Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Laura Allen  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies were received from Councillor Dick Edginton and Councillor Alex Hall.



Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests.  


Declarations were made as follows:


Councillor Robert Watson requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 6 he was a business owner in Sutton on Sea.


Councillor Fiona Martin requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 11(a) she was a previous member of the Invest East Lindsey Shareholders Panel.


Councillor Danny Brookes requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 13 he was a high street business owner.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 258 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 16 April 2024 and the Special Meeting held at the rising of the Annual General Council Meeting on 22 May 2024.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 April 2024 and the Special Meeting held at the rising of the Annual General Council Meeting on 22 May 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024


Action No. 112 – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 23 January 2024


Action No. 73 – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 103 – ‘Update on Heritage Appraisals’ from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024, page 23 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried the role of Place Manager being responsible for conservation in the Heritage Manager’s absence and requested that a more detailed update should be provided, in particular for Louth as it was a Conservation Area where the town centre was classified as being at risk.


The Chairman acknowledged that a specific timescale for the conservation area consultation had not been provided and that parish councils were awaiting information.  In response, Councillor Tom Ashton as Portfolio Holder for Planning advised Members that he would personally seek an update on the conservation areas consultation and that he was keen for additional areas to be assessed.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the heritage appraisals action was to remain open for future updates.


Action No. 112 – ‘Scrutiny and Policy topic suggestion forms’ from the Meeting held on 16 April 2024, page 23 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer informed Members that further clarification had been provided by the Monitoring Officer which confirmed that scrutiny of the Council’s Constitution was work for the Audit & Governance Committee to undertake through the Constitution Working Group.  In undertaking the task, the working group could ask for the support of the Overview Committee.


A Member highlighted that the topic put forward on ‘Councillors, Constitution and Democracy’ aimed to address a democratic deficit within the Council and was intended to examine the Council’s approaches rather than changing the Constitution.  Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the topic suggestion would be revisited to ensure there was no conflict with the role of the Constitution Working Group.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer reminded Members that the Constitution Working Group’s role was to ensure the Constitution was fit for purpose.


Action No. 73 – ‘Review of the use of planning conditions’ from the Meeting held on 23 January 2024, page 24 of the Agenda refers.


The Chairman informed Members that the Enforcement Service Manager was present at today’s meeting to provide an update for Agenda Item 5.


A Member commented that further training on planning enforcement would be well received and beneficial for all Council Members.


Action No. 66 – ‘To outline a proposed Protocol on the use of Community Reserve to provide loans to Parish Councils for capital works’ from the Meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 24 of the Agenda refers.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer clarified to Members that the report presented to Executive Board on 8th May 2024 had been put forward to agree funding and that a more detailed protocol was being developed.


Further to a discussion,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Update on Enforcement:

To receive a verbal update from the Enforcement Service Manager.


The Chairman welcomed Jo Parker, Enforcement Service Manager and Councillor Tom Ashton as Portfolio Holder for Planning to provide Members with an update on Planning Enforcement.


The Enforcement Service Manager advised Members of the previous queries raised by the Committee following the Meeting on 23rd January 2024 where a review of the use of planning conditions was undertaken. 


The following responses were provided:


·       Members were informed that the Planning Enforcement Service was tasked with 1000 planning enforcement cases a year on average and that fluctuations were observed during the summer months when there was an increase in people staying in holiday accommodation and more people were spending time outdoors.


·       Members were informed that the individual caseload of Enforcement officers was not restricted to set geographical areas and that set areas were utilised when possible for efficiency of travelling and conducting site inspections.


·       The Enforcement Service Manager advised Members that the caseload for Planning Enforcement Officers averaged between 30 and 80 cases per officer.


·       The Enforcement Service Manager further informed Members that the Enforcement team consisted of other components in addition to planning, including caravan licensing and tree officers.


The Chairman provided clarification on the queries that had been identified following the caravan enforcement scrutiny and whether the enforcement department had capacity to address unauthorised occupancy of caravans and the unauthorised running of businesses on caravan parks.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the update in relation to caravan enforcement from the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be brought forward for the current item (as below).


