Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Laura Allen  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies were received from Councillor Neil Jones and Councillor Billy Brookes.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests.


Councillor Edginton requested that it be noted that in relation to Item 5 he was a Board Member of Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on that item.




Minutes: pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 28 November 2023.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 November 2023 were agreed as a correct record with the following amendment:


Further to a query raised, it was confirmed that it was Councillor Neil Jones who left the Meeting at 11.56am, not Councillor Robert Watson.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 28 November 2023.


Action Nos. 57 (a), 58 (b), 60, 61, 64, 65, and 66 (b) – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 20 – ‘Clarification to be provided on the collaborative work being carried out in relation to working with ELDC, EA, LCC in the development of EA funding bid towards an Investment Plan for the coast’ from the meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 20 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that there was no strategy for flood defences on the coast and requested assurance for its inclusion in the Investment Plan for the coast.  In response, Councillor Tom Ashton – Portfolio Holder for Planning advised that there were no plans to discontinue strengthening sea defences.  Beach nourishment was to continue and where concrete sea defences had structural issues, the strength to withstand the full force was not expected to reduce until 2040.  It was advised that the Council was working in conjunction with the University of Lincoln, the County Council and with the Environment Agency to give long term protection to the Lincolnshire Coast.


Action No. 64 (c) – ‘An update to be provided on third party service delivery including who it related to and whether this included PS2. Also, to clarify why Invest East Lindsey was not identified as a risk’ from the meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 21 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried under which heading Invest East Lindsey was identified as a risk.  In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised that Invest East Lindsey was a broad risk which was included in third party service arrangements.  An update was to be provided at the next meeting to confirm if the Invest East Lindsey risk was being included separately in the next Risk Register.


Action No. 65 (b) – ‘Recommendation No 10, ‘ELDC will consider the feasibility of returning to house building/mixed stock holding to balance and influence our local market’ from the meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 22 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed concern that money lent to Invest East Lindsey had not been repaid.  The Chairman and Councillor Fry as Portfolio Holder for Finance confirmed it was their expectation that the money lent to Invest East Lindsey was going to be repaid.  More clarity was requested including on the properties being provided for Afghan families.  In response, Councillor William Gray – Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging explained that funds had been agreed for housing Afghans in conjunction with the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Scheme.


Action No. 16 (c) - ‘Q & A Session with John Turner, Chief Executive, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board’ from the meeting held on 29 November 2022, pages 22 and 23 of the Agenda refers.


The Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire commented that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) played a significant role  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Budget Overview, 2024/25, (including Budget Consultation): pdf icon PDF 336 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Finance – Client.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Christine Marshall, Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and Section 151 Officer, Colleen Warren, Head of Finance (Client) PSPS Limited and Councillor Richard Fry, Portfolio Holder for Finance to the Meeting.


Councillor Fry informed Members that the Council was in an excellent financial position and was being vigilant of the remaining risks.


Members received a presentation that detailed budget progress, including the impact that the 2024/2025 Spending Review would have on the budget, the  Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and an overview of budget pressures, risks and opportunities (a copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes).


The Portfolio Holder for Finance further advised that final checks were being undertaken on the budget, and that the Capital Programme remained in draft pending final adjustments.  Public consultation had commenced on 15th January 2024 and the budget was being presented to the Audit and Governance Committee, followed by the Executive Board and then to Full Council on 28th February 2024.


The Chairman invited James Gilbert, Assistant Director (Corporate) to provide an update on progress with Drainage Board levies.  It was advised that the Special Interest Group (SIG), Chaired by Councillor Paul Redgate (SHDC) consisted of 28 Member Councils and momentum was gathering with a key event taking place at the House of Commons on 6th February 2024 with MPs, Ministers and the Secretary of State for DEFRA in attendance.  There were positive signs emerging from Government to support the effort.  IDBs were a huge challenge and examples such as St Germans Pumping Station had seen extremely large increases in standing charges passed to the Local Authority.  A collaborative effort was continuing to lobby government and a sustainable funding solution was being sought to take the pressures away from local authorities.


At this point in the Meeting, Councillor Edginton requested that it be noted he was a Board Member of Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on this item.  The Chairman advised that a number of Members of this Committee were also members of Drainage Boards across the district.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member thanked Councillor Fry for his report and queried if the presentation was circulated to Members prior to the meeting. In response, the Chairman advised that a copy of the presentation would be provided to Members following the meeting. 


