Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Susan Care  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies were received from Councillor Dick Edginton.


It was noted that in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor Billy Brookes had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Danny Brookes, Councillor David Hall had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Claire Arnold and Councillor Terry Taylor had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor James Knowles for this Meeting only.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests. 


Declarations were made as follows:


·       Councillor Fiona Martin asked it be noted that she was a Member of the Invest East Lindsey Stakeholder Board, Minute No. 12 (a) refers  and after taking advice from the Monitoring Officer stated that she would remain in the Meeting for this item.



Minutes: pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2023 and the Special Meeting held at the rising of the Annual General Council Meeting on 24 May 2023.


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2023 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting held at the rising of the AGM on 24 May 2023 were agreed as a correct record.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 8 March 2022.


Action No. 92(b).


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 87 – Items referred from other Committees – Breakdown of purchase price of the Hub figures, from the Meeting held on 7 March 2023, page 17 of the Agenda refers.


Following a discussion and clarity received on the information required by Committee it was agreed that the Assistant Director, Corporate would take this away and a response would be provided to Members for the next Meeting.


Action No. 90 – Envirocrime Contract Progress ELDC – Data on patrols undertaken in Spilsby, from the Meeting held on 7 March 2023, page 17 of the Agenda refers.


A Member considered that envirocrime patrols were not working well across East Lindsey, particularly in small villages and asked that a more detailed report be provided for data across the district.


Action No. 91 – Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire, from the Meeting held on 7 March 2023, page 17 of the Agenda refers.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders highlighted that a 12-week consultation by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust on Paediatric Services at Pilgrim Hospital Boston was underway (ending in September 2023).  Following a discussion, it was requested that a remote session for all three councils across the Partnership be held in July, led by Anna Richards, Associate Director of Communications and Engagement, ULHT NHS Trust in order that each council could respond to the consultation separately.


Action No. 71 – Budget Overview 2023/24 – Letter to be sent to Local MP asking her to continue to push for a Fairer Funding Deal, from the Meeting held on 24 January 2023, page 17 of the Agenda refers.


Members were advised that a letter had been drafted to the local MP Victoria Atkins, and was with the Leader of the Council to sign off.


Action No. 27 – Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker – Overview Standing Reference Group – Customer and Digital Service Delivery Improvement Strategy (including CAP provision) – Customer Experience Strategy, from the Meeting held on 29 November 2022, pages 17 to 18 of the Agenda refer.


Members were informed that the Customer Experience Strategy would be presented at the next Committee Meeting to be held on 25 July 2023.


Crime and Disorder Report pdf icon PDF 308 KB

To receive a report from the Community Safety Manager.

Additional documents:


Peter Hunn, Community Safety Manager, Jon Challen, Safer Communities Service Manager and Chair of the Local Community Safety Board, Andrew Haw, CCTV Manager, Boston Borough Council, Zoe Walters, Business Manager, Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, Sarah Cocker, Community Safety Partnership Officer and Sergeant Geoff Harrison, Lincolnshire Police were in attendance to present Members with the Crime and Disorder Report, pages 19 to 66 of the Agenda refer.


The report provided an overview of the work currently being undertaken by the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership at County level, the South & East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership at a local level, along with information on CCTV across the partnership and Anti-Social Behaviour activity in East Lindsey.  The report recommended that the contents were noted, and additionalareas of focus were considered for inclusion in future reports.


Members were invited for their comments and questions.


  • A Member referred to the noxious odour pilot scheme in Boston detailed at Paragraph 2.6, page 22 of the Agenda refers and highlighted that there were also examples of this in Louth and queried whether any action could be taken.  In response, the Community Safety Manager acknowledged that it was an issue and there were currently gaps in addressing this, in particular involvement from Housing Associations.  However, Members were advised that advice letters, progressing to community protection notices were being issued and as a result from the pilot scheme in Boston, this was now being looked at on a county basis.  It was further highlighted that a similar scheme was being looked at with regards to noise nuisance.