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 78 to 85 of the Agenda refer.


The Enforcement Service Manager assured Members that work was underway and that the proposal being put forward to Executive Board later in 2024 aimed to identify the best way forward to address the unauthorised occupancy on caravan parks to be managed in light of the current lack of resources.  The Enforcement Service Manager informed Members that the report was a comprehensive undertaking and required consultation with other service areas which included the Well-being and Housing teams. 


In relation to the 18 caravan scrutiny recommendations, Members were advised that work was being deferred until the service review had taken place and financial information had been obtained at the request of the new Assistant Director for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure.


The Enforcement Service Manager confirmed that considerable work had been undertaken in relation to the recommendations that were not being deferred, including improved liaison with the Council Tax Team and Customer Services, and work in relation to emergency planning which included updating the Council’s mapping system to enhance contact databases for use in emergencies in relation to flooding, pages 81 to 82 and page 84 of the Agenda refer.  The Enforcement Service Manager further advised that that the number of caravan sites in East Lindsey was approximately 300 with 36,812 caravans to inspect and that handover of information  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Towns Fund Projects Update:

To receive a verbal update from the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Adrian Sibley, Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery to provide Members with an update on Towns Fund Projects.


Members received a presentation (a copy is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes).


The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery informed Members that £50 million in funding had been received for Towns Fund projects in Mablethorpe and Skegness which consisted of twelve schemes and six of those schemes were being delivered internally by the Council.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project


·       A Member commented on issues with the previous structure where metal had rusted within concrete and queried what measures were in place to prevent this reoccurring in the future.


·       A Member further commented that the previous structure had been built after the flood of 1953 and that modern modular steel buildings were entirely different in construction.


·       A Member queried whether the Colonnade development was utilising self-cleaning glass.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed that further information would be obtained and brought back to the Committee.


·       A Member expressed support for the official naming of the project to assist with identifying the building as a prestigious development with great potential for the local community and visitors to the coast. 


·       The Chairman referred to the recommendation from the tracker which related to gardening and landscaping requirements, page 77 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery confirmed that considerations for gardening, design and landscaping would be considered as the scheme developed. 


·       A Member commented that the adjoining Pleasure Gardens had previously been designed by Dame Sylvia Crowe, a renowned landscape architect and that historical recreations were important.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that public consultation would take place prior to the approval of any landscaping. 


·       The Chairman referred to the recommendation from the tracker which related to resurfacing of the Broadway car park, page 75 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery advised Members that resurfacing of the car park was a County Council decision and not a function of the District Council.


·       A Member queried whether the Colonnade’s name was able to remain the same.  In response, the Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery explained to Members that the new building was no longer structurally a colonnade with concrete columns and that the public would be consulted on the official name.


·       A Member spoke in support of the name remaining the same and the benefits of consulting the public.


·       Members spoke in support for local gardening groups to be able to assist with landscaping.


·       The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery commended the future potential of the site as being an asset to the area.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Watson requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 6 that he was a business owner in Sutton on Sea, however would remain  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update: pdf icon PDF 521 KB

To receive a report from the Outside Body Appointee.

Additional documents:


The Chairman referred Members to the briefing papers from Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire following its Meetings held on 17th April 2024 and 15th May 2024, pages 25 to 34 of the Agenda refer.


The Outside Body Appointee informed Members that the forthcoming Meeting scheduled for 12 June 2024 had been cancelled due to pre-election guidance in the run up to the General Election in July 2024. 


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member commented that it was beneficial that Lincolnshire had one less Trust to manage which would reduce the level of administration for the NHS.


·       A Member further highlighted that measures intended to free up additional time for dentists had not been evidenced by the number of appointments being fulfilled, particularly in Mablethorpe.


·       A Member concurred with the lack of dental appointments available in Mablethorpe and thanked the Outside Body Appointee for her very detailed and valuable reports.  In response, the Outside Body Appointee advised Members that dentist’s contracts had changed under the previous government which had resulted in low paid dentists leaving the NHS for private practice.


·       The Outside Body Appointee further highlighted her disappointment with the lack of clarity on how the figures provided for GP appointments were sourced.