·       A Member expressed their disappointment with the fairer funding deal and stated that the Rural Support Network and MP Victoria Atkins should be made aware that East Lindsey was disadvantaged. Further concern was expressed that increases in business rates did not encourage economic growth or enable businesses to flourish.


·       In reference to Table 4 – ‘Precepting Authority Band D charges’ a Member further highlighted that many vulnerable people could not afford further increases in Council Tax and that IDB charges should be part of the governments flooding policies and be funded by central government, page 45 of the Agenda refers.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Review of the use of planning conditions: pdf icon PDF 336 KB

To receive a report from the Development Management Lead Officer.



The Chairman welcomed Andy Booth, Development Management Lead and Councillor Tom Ashton, Portfolio Holder for Planning to the Meeting.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning expressed gratitude after being invited back to the Committee.  He advised Members that on some occasions, the decisions on imposing planning conditions had not always been effective and these instances highlighted the need for further scrutiny to ensure that planning conditions were able to be enforced and that action was taken when necessary.


Andy Booth, Development Management Lead presented Members with a report on the review of the use of planning conditions, pages 67 to 74 of the Agenda refer.  Members were informed that pursuant to the findings of the Ombudsman in respect of the particular requirements of a planning condition, a service review of practice and procedure for the use of conditions had been required.  The review had been completed and the Committee was being informed of the findings of the review and actions implemented.


N.B. Councillor Fry, Portfolio Holder for Finance and the Head of Finance (Client) left the Meeting at 10.48am.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member stated that the conditions applied to planning approvals were frequently removed on appeal or on subsequent plans.  It was queried if planning conditions had been appropriately applied and why so many had been removed.  In response, the Development Management Lead advised this was due to various reasons and that there was always an opportunity to remove or vary planning conditions due to a change of circumstances.  The National Planning Policy Framework made clear that planning conditions should be kept to a minimum and that six tests were to be applied and satisfied, page 67 and 70 of the Agenda refers.


·       A Member sought further reassurance that planning conditions were not being used to enable developers to apply and gain permission with the underlying intention of having them removed at a later date.  In response, the Development Management Lead reiterated that the six tests must be applied and satisfied for each permission. National policy required impacts to be mitigated to make development acceptable, for instance to enable affordable housing. The Portfolio Holder for Planning provided further reassurance that Ward Members were notified of applications to remove conditions and were able to call-in applications of local concern.


·        A Member queried who was responsible for making checks on developers following approved permissions and sought clarification whether the Enforcement Department was part of the Planning Department.  In response, the Development Management Lead referenced 1.7.1 of the report which noted that enforcement powers were discretionary within planning legislation, page 68 of the Agenda refers.  It was further advised that the approach through adopted policy was risk based and that negotiation was always the first stage of the process which could take considerable time.  It was confirmed that Planning and Enforcement operated as two separate teams.


·       A Member expressed dissatisfaction that planning conditions imposed were not enforced and that enforcement had no capacity to follow up.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Update from the Service Manager - Housing & Support Solutions: pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Chairman welcomed Jason Oxby, Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions), Carol Rippin, Team Leader (Rough Sleeping Prevention) and Councillor William Gray, Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Better Aging to the provide Members with a progress update. A copy of the presentation for both updates is attached at Appendix B to the Minutes.


Progress update on Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2028: pdf icon PDF 262 KB

To receive a report.


Jason Oxby, Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) presented Members with a progress update on the Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2028, pages 91 to 92 of the Agenda refer.


Following an introduction, Members were informed of the progress within East Lindsey and of the priorities and strategies that aimed to increase supply of accommodation, improve access to support through multi-agency working and to enable greater access to mental health services.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member expressed gratitude that mental health was included and focused on in the report, acknowledging that support was very limited in rural areas and needed to be a priority.  It was further queried what was the average time people had stayed in temporary accommodation.


In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that it was critical to get support to people on the street and provide dual diagnosis, for example when people had both mental health and drug misuse issues.  It was confirmed that the duration people stayed in temporary accommodation was extremely variable and depended on individual circumstances.


The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) further advised that additional challenges existed for accommodating large families when housing was not always available through the Social Housing Register.  It was highlighted that single persons, particularly with complex health needs were now in the majority when requiring housing, and there was a significant need for one bedroom accommodation.


