire and he may wish to bring this forward as a Motion to Council.


A Member stated that there was conflicting evidence with regards to oral health and fluoridisation and that some people did not enjoy fluoride being put into the water, furthermore it was acknowledged that dental care was lacking and further education was needed on dental care, particularly for children.


Further to the update on Adult Mental Health Services in the county, the Chairman stated that she was pleased to see that two new wards had now opened within the Peter Hodgkinson Unit at Lincoln County Hospital.


No further comments or questions were received.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Makinson-Sanders for the full and interesting report presented and for the time and effort she put into the HSC.


Following which it was,




That the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire briefing paper be noted.


Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports:


Scrutiny Panel Update - To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae's 5-year plan, including Key Performance Indicators: pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, page 41 of the Agenda refers.


Members were advised that those appointed to the Panel would be confirmed shortly.  It was highlighted that there were a number of new Members to the Panel which was a positive step to refresh the work and scrutiny moving forward.  It was also confirmed that an extra line of enquiry had been added to the scope to re-focus the scrutiny.


Upcoming Scrutiny Panels: pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, page 43 of the Agenda refers.


Members were advised that all places on the ‘To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park’ and ‘To consider Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’ Scrutiny Panels had been filled


Members were still required for the Health and Wellbeing Joint Scrutiny Panel.


The Chairman highlighted that if any non-executive Councillor had not been successful getting a place on a scrutiny panel, there was a mechanism in place for them to substitute on a panel and they could also attend as an observer.


Scrutiny Topic Suggestions: pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To consider the scrutiny topic suggestion forms.

Additional documents:


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer presented Members with four scrutiny topic suggestion forms as follows:


·       ‘How can ELDC help retain, attract and re-attract qualified, innovative, ambitious and young professionals in the district?’, pages 45 to 46 of the Agenda refer.


Following feedback received from officers, and discussion with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman at the pre-meeting, it was suggested that this item be moved forward as a topic for the Committee’s Standing Reference Group, to further explore how the Committee could get involved.


A Member queried whether this could be discussed as a future Reserved Members’ Day item.  It was further highlighted that Councillor Leyland had the executive responsibility for skills and was appointed to the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  It was further considered that PSPS Limited should be involved as the recruiting arm for the Council.


A Member considered that a short scrutiny would be appropriate as a lot of schools were not utilising sixth form colleges.


The Chairman asked that this suggestion be further discussed by herself, the Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


·       ‘Update ELDC planning policy to encourage/require integration of renewable energy sources into new build properties’, pages 47 to 48 of the Agenda refer.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that following officer feedback, it was highlighted that input was welcome from all Members, however it was suggested that this was more appropriate for Planning Policy Committee to consider alongside the review of the Local Plan.


A Member asked that the word ‘require’ be taken out of the title as national legislation could not be required to do this.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer responded that this was the wording from the Member who had put the topic forward, and no work had been done on a draft scoping document, where the purpose would be made clear.


Following a brief discussion, the Chairman asked that a one-off session be held to discuss this, following which the feedback could be passed to Planning Policy Committee as an item for its Agenda.


A Member queried whether this topic could be integrated into the upcoming Carbon Scrutiny Panel.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer agreed to speak to the Councillor who put the suggestion forward and the Planning Policy and Research Service Manager to see if this could be incorporated.


·       ‘Broadband and phone connectivity in ELDC area’, pages 49 to 50 of the Agenda refer.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer highlighted that this item had been included as an item for a future Reserved Members’ Day.  A Member commented that there was a representative from Lincolnshire County Council who was well versed on not only broadband, but mobile phone connectivity and suggested that he be invited to update Members.


·       ‘Viking CCS (Carbon Capture Scheme)’, pages 51 to 52 of the Agenda refer.


Following feedback from officers, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that it was considered that the context was not right for this suggestion as a procedure was already formally in place.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24c


Annual Joint Scrutiny Task Group for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership: pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To receive a  report from the Assistant Director – Corporate.

