Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH. View directions

Contact: Kathryn Walton  Democratic Services and Police and Crime Panel Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and representatives from his Office.  He also welcomed the Chief Constable for Lincolnshire, Chris Haward and those watching via the You Tube streaming service.



Apologies for Absence:


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Richard Butroid and Philip Dilks.



Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to disclose any relevant interests.  No interests were disclosed.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 452 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 26 November 2021.


To confirm the open and exempt Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 December 2021.


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 26 November 2021 and the Open and Exempt Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 17 December 2021 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.




Actions: pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive an update on the Actions agreed at the Meetings held on the 26 November 2021 and 17 December 2021.



It was noted that some of the actions from previous meetings were still outstanding.


The Commissioner confirmed that whilst he understood the reasons as to why the actions had been received later than usual, he and his team would use their best endeavours to provide the requested information as quickly as possible.


Communications from the Chairman:


The Chairman informed Members that in January he had attended a Home Office webinar the subject of which was the review of the PCCs and also the development of the effectiveness of the PCPs.


It was noted that a further webinar was to be held in February and there was a possibility that some of the Panel Members would be invited to attend.  He confirmed that he would contact Members when that occurred.


Questions from the Public:

To consider any written questions submitted by members of the public addressed to the Chief Executive of the Host Authority no later than midday five working days in advance of the meeting.



The Panel noted that no questions from the public had been received.


Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan: pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider an update report from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire regarding delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.


Additional documents:


 A report was presented by the Democratic Services Manager which provided an introduction to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (the Commissioner) report on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025.  The report was attached as Appendix A to the report presented.


The Chairman invited the Commissioner to address the Committee. 


The Commissioner invited Questions from Panel Members.  A copy of the questions and responses are attached at Appendix A to these minutes.


Following which, it was




That the update report on Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan be noted.




Proposed Policing Precept 2022/23: pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To follow.


Additional documents:


A report was presented that detailed the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire’s (the Commissioner) proposed increase in the Police Precept.  Details of the proposed increases were attached to the report presented at Appendix 1 and Annexes A, B and C.


Under Schedule 5 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel (the Panel) was required to review the Commissioner’s proposed Police Precept and report on it. The guidelines for this process were detailed within Appendix 2 of the report.


The Commissioner noted that the precept meetings, although held only once a year, seemed to be coming around more and more quickly.


He noted that he did not enjoy discussing whether the people of Lincolnshire should be paying more on their council tax for their policing needs, even if the cost was relatively small when judged against the total cost of the council tax bill. He noted that the Lincolnshire council tax payers were paying significantly less than their neighbours in Nottinghamshire.  He revealed that he never underestimated the responsibility of using council tax payer’s money and what he and the Chief Constable were proposing to do with it.


The Commissioner considered that he always had the public in mind when he set out to deliver the most robust consultation that he could across the County so that he could ensure that Lincolnshire Police could understand the views of the public.  He considered that he pushed his team to engage with groups who previously had not been considered in order to ensure that all views were heard.


One of the ideas introduced to the consultation a couple of years ago, was the free text box in order that the public could comment and really share their views and as usual a professional company was employed to ensure a statistically robust approach to the task.


The Commissioner continued by noting that he often had to question his personal view of what he thought was right versus what he thought the public was telling him, especially when the two did not align.


He noted that he was more naturally inclined to believe in low taxes, and he found it difficult to come before the panel and ultimately before the public and say, “You’ve told me you want to protect these services and/or increase these services, and that is what we [the Police] are going to do”.


He informed Members that as the public expected the Police to be clear about what they will be doing with those taxes, he had been consulting with the Chief Constable in order to identify and deliver clear Police prioritisations if the Precept was approved, which would then give the public clarity as to how their money would be spent.


The Commissioner then invited Julie Flint, the Chief Finance Officer at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver her presentation.  She displayed slides which, she informed Members, would underpin the Commissioner’s Precept Proposal. 


The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.


Complaints Position Statement: pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive information on complaints made against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire during the period 13 November 2021 to 21 January 2022.


Additional documents:


The Chairman thanked the PCC’s Chief Executive Officer for his Complaints Statement and acknowledged the three complaints therein.  Members noted that the details had been reviewed and the Panel was satisfied that the complaints were being dealt with appropriately.


The report was attached as Appendix A to the report presented.


Mr Burch, Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire confirmed he had nothing further to add to the report presented.


The Chairman informed the PCC’s Chief Executive Officer that the Panel were looking to form a small complaints working group comprising of Councillors Burke and Trotter along with Mr Krawiac.  On being put to the Panel it was agreed that the working group should be formed and following which it was




That the above-mentioned working group be formed and that the PCC’s Chief Executive Officer’s report be noted.



National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels:

To receive a verbal update on the work of the National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels.



The Panel’s liaison to the National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels informed Members that she had nothing to report to the Panel.


The Chairman noted that the Chairman of the NAPFC had been present at a webinar held by the Home Office the subject of which was the review of the PCCs and also the development of the effectiveness of the PCPs.




Panel Meeting Schedule and Work Programme 2022/23: pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider the Panel’s meeting dates and work programme for 2022/23.


Additional documents:


A report was presented that detailed the work programme and proposed meeting dates for the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel for 2022/23.  The Democratic Services Manager informed Members that they were required to formally approve the proposed meeting dates.


It was noted that it was usual for Members to meet informally in order to set the Members priorities for the coming municipal year and that he would be in touch to arrange this.


One Member queried whether it would be possible to hold a familiarisation session to acquaint new members with Lincolnshire Police and their Headquarters and control room.


Another Member considered that this would be a good idea and suggested that the session be held once the G4S staff had transferred the contract back into Lincolnshire Police.


This was deemed to be a very good idea and the Democratic Services Manager was tasked with arranging the visit.


One Member requested clarification as to the reason for a further meeting set for 14th February.  The Democratic Services Manager informed Members that the date was a provisional date.  It was within the Power of the Panel to veto the Commissioner’s Precept and if that happened a further meeting would need to be held when he returned to the Panel with his amended Precept.  As the Commissioner’s Precept had been accepted, Members were informed that they could remove the meeting from their diaries, although a formal cancellation would be sent in due course.


The report also included details of the Panel’s training and development programme.


Following which, it was




  1. That the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel schedule of meetings for 2022/23 be approved.


  1. That the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel work programme and training and development programme be noted.




Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of the Panel is 11am on Friday 10 June 2022.



It was noted that the date of the next programmed meeting of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel was confirmed as 11am on 10th June 2022.