·       Referring to the Support Needs Graph, page 82 of the Agenda refers,  a Member queried how people had been able to travel and be diagnosed if the closest place to residents in East Lindsey was Lincoln.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that support was available in Louth and Skegness and people had been visited at hostels.  It was acknowledged that there was always significant pressure across the district to prioritise those with mental health issues and those who were homeless.


·       A Member highlighted examples where people had been housed in unsuitable areas exposing them to further drug related temptation.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that the majority of people who had addictions had not been placed in unsuitable locations although he recognised that it was an issue which depended on individual circumstances.  It was advised that those who were single, under 35 years of age and unemployed experienced the most challenges and that all people were risk assessed to ensure the accommodation was suitable.


·       A Member expressed their appreciation of the report and the support that was being provided having experienced similar issues themselves.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Better Aging further commended the report and assured that a robust strategy was in place for Lincolnshire.  The Council was effectively working in Partnership with County engagement to support the most vulnerable people in the community and solutions were being evidenced which included multi-agency panels and hospital and prison protocols.


·       A Member queried if the Holistic Health for the Homeless Service (HHH)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74a


Rough Sleeping Intervention Team Annual Report 2022-23: pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive a report.


Jason Oxby, Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) presented Members with the Rough Sleeping Intervention Team Annual Report 2022-23, pages 75 to 90 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·       A Member praised the report and queried the target date which was set by the Government to end rough sleeping by 2025, page 83 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that 23 months to end rough sleeping was a major challenge and the target would aim to halve by 2025, and to end by 2028. It was concluded that the target date was not achievable unless people wanted help and both accommodation and access to services was available.


·       A Member queried if there was a lower age limit in order to qualify for help.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that young people 16 years and under were in a different category and that no-one under 18 years of age should be sleeping rough.  There was a youth housing protocol in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council, and the priority for under 18’s was to provide support to get them back home, with a relative or to support them in independent living accommodation. Anyone with concerns for persons under 18 was recommended to contact the County Council.


·       A Member further queried if there were any shower facilities in Louth for homeless people.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) stated he was not aware of any facilities in Louth and advised that arrangements could be negotiated with other organisations if necessary.


·       The Chairman praised the work by partner organisation Lincs Digital which provided a valuable service which enabled those who were homeless to stay in contact and gain support.  It was confirmed that a copy of the information shared at the Reserved Members Session on Lincs Digital would be distributed in the Members’ Point Brief.


In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised that money requested from the homelessness prevention fund was flexible and could also be purposed to provide mobile phones. It was concluded that further opportunities were to be examined in future funding applications in order to support more effective communication.


·       A Member requested assurance that all staff and officers took precautions to ensure their safety and further requested clarification on the term ‘complex needs’.  In response, the Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) advised Members that staff were supported by risk assessments and regular checks were undertaken to ensure safety.  It was further advised that the term ‘complex needs’ included a vast array of issues and that usually these were multiple issues including mental health and drugs use.  The Service Manager (Housing Support & Solutions) concluded that all organisations worked in partnership and performed needs assessments on how best to support individuals, particularly those with complex needs.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Better Aging gave thanks to the Rough Sleeping Prevention Team and recognised the difficult circumstances and situations that the Council was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74b


Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update: pdf icon PDF 119 KB

A report from the Outside Body Appointee.



The Chairman referred Members to the briefing papers from Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire following its Meeting held on 6th December 2023, pages 93 to 96 of the Agenda refer.


The Outside Body Appointee informed Members that a response was still outstanding for the young people’s mental health hubs previously queried by the Overview Committee.  It was further advised that the Outside Body Appointee, nor her nominated substitute were able to attend the next HSC for Lincolnshire Meeting.


No comments or questions were received.


The Chairman thanked the Outside Body Appointee for her contribution on

reporting back from the HSC.


Following which it was,




That the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire briefing papers be



Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports:


Update - To monitor the implementation of Magna Vitae's 5-year plan, including Key Performance Indicators: pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, pages 97 to 98 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Panel had met several times to date. Following the meeting held on 10th January 2024, the Panel was considering the final report and possible draft recommendations.  A further meeting was scheduled for 7th February 2024 and the report was being presented to Overview Committee on 5th March 2024.


A Member stated that it was disappointing to learn that staff had been placed on zero hours contracts.  In response, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised that it was for Magna Vitae to clarify and that staff had been contracted to undertake set hours.