  • A Member highlighted ‘The Safety of Women and Girls’ and White Ribbon Day – 16 Days of Action, Paragraph 2.9, page 23 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that it was not just women and girls who suffered domestic abuse, and it should be promoted for the safety of all.  In response, the Community Safety Manager acknowledged that it was not just women and girls, highlighting that 80% of domestic abuse was directed at women and girls.  Members were informed that there were men-only sessions and hoped that other gaps for this would be promoted in Lincolnshire.


  • A Member referred to the Safer Streets Round 4, further highlighted at Paragraph 2.9 and queried why community CCTV volunteers had to be relied on and why it was not a paid position.  In response, the Community Safety Manager stated that through this scheme it was hoped that additional CCTV would be sourced.  The CCTV admin volunteer referred had been trained by the police to burn the discs, and this person had previously been employed as a CCTV Operator.


  • A Member highlighted that it was a 54-mile round trip from Louth to Skegness to view CCTV images and did not consider this acceptable.  In response, the Community Safety Manager advised Members that as well as a suite in Skegness, there was also a place in Mablethorpe to review CCTV footage and hopefully also in Louth and Spalding in the future.  It was highlighted that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Partnership Communications Strategy: pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To receive a report from the Assistant Director – Corporate.


Additional documents:


James Gilbert, Assistant Director (Corporate) presented Members with the Partnership Communications Strategy Report, pages 67 to 72 of the Agenda refer.  A copy of the Strategy was attached at Appendix A to the report.


Members noted that when the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership formed in October 2021, the Partnership Business Case identified opportunities to bring together strategy, policy and services across the three Councils.  This had the aim of improving services, achieving savings and ensuring resilience.


One of the first service reviews to be concluded was for the ‘Corporate’ Directorate, and this included the creation of a single Partnership Communications Service.  Whilst working together informally since the Partnership formed, the team formally came together as a single service in November 2022, creating the opportunity to fully align the communications approach.


In the 2023/24 Annual Delivery Plan, approved by Council in March 2023, it was identified that a single Partnership Communications Strategy would be brought forward for consideration to provide a framework for how the Partnership communicated with internal and external audiences going forward.  This report brought forward the Strategy for input through the scrutiny process.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


  • A Member referred to those people who did not engage through social media and queried whether these people had been ‘written off’.  In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the Council had a range of channels to engage with people and would expect each service to be able to target those people who did not use social media.


  • A Member queried why there was not anything covered within the report about improving the service, and highlighted that there had been a number of mis-spellings that had gone out on press releases.


  • The Chairman highlighted that although Members knew what was happening in their own wards, there was potential for vast improvement with officers keeping Members informed.


  • A Member queried whether access points could be made available to those residents who wanted to make contact via social media.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the access point model had been replaced with outreach hubs.


  • A Member considered that the problem with officers responding extended across the Partnership and not just ELDC, and stated that officers in each council should be aware of the other councils’ processes and procedures.  The Chairman agreed that communication could be better, however highlighted that each council in the Partnership was sovereign with its own Constitution.


  • A Member referred to the summary on Strategic Communications set out on page 80 of the Agenda and highlighted that he was not comfortable with the ‘R’ in the core purpose ‘reputation management of staff and Members’.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which, it was




That comments provided be used to shape the development of the Partnership Communications Strategy at Appendix A.


Procurement Strategy: pdf icon PDF 245 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Procurement and Contracts.

Additional documents:


Martin Gibbs, Head of Procurement and Contracts presented Members with a report that detailed the Procurement Strategy 2023/2026, together with a copy of the strategy attached at Appendix 1, pages 105 to 104 of the Agenda refer.


Members noted that on 1 March 2023, Council approved its Annual Delivery Plan 23/24, which included a specific action to bring forward a Procurement Strategy for adoption, Minute No. 70 refers.  This was also a key strand of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Business Case, recognising that through joint procurement the Councils could deliver significant savings.


The Strategy was particularly important at this time, given the scale of projects the Council had underway through the Towns Fund and Levelling Up Agendas and the associated joint procurement opportunities with its partner Councils.  The combined spend of the Partnership Councils on capital projects in the coming years would be in excess of £100m.


Members were advised that the Council had not had a Procurement Strategy in place for a number of years.  By having this strategy formally in place, it provided a clear strategy for Procurement throughout the next 3 years.


The Committee was invited to review the Procurement Strategy and provide feedback to shape the final Strategy.


