Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PH

Contact: Laura Allen  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence:


Apologies were received from Councillors James Knowles and Alex Hall.


It was noted that in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, notice had been given that Councillor Edward Mossop had been appointed to the Committee in place of Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders for this Meeting only.


Disclosure of Interests (if any):


At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests. 


Councillor Watson requested that it be noted that in relation to Item 10b he was an ELDC representative