·       Referring to the statistic which stated that 780 international nurses had been recruited from 42 different nations, a Member queried whether the nurses had the relevant visas to work in Lincolnshire, page 31 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Outside Body Appointee advised Members that the number of nurses had been established through a people plan which was being used to drive recruitment and improve the experience of working in the NHS.  


·       Referring to the May 2024 report which referenced antimicrobial resistance, a Member conceded this was a significant threat and wished to see action taken by the government to reduce or eliminate prophylactic antibiotics for farm animals which was considered to be leading to antibiotic resistance, page 34 of the Agenda refers.


·       The Outside Body Appointee referred to the statement that GP Practices currently received on average £165 per patient which was a £13 increase since 2015.  It was considered this was a vicious circle, with more people being encouraged to visit their GPs who were not adequately funded rather than referring patients hospitals, page 33 of the Agenda refers.


·       The Chairman further commented that recent advice being provided by 111 to put greater focus on consulting a local pharmacist to ease pressures from doctors had not been effective in freeing up appointments.


·       A Member commented that issues with obtaining dentist appointments was widespread and incentives were attracting dentists to turn private rather than remaining with the NHS.


No further comments or questions were received.


The Chairman thanked the Outside Body Appointee for her contribution on reporting back from the HSC.


Following which it was,




That the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire briefing papers be noted.


Draft Overview Committee Annual Report to Council: pdf icon PDF 398 KB

To receive a draft report.


The Chairman presented Members with the draft Overview Committee Annual Report to Council, pages 35 to 46 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.  None were received.


Following which it was,




That the Overview Committee Annual Report be presented to Council at its Meeting to be held on 17 July 2024.


Annual Joint Scrutiny Task Group for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership: pdf icon PDF 202 KB

To receive a Report.

Additional documents:


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer presented Members with a report on the Annual Joint Scrutiny Task Group for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, pages 47 to 52 of the Agenda refer.


The purpose was to establish a Joint Scrutiny Task Group and agree the associated scope to undertake the annual scrutiny review of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.


The Chairman informed Members that in addition to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, one additional Scrutiny Member from each of the Partnership Councils relevant Scrutiny Committees needed to be appointed.


A Member commented on the level of commitment needed to attend Joint Scrutiny Task Group Meetings one day a week.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that attendance at Meetings was virtual and a timescale had been indicated to inform Members of the commitment involved.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer informed Members of the efforts in previous years to achieve scheduling that was compatible with Members.


Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders and Councillor Robert Watson put forward an expression of interest.  Following which it was agreed that Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders would be appointed to the Task Group and Councillor Robert Watson would be appointed as a Substitute.


Following which it was,




·       That the scope at Appendix A be agreed to enable the scrutiny exercise to commence in line with the commitment in the Memorandum of Agreement.


·       That Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders be appointed from the Scrutiny Committee, with Councillor Robert Watson as Substitute to join the Task Group alongside the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 24/25 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership: pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To receive a report from the Assistant Director - Corporate.



Additional documents:


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer and the Assistant Director - Corporate presented Members with the Proposed Joint Scrutiny Activity for 2024/25 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP) report, including Appendix A ‘2023/24 Draft Work Programme, Appendix B ‘Agreed Scoping Document – Enviro Crime Enforcement Contract’ and Appendix C ‘Leisure Facilities Contract scoping document’, pages 53 to 64 of the Agenda refer.


The report outlined the proposed joint scrutiny topics for the Partnership for 2024/25 and the establishment of a Joint Task and Finish Group for each topic.


N.B The Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery left the Meeting at 11.32am.


Members were advised that the topics included had previously been considered for review by scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs at each Council, however this report brought forward more detail on each topic and requested appointments to the Joint Task Groups.  Appendix A provided an overview of the proposed Partnership scrutiny work plan.


The agreed approach was that each Council’s relevant scrutiny committee should appoint up to three Members to a Joint Task and Finish Group for any given topic.  Each agreed topic would have its own Joint Task and Finish Group.  


The Chairman advised Members that it was beneficial for previous Members of the Task Group to continue being involved and provide continuity.