  • A Member agreed that there was a need for a procurement strategy across the Partnership, however was not happy that the procurement and contracts service was being provided by PSPS Limited and further highlighted that this had not been made clear to the Audit and Governance Committee.  Members were advised that a number of different solutions had been considered, following which Member briefings were held across all three councils where all the processes were explained.  The new service went live in April 2023.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which, it was




That comments from Committee be accepted to shape the final Strategy.


N.B.  Martin Gibbs, Head of Procurement and Contracts left the Meeting at 3.35pm.


Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update:

To receive a verbal update from the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire.


The Chairman congratulated Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders for being nominated as the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire and also to Councillor Claire Arnold as her named substitute.


Councillor Makinson-Sanders advised Members that she attended the HSC Meeting held on 14 June 2023.


Members were provided with an update by email on 19 June 2023 that included the following items:


·       Councillor Carl Macey has been re-elected Chairman of the committee, supported in this role by his Vice Chairman Councillor Mrs Linda Wootten from Grantham.

·       Very good news for Lincolnshire that United Lincolnshire Health Trust had had its application to become a teaching hospital agreed.


·       Paediatrics at Boston.  There would now be a full public consultation, over 12 weeks, which was now live and finished on Monday 4 September 2023.


·       A further dental practice in East Lindsey would be closing in Skegness later this year.  Dental services and fluoridisation would be on the agenda for the next meeting of the HSC on 19 July 2023.


·       There was an interesting presentation from Sue Couzland, Divisional Director for EMAS in Lincolnshire and Neil Scott a senior officer in the organisation.  Their services had been reshaped considerably.


·       GP Services in Lincolnshire.  Sarah-Jane Mills and Dr Reid Baker gave a glowing report on the county’s GP services.  There were 81 practices in the county, arranged into 15 networks.


·       Integrated Health Board.  This new government initiative had a legal duty to publish an annual plan and strategy.  A new one would come in March 2024, but until then the five pillars they would build on were:


o   A new relationship with the public, working together to make the most of what was available.

o   Living well and staying well.

o   Access.

o   Integrated Community Care.

o   A happy workforce.


Further details can be seen by  clicking on the link: Agenda for Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire on Wednesday, 14th June, 2023, 10.00 am (


Members were informed that the next meeting of the HSC would be held on Wednesday 19 July 2023.


The Chairman thanked the Outside Body Appointee for her contribution on reporting back from the HSC.


Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports:


Scrutiny Panel Update - To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae's 5-year plan, including Key Performance Indicators: pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To receive a written update.


Members were referred to the written update attached at pages 125 to 126 of the Agenda.


Members noted that since the election in May 2023, there were currently 3 new members to recruit for the Panel including the election of Chairman.


Upcoming Scrutiny work: pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To receive a written update.


Members were referred to the written update on pages 127 to 128 of the Agenda.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny Officer advised Members that a call for Members to join the ‘Review of the Carbon Reduction Plan and associated carbon reduction activity at ELDC’ Scrutiny Panel had not yet been circulated as she was waiting for Committee to confirm that this was the next Panel to be formed.


Councillors David Hall and Robert Watson put themselves forward to join the Panel.


A query was raised whether electric vehicle charging points could be included within the scrutiny.


Following a brief discussion, the Scrutiny Officer revisit the targets on the scoping document and although not specifically detailed, with Members agreement would add it to the lines of enquiry.


Scoping of Scrutiny and Policy Topics:


Scoping Document - To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park: pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider a scoping document.


N.B.  At this point in the Meeting, Councillor Fiona Martin, Chairman advised Members that she was a Member of the Invest East Lindsey (IEL) Stakeholder Board, and after taking advice from the Monitoring Officer stated that she would remain in the Meeting for this item.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the Project Scoping Template attached at page 129 of the Agenda.  Members were advised that a scoping document had previously been agreed on Kingfisher Caravan Park (KCP), however after further discussion by Committee it had been agreed that the scrutiny would be widened to review the running of IEL Limited, with a particular focus on KCP.


The Scrutiny Officer advised Members that following agreement of the scoping document, a call for Members to join the Scrutiny Panel would be circulated in the Members’ Point Brief, following which Members were invited to review the scoping document.