Update - To consider Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey: pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, pages 99 to 100 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Panel had met six times to date.  Additional evidence was considered by the Panel to supplement the information in the draft report at the meeting held on 8th January 2024.  The report had been circulated for final comment with a provisional meeting scheduled to take place on 22nd January 2024.  Following this, the report was being presented to Overview Committee on 5th March 2024.






Update - To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park: pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, pages 101 to 102 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Panel had met several times to date. On 4th January 2024 the Panel met with Councillor Steve Kirk, the Portfolio Holder for Coastal Economy and representatives from Welland Homes (a housing company owned by SHDC), which was followed by a meeting with Ward Member Councillor Colin Davie on 18th January 2024. The draft report and recommendations were being presented to the Overview Committee at its Meeting on 5th March 2024.


Update - Joint Scrutiny Panels: pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Rebecca James, Scrutiny and Policy Officer referred Members to the briefing paper, pages 103 to 104 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Panel had met several times to date.  On 11th December 2023, Active Lincolnshire had informed the Scrutiny Panel on work undertaken across the Partnership, noting the value of examining shared issues. A meeting with the Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture was due to take place on 29th January 2024.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised Members that the draft report was to return to Overview Committee for consideration after March 2024.


A Member commented that sport and leisure provisions in Louth were not audited in great depth.  In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised that external partners had been consulted and Active Lincolnshire had been invited to previous meetings.  It was further advised that the Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture’s focus was on the work undertaken by ELDC and its partners.


Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 105 to 118 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to review the tracker and to put their comments and questions forward.


Carbon Management Scrutiny Panel


Recommendation No. 11 - ‘Include local offsetting projects in the council’s

carbon strategy and begin to invest in these projects as soon as possible’ page 106 of the Agenda refers.


A Member expressed concern that carbon offsetting was not the solution to climate change and that the principle of carbon offsetting should be reviewed to ensure it was worthwhile. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) provided assurance that local offsetting projects were to be incorporated in next year’s Annual Delivery Plan. The Scrutiny and Policy Officer further advised that the Council’s approach to carbon reduction was being revisited.


Further to a discussion, it was agreed that carbon offsetting be added to the scope and that the Scrutiny and Policy Officer was to report back to Committee on the creation of future scrutiny panels. 


Overview Standing Reference Group – Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project.


No. 7 - ‘To work with Lincolnshire County Council to improve the surfacing of Broadway’ page 107 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented that there had been no updates since June 2023 on the Broadway Carpark and clarification was requested on the status of the work.  In response, the Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised that an update was due to be provided following the completion of capital works on the main scheme and an update was to follow.


A Member further enquired if ELDC had met with Lincolnshire County Council to ensure the Broadway Carpark was resurfaced.  The Scrutiny and Policy Officer advised that alternate plans were in progress to deliver the Sutton on Sea Colonnade and examine the parking situation.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement


No. 1 - ‘To recognise the need to make Caravan Enforcement a priority for the new Council, with the first priorities dealing with the issue of unauthorised occupancy and to review and strengthen licence conditions;’ page 109 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented on the unauthorised running of businesses at caravan sites and emphasised the importance of ensuring it was addressed.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Planning advised this was being examined and a report was forthcoming.


No. 4 - ‘Draw up, as a matter of urgency, a register of every East Lindsey Caravan site, including existing planning permissions, and this to be shared with Emergency Planning Services;’ page 111 of the Agenda refers.


A Member commented on the good news of students being utilised from the University of Lincoln to assist with collecting information.


A Member further queried the term GGP which was referred to in the update.  In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) advised that GGP referred to a geographic mapping system that was being utilised.


No. 5 – ‘The Caravan Enforcement team to improve liaison with the Council Tax Team, including improved training for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.


Executive/Council Forward Plan: pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan.


Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24, pages 119 to 124 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.


·       In reference to the report on the provision of Solar PV for the Horncastle Hub (page 120 of the Agenda refers), a Member requested clarification if the Hub had been constructed with Solar PV. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) confirmed that solar panels had been installed on the roof of the Hub.


·       In relation to the Waste Collections Rounds Review, a Member queried who managed the service, page 121 of the Agenda refers. In response, the Assistant Director (Corporate) confirmed that Waste Services was managed by Victoria Burgess, Assistant Director for Neighbourhoods.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24 be noted.


Date of Next Meeting:


The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee was noted as 5 March 2024.