Councillor Graham Marsh, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction further advised Members that the work was an important piece of scrutiny and would benefit from at least two people who had previously been part of the Task Group as they held a greater knowledge and understanding.  The Portfolio Holder continued to advise Members that the outcome related to the three Councils trying to find a way forward with the same contractor and to ensure that each individual Council was satisfied that they were doing what was best for their residents.


Following a brief discussion, Members agreed to accept the report and its associated appendices and for an advertisement for Members to commence.


Following which, it was




a)   That the topics and associated scopes, as set out at Appendices B - C, with each Task and Finish Group authorised to review the scopes and determine the detailed lines of enquiry and witnesses be agreed.


b)   That three Members to each of the proposed Task and Finish Groups identified in Appendices B to C be sought and appointed.



Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports:


Scrutiny Panel Report - To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park:

To review the final report of the Panel.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Fiona Martin requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 11 (a) she was a previous member of the Invest East Lindsey Shareholders Panel, however, would remain in the Meeting to speak on the item.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer further requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 11 (a) she was the Company Secretary for Invest East Lindsay and had no decision-making responsibilities.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Daniel Simpson, Chairman of the Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park Scrutiny Panel to the meeting who was in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer informed Members that the Scrutiny Panel Report had been drafted and had not been agreed in time for today’s meeting.  Members were advised of the options for ensuring the report was made available at the earliest opportunity.


N.B Councillor Arnold left the Meeting at 11.39am.


Councillor Daniel Simpson, as Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel apologised to Members for the delay in producing the draft report and highlighted the challenges of compiling the report to ensure it was sufficiently detailed and readable.  It was further explained that advice had been sought from the Monitoring Officer in relation to recommendations in the report regarding legal matters.


N.B Councillor Arnold returned to the Meeting at 11.43am.


The Chairman requested clarification on whether an agreement had been reached with the Monitoring Officer with regards to legal advice relating to information contained within this before presenting the report.  In response, the Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel advised Members that agreement was expected later today.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member supported the option that the report be delegated to the Chair / Vice Chair to consider whether it had met the scope, with the report being circulated to Overview Members via e-mail for consideration and agreement prior to being put forward to Council for consideration in July 2024.


·       Further Members supported that the report be presented to Council as soon as possible and for the issues to be highlighted.


·       Members acknowledged that the scrutiny topic had been a very comprehensive piece of work.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer sought Members feedback on the placing of recommendations within the report.  Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the recommendations be listed at the front of the report to serve as an executive summary.


Following which it was,




That the draft report of the ‘To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park, be delegated to the Chair / Vice Chair to consider whether it has met the scope and be recommended to be presented to Council on 17th July 2024.


N.B Councillor Daniel Simpson left the Meeting at 11.52am.


Scrutiny Panel Update - Review of the Carbon Reduction Plan and associated carbon reduction activity at ELDC pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.



Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, pages 65 to 66 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Panel had met twice to date with further meetings planned for June and July 2024 and that Councillor Rickett had been elected as Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel.  Members were further advised that the scope had been confirmed and that the meeting planner had been adapted and extended following further witnesses being identified.


A set of standard questions for guest witnesses had been drawn up and sent to officers at North Kesteven, South Kesteven and West Lindsey District Councils and they had also been invited to meetings during June 2024 to discuss and compare Carbon Reduction Plans and associated activities. 


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


No comments or questions were received.


Scrutiny and Policy Topic Suggestion Forms: pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider scrutiny topic suggestion forms:


·         Review of support for Parishes and Communities

·         To explore effective Councillor Development to improve engagement


Additional documents:


The Chairman informed Members that additional topic suggestion forms had been received on two topics which included ‘Review of support for Parishes and Communities’ and ‘To explore effective Councillor Development to improve engagement’, pages 67 and 70 of the Agenda refer.


Scrutiny Topic - Review of support for Parishes and Communities


·       The Chairman commented on the importance for large areas that were without Parish Councils to have support and representation from the District Council.


·       A Member commented in support of the topic suggestion form and recommended its suitability for a task and finish group rather than full scrutiny to address the issues including those in areas without parish meetings.