  • A Member highlighted that there had been a great deal of concern with IEL and considered that this Panel should be given priority.


  • Further to the details on the scoping document, a Member considered that there was no mention on caravan operators as external witnesses who could provide valuable advice to the Panel.  In response, the Chairman advised that finer details to the scoping document would be added once it had been approved and the Panel had been formed.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which, it was




That the Scoping Document ‘To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park’ be agreed.


Scoping Document - Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey: pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider a scoping document.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the Project Scoping Template ‘Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’, page 131 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny Officer highlighted to Members that the Assistant Director, Neighbourhoods’ main focus was on the free to use facilities as there was a provision in place for chargeable toilet facilities and a procurement process was currently underway on this.


Following which, Members were asked to review the scoping document.


  • The Chairman suggested that a caveat be inserted at the bottom of the scoping document to reflect that the scrutiny was to focus on non-paying toilet facilities.


  • A Member highlighted he would like to see the inclusion of how residents were discriminated against, for example who should pay and who could use the facilities for free.


  • A Member queried whether the scrutiny could be undertaken in two parts, the first for non-paying facilities and the second for chargeable facilities.


  • A Member welcomed the scrutiny and highlighted that visitors to the district were annoyed when they had to pay for toilet facilities.


From the comments received, the Chairman considered that the Committee felt that the scrutiny should cover both paying and non-paying toilet facilities and wider issues, including inequalities.


A brief discussion ensued and Members were asked to consider in what order they wished the first three scrutiny panels to run.


Following which, it was




1)   That the Project Scoping Template ‘Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’ be agreed, with Members comments taken into consideration for the Panel to agree at its inaugural meeting.


2)   That the first three Scrutiny Panels were to run in the following order:


·       ‘To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park’;


·       ‘Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey’;


·       ‘Review of the Carbon Reduction Plan and associated carbon reduction activity at ELDC’.


Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 23/24 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP): pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To receive a report from the Assistant Director - Corporate.  

Additional documents:


Rebecca James, Scrutiny Officer presented Members with the Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 2023/24 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP) report, including Appendix A ‘2023/24 Draft Work Programme, Appendix B ‘Agreed Scoping Document – Public Transport in the SELCP area’, Appendix C ‘Project Scoping Template – Heathy Living Action Plan’, Appendix D ‘Project Scoping Template – Partnership Enviro-Crime Enforcement Contract’ and Appendix E ‘Project Scoping Document – Partnership Housing Standards Strategy’, pages 133 to 150 of the Agenda refer.


The report outlined the proposed joint scrutiny topics for the Partnership for 2023/34 and the establishment of a Joint Task and Finish Group for each topic.


Members were advised that the topics included had previously been considered by scrutiny committees at each Council, but this report brought forward more detail on each topic and requested appointments to the Joint Task Groups.  Appendix A provided an overview of the proposed Partnership scrutiny work plan.


The agreed approach was that each Council’s relevant scrutiny committee should appoint up to three Members to a Joint Task and Finish Group for any given topic.  Each agreed topic would have its own Joint Task and Finish Group.  A call for Members would be made at the Committee Meeting to be held on 25 July 2023.


The ‘parent’ scrutiny committees would agree the broad remit of the Joint Task and Finish Groups, but each Group would have a delegation to determine the detailed  lines of enquiry/witnesses.  A Lead Officer would be appointed by the relevant Deputy Chief Executive, and that Lead Officer would support the Group and would prepare any final report with the Group.


Final reports would be submitted to each council’s parent scrutiny committee for final review and subsequent recommendation on to the relevant decision-making person/body, as appropriate.


Members were advised that the Public Transport in the SELCP area Joint Scrutiny Panel convened in May 2022 and an interim report had been presented to Overview Committee on 7 March 2023, Minute No. 92(d) refers.  It was further highlighted that Lincolnshire County Council had requested to use the report for evidence to support a bid for £2.5m and was willing to work with the joint scrutiny panel. 


A Member asked for details of the LCC Meeting that the Interim Report was presented to.  The Scrutiny Officer responded that she would provide the Member with the details after the meeting.


Following a brief discussion, Members agreed to accept the report and its associated appendices.


