Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Ann Good  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman:


Nominations were sought for Chairman of the Panel.


It was proposed by Councillor Chris Burke and seconded by Councillor Stephen Woodliffe that Mr. Chris Cook be re-elected as Chairman of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.


Upon being put to the vote, it was




That Mr. Chris Cook be re-elected Chairman of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel for the period up to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.


Election of Vice Chairman:


It was proposed by Councillor Chris Burke and seconded by George Krawiec that Councillor Graham Marsh be elected Vice-Chairman of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.


Upon being put to the vote, it was




That Councillor Graham Marsh be elected Vice-Chairman of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel for the period up to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.


Welcome and Introductions:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and representatives from his Office, members of the public and the media.   


The Chairman also welcomed Councillors Jonathan Pessol, representing North Kesteven District Council and Councillor Emma Bailey, representing West Lindsey District Council as newly appointed Members to the Panel.  The welcome was further extended to Councillor Ray Wootten, representing Lincolnshire County Council and Councillor Stephen Woodliffe, representing Boston Borough Council as returning Members to the Panel.


The Chairman acknowledged previous Panel Members’ contributions and it was proposed and seconded that a letter of thanks be sent to those concerned.


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Jim Astill, South Holland District Council and Councillor Philip Dilks, Lincolnshire County Council.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to disclose any relevant interests, no such interests were disclosed.


The Chairman offered his congratulations to Malcolm Burch, Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on his recent appointment as the acting chairman for Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To confirm the Open Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 3 February 2023.

Additional documents:


The Open Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 3 February 2023 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To confirm the actions following previous Police and Crime Panel meetings.

Additional documents:


The Actions were noted as complete or in hand.  


Members were referred to Appendix B in relation to the number of complaints upheld.  A copy of this had been circulated electronically to Members and a paper copy tabled.  A copy is attached at Appendix B to these Minutes, Action (Minute No.24) refers.


In relation to Action (Minute No.43), Members were informed that this was still in hand.  Following a letter drafted to the PCP with the Panel’s concerns over the number of PCSOs, a response had been received from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner who advised that he was unable to provide the information to the Panel, however had requested further information and would send a substantive response to the Panel shortly.


Questions from the Public:

To consider any written questions submitted by members of the public addressed to the Chief Executive of the Host Authority no later than midday five working days in advance of the meeting.


There were no questions from members of the public.


Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan: pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider an update report from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire regarding delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.

Additional documents:


Marc Jones, Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) offered his congratulations to the newly elected Members to the Panel and hoped that they would find the meetings useful to feed back to their respective councils.


The PCC requested that his officers introduce themselves to the Panel, following which introductions were received from Malcolm Burch, Chief Executive, Julie Flint, Chief Finance Officer and Joanne Davidson, Director of Strategy and Operations.


Following which, the PCC presented a report that provided an update on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan (2021 -2025).  The report covering the period to June 2023 was attached as Appendix A.


Questions were invited from Panel Members.  A copy of which is attached at Appendix A to these Minutes.


N.B.  The Meeting adjourned for a short break at 12.35pm and reconvened at 12.43pm.




That the update report on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan be noted.


N.B.  Marc Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner, Julie Flint, Chief Finance Officer and Joanne Davidson, Director of Strategy and Operations left the Meeting at 1.03pm.


Complaints Position Statement: pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive information on complaints made against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire during the period to 10 January 2023 to 19 May 2023.

Additional documents:


A report was presented that provided details of the procedures in place for dealing with complaints made against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and an update on the number of complaints received during the period 10 January – 19 May 2023.  The report was attached as Appendix A.


It was noted that one complaint was made against the Police and Crime Commissioner during the period 10 January – 19 May 2023.  The complaint was not recorded.  Mr Burch advised Members that he had nothing to add to the report.




That the Complaints Position Statement be noted.


N.B.  Malcolm Burch, Chief Executive, OPCC left the Meeting at 1.05pm.


Appointment of representatives to the National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels:

To consider the appointment of a Representative and Deputy.


Information on the association can be found at: Click here



It was noted that as Councillor Susan Waring had stepped down from her position as a Councillor, a new liaison was required with regard to the National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panel (NAPFCP).


Councillor Chris Burke was nominated and it was seconded by George Krawiec that Councillor Burke be the liaison between the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel and the NAPFCP


A Member requested that thanks be recorded to Councillor Waring for her work on the NAPFCP.




That Councillor Chris Burke be designated as liaison with the National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels.


Work Programme: pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To note the Panel’s meeting dates and consider the work programme for 2023/24.


Additional documents:


A report was presented that detailed the work programme and proposed meeting dates for the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel for 2023/24.  The report also included details of the Panel’s training and development programme.


Councillor Graham Marsh asked that his apologies be noted for the September meeting.




That the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel work programme and training and development programme be noted.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of the Panel is 11:00am on Friday 22nd September 2023.


The programmed date for the next Meeting of the Panel was noted as 11am on Friday 22 September 2023.