Additional documents:


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer presented Members with the Annual Joint Scrutiny Task Group for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership report, pages 55 to 58 refer.  A draft scope to frame the scrutiny was attached at Appendix A, pages 59 to 60 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that when the Partnership was formed it was agreed in the Memorandum of Agreement that there would be an annual joint scrutiny undertaken to review progress of the Partnership and to understand its effectiveness and the opportunities for its further development. 


This report brought forward the proposed scope of that scrutiny and to seek a member appointment to the Task Group.


Members noted that the report was being considered by ELDC’s Overview Committee, Boston Borough Council’s Environment & Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee and South Holland District Council’s Performance Monitoring Panel.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that there was one ELDC place to fill on the joint scrutiny panel and she would be contacting Group Leaders to see if they had any Members to put forward from Committee.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member referred to the scoping template and queried the internal witnesses suggested (Leader/Deputy Leader/Chief Executive and other relevant officers) and queried whether a level of impartiality could be achieved.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer responded that in the previous year’s joint scrutiny there were also junior members of staff, together will all Members across the Partnership that were surveyed which provided some very honest views.  It was also highlighted that the draft scoping document was a starting point, and any suggestions were taken into consideration.

No further comments or questions were received.


Following which, it was




·       That the scope at Appendix A to enable the scrutiny exercise to commence promptly in late September be agreed.


·       That the appointment of one member from the Scrutiny Committee to join the Task Group alongside the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be agreed.


Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 61 to 72 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to review the tracker, in particular those highlighted in green to be closed and to put their comments and questions forward.


Overview Standing Reference Group – Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project.


Recommendation No 3, Pages 63 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that the impact on the coast due to the cost of living crisis and other factors was unascertained currently and considered that there was a need to have a full understanding on trips to the seaside to which the success of the whole colonnade relied on.  Therefore, the redevelopment of the Broadway Car Park should be put back until the success of the colonnade was determined.


Recommendation No 4, page 64 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that he was concerned over the future management of the facilities as little information had been received with regards to this and would like to see the space and capacity of the resource for local cultural events.


Recommendation No 5, page 64 of the Agenda refers.


A Member highlighted that the Pleasure Gardens had originally been designed by a renowned landscape artist and were of national importance.  It was considered that this required a qualified landscape gardener to maintain rather than handing over as a community project led by ELDC officers in partnership with the local gardening group and asked that this be reviewed.


A Member agreed that there appeared to be a reliance on a substantial amount of work being taken on by volunteers which were largely a group of retired people with no funding available whilst there was a significant cost saving to the Council.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement Scrutiny Panel


Recommendations No 1 to 18, pages 65 to 69 of the Agenda refer.


A Member commented that not all of the recommendations should be allocated to the Growth Directorate, in particular Recommendation No. 17, page 69 refers.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer responded that the recommendations were aligned with the directorate that was most appropriate in the first instance, however could be allocated elsewhere during the process if necessary.


The Chairman asked that Committee’s comments and concerns be fed back, following which the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members she would bring an update for queries raised back to the next meeting.


No further questions or comments were received.


Following which, it was




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.


Executive/Council Forward Plan: pdf icon PDF 161 KB

To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan.


Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24, pages 73 to 80 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.


Approval of the award and spend of funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund, page 73 of the Agenda refers.


A Member requested that an update be provided on this, to include scoring mechanisms and who allocated the funding.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) considered that due to a lack of clarity on this item, a briefing could be provided at a Reserved Members’ Day and feedback from this could be presented to Committee.


Proposed Disposal of ELDC land, Humberston Road, Tetney, page74 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that this item had been on the Forward Plan for a long time and asked that the Ward Member be kept informed of any progress.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) responded that he would make enquiries on this item.


To consider delegating to Lincolnshire County Council the authority to discharge all functions relating to pavement licences under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, page74 of the Agenda refers.


The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that all Ward Members would be kept informed of this, however was aware that this had recently been removed from the Forward Plan as there had been a change to legislation.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24 be noted.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee is Tuesday 5 September 2023.


The date of the next Meeting was confirmed as Tuesday 5 September 2023.