Following which, it was




a)   That the topics and associated scopes, as set out at Appendices B - E, with each Task and Finish Group authorised to review the scopes and determine the detailed lines of enquiry and witnesses be agreed.


b)   That three Members to each of the proposed Task and Finish Groups identified in Appendices B to E appointed by the Committee be agreed at its Meeting to be held on 25 July 2023.


Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23: pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To receive a report from the Group Manager - Insights & Transformation.

Additional documents:


James Gilbert, Assistant Director (Corporate) presented Members with the Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4/End of Year Monitoring Report 2022/23 (April 2022 to March 2023) pages 151 to 174 of the Agenda refer.


Members attention was drawn to the Performance Indicators (Appendix A) and the Strategic Risk Register (Appendix B).


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


  • A Member highlighted the pie chart ‘East Lindsey Q4 KPI Overview’, page 156 of the Agenda refers and queried what ‘trend only’ referred to.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that this was a trend where no target was set against it and was monitored over a period of time.


  • A Member referred to ‘East Lindsey – Governance’ - Percentage of corporate complaints responded to within corporately set timescales, (76% performance against a target of 95%), page 159 of the Agenda refers and queried why it took so long to respond to a complaint.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that the response time depended on the service area involved and the complexity of the complaint, but was happy to find further information in relation to this.


  • A Member referred to East Lindsey – General Fund Assets - Percentage of available pitches occupied on Kingfisher Caravan Park, (48% performance against 60% target), page 161 of the Agenda refers.  It was further highlighted that there was also a shortfall in the number of caravan sales completed and considered that this needed a lot more explanation.


  • A Member highlighted the East Lindsey - Corporate KPIs 2022/23, page 158 of the Agenda refers where it stated ‘surveyed collectively’ and queried what this meant.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that these were KPIs where the survey had been undertaken across all three councils in the Partnership and where there were shared officers.


The Assistant Director (Corporate) advised Members that the KPIs were intended to stretch services and the green status of a KPI was not an ‘easy’ green, furthermore it would be unhealthy for every KPI to be green.


  • A Member queried whether there was adequate staffing where a red status had been awarded.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) responded that it depended on the service involved, however acknowledged that some service areas were very stretched currently.


  • A Member referred to CORP001(b) Economic Growth, page 164 of the Agenda refers and current proposals for an extension of Louth Industrial Estate.  It was highlighted that this was not included on the risk register and considered that it needed adding as it was a risk to the local economy.


  • A Member referred to CORP002 – Uncertainty of future Lincshore flood defence scheme, page 164 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that the medium risk awarded had been raised at previous Committee meetings and the Member felt very strongly that this should be re-evaluated as ‘when, not if’ flooding occurred it was a serious risk to the coastal economy.


The Assistant Director (Corporate) responded that these comments would be forward to the Assistant Directors of the relevant services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 175 to 186 of the Agenda refer.


Rebecca James advised Members that the tracker had received a thorough update from the relevant officers moving into the 2023/24 municipal year and highlighted that a number of them had been proposed to be closed and were marked in green. 


Members were invited to review the tracker, in particular those marked to be closed and to put their comments and questions forward.


No questions or comments were received.


Following which, it was




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.


Executive/Council Forward Plan: pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan.


Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24, pages 187 to 194 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.


  • A Member referred to the ‘Approval of the award and spend of funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund’, page 187 of the Agenda refers.  It was highlighted that no Member briefings had been held on this which was disappointing as input from Members would have been useful.  The Chairman added that her understanding was that there was no consistency in how the funding was being awarded and how expressions of interest were being treated.


  • A Member queried why the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) – Round 3 had been deferred from May 2023 and moved to July 2023.  The Assistant Director (Corporate) explained that items were often moved on the Forward Plan, highlighting the key element was that the item had been added and published on the Council’s website at least 28 clear days before the start of the period covered.


A Member added as a Point of Information that he had been corresponding with Magna Vitae in relation to the CDF who had highlighted their concerns of the time slippage and a potential loss of funding.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24 be noted.


Date of Next Meeting:

The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee is Tuesday 25 July 2023 commencing at 10.00am.


The date of the next Meeting was confirmed as Tuesday 25 July 2023.