·       Further Members spoke in support of the proposed scrutiny topic to review support for parishes and communities.


·       A Member requested clarification whether the scrutiny topic was targeted at communities without parish councils.  In response, the Chairman confirmed it was targeted at communities both with and without parish councils and how ELDC could support them.  


Scrutiny Topic - To explore effective Councillor Development to improve engagement


·       The Chairman queried whether the topic should be widened to include support to Members at the Hub and to consider whether to bring back Councillor reference groups.


·       A Member commented that similar groups had worked well in the past at other Councils.


·       The Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that while Member facilities were not being examined across the Partnership, the Council’s Annual Delivery Plan for 24-25 contained an action that was agreed by each of the Partner Councils alongside the budget to form a Partnership wide Member Development Group which would enable training opportunities to become better aligned for greater efficiency.


·       A Member requested that advance notice of training opportunities was provided to Members.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that efforts were being made to publish a core programme at the beginning of the municipal year to better inform to Members.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




       That the scoping documents for ‘review of support for Parishes and Communities’ and ‘to explore effective Councillor Development to improve engagement’ be approved.


Scrutiny Topic Scopes: pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To receive an update on scrutiny topic scopes:


·         Project Management Analysis

·         Car Parking in East Lindsey

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members on the revised topic scopes for ‘Project Management Analysis and ‘Car Parking East in Lindsey’, pages 71 and 74 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


Scrutiny Topic Scope - Project Management Analysis


·       A Member queried the availability of Members that had knowledge and experience of managing major projects.  In response, the Chairman advised that the topic involved a review of how previous projects were managed and that Councillors may hold that knowledge or could learn by undertaking scrutiny of the topic.


N.B Councillor Graham Marsh left the Meeting at 12.11am.


·       A Member expressed concern for a requirement to be critical of staff when undertaking scrutiny of project management analysis.  In response, the Chairman assured Members that the scrutiny examined the process and not the persons who were managing the project.


·       A Member further commented that the topic of Project Management Analysis was a good opportunity for learning.


·       A Member commented that expertise in the subject area was not required as external witnesses enabled Members to hear arguments and make informed judgements.


Scrutiny Topic Scope - Car Parking in East Lindsey


·       A Member commented that it would be beneficial to revisit areas highlighted from past scrutiny that was undertaken on car parking and determine whether recommendations had been successfully implemented.


At this point in the meeting, Councillor Danny Brookes requested that it be noted that in relation to Agenda Item 13 he was a high street business owner, however would remain in the meeting to speak on the item.


·       A Member spoke in support of re-examining car parking in East Lindsey, in particular as some areas were disadvantaged by having no free car parking in town centres.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




       That the scrutiny topic scoping template for ‘Project Management Analysis’ and ‘Car Parking in East Lindsey’ be agreed.



Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4 Monitoring Report 2023/24:

To receive a report.

Additional documents:


James Gilbert, Assistant Director - Corporate presented Members with the Performance and Governance Framework - Quarter 4 (Q4) Monitoring Report 2023/24 (April 2023 to March 2024), pages 1 to 40 of the Supplementary Agenda refer.


Members attention was drawn to the Performance Indicators (Appendix A) and the Strategic Risk Register (Appendix B).


The Assistant Director – Corporate informed Members that the majority of risk indicators were green and that narrative had been provided alongside each of the risks that were red.  Assurance was provided that Portfolio Holders and Assistant Directors were working together to improve performance for the risks that were in the red at year end.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member queried whether the report for the Performance and Governance Framework at the end of Quarter 4 was written in relation to ELDC or the Partnership, page 1 of the Supplementary Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed to Members that the report was focused on performance solely at East Lindsey whereas the Performance Framework was utilised across the Partnership. 


·       Referring to Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for workforce, a Member commented that it was a concern that figures for staff turnover and sickness had increased, pages 19 and 20 of the Supplementary Agenda refer.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the number of working days lost and staff turnover figures needed to be revised to show 22/23 outturn against the 23/24 outturn rather than the Quarter 4 figure 22/23 currently listed.   The Assistant Director – Corporate further confirmed that the correct figures would be circulated to the Members following the Meeting.


·       A Member further commented on the upward trend for staff turnover, page 20 of the Supplementary Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the upward trend was not unusual for staff turnover and that spikes were expected in Q4 when fixed term contracts terminated to align with year-end.  The Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed that a more detailed narrative would be included on those two indicators in future reports.


·       The Chairman queried whether the Annual Staff Satisfaction Survey still took place.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that a survey had not been undertaken for some time and that the Senior Leadership Team were reviewing a draft version for future deployment.  The Assistant Director - Corporate assured Members that benchmarking questions had been utilised on a quarterly basis and that it was recognised that a Partnership-wide survey would add value to each of the three workforces. 


·       In reference to Paragraph 3.4, a Member queried how ‘sand’ was classified as a high operational risk, page 4 of the Supplementary Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director advised Members that further detail on this risk would be obtained.


·       A Member commented on the report that Councillors were being cut off from phone calls to the Customer Contact Centre.  The Chairman further queried whether the issue had been identified  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 75 to 90 of the Agenda refer.  Members were invited to review the tracker and put their comments and questions forward.


How can ELDC help improve the design, quality, and choice of new and existing housing in the district?


Recommendation No 1 ‘ELDC will set local energy efficiency minimums above and beyond the minimum standards’, page 86 of the Agenda refers.


A Member referred to the timescale listed as July 2024 and requested that further information was provided on the ongoing review.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate informed Members that a new Interim Planning Policy Service Manager had recently been appointed to East Lindsey District Council.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the target date would be reassessed at the July 2024 Meeting.


To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae's 5-year plan, including Key Performance Indicators (part 2), pages 87 to 89.


The Chairman advised Members that a future update was expected from Councillor Graham Marsh as Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture, and Carbon Reduction on the Magna Vitae 5 Year Plan.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that Public Convenience Scrutiny Panel recommendations were provisionally accepted, and that Councillor Foster as Portfolio Holder for Operational Services was going to work with Victoria Burgess, Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods and Danny Wilson, Neighbourhoods Service Manager to provide an update at the July 2024 Meeting.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.


Executive/Council Forward Plan: pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan.


Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2024-25, pages 91 to 96 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.


·       In reference to the decision for ‘Approval of the award and spend of funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund’, a Member queried the involvement of Councillors in the consultation process and voiced disappointment that consultation had not included those democratically elected, page 91 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised that a briefing would be circulated to all Members in relation to the UKSPF decision-making process and on representation on the Local Partnership Group and Theme Group.


·       In reference to ‘Working in Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector’ a Member requested feedback on how the initiative was being undertaken, page 92 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised that a report was being presented to Executive Board in July 2024 and that a briefing would be circulated to Members to provide an update.


·       In reference to the item for ‘Provision of Solar PV for Horncastle Hub’, a Member queried whether there was a connection to the following sentence ‘To consider a package of initiatives to strengthen support for villages, parishes and market towns across East Lindsey’, page 94 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that the issue had been previously noted and would be further clarified.


·       A Member requested clarification on the identity of the Corporate Business Intelligence and Change Manager.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed that role was held by Corey Gooch.


·       A Member queried whether names of officers could be added to the Forward Plan in future for ease of identification.  In response, the Assistant Director advised Members that names would be incorporated moving forward.


·       In reference to the ‘Customer Feedback Policy’ a Member sought clarification whether this was the responsibility of PS2, page 95 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the Council set the policy framework in relation to the Customer Feedback Policy and that the Partnership was looking to align the customer feedback process.


·       A Member further queried how customer feedback was obtained. In response, the Assistant Director - Corporate advised Members that customer feedback was obtained in a number of ways which included feedback from Members on behalf of customers, direct correspondence from customers completing the online form and offering and obtaining customer feedback when teams were out in the field with residents.  


·       The Scrutiny and Policy Officer further advised Members that the opportunity for Overview Committee to scrutinise the process for customer feedback was expected at the Meeting on 19th November 2024.


·       A Member queried whether Councillors should be encouraging residents to write into the Council.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that residents were entitled to both contact their local Councillor and to write in. 


Date of next Meeting:


The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee was noted as 23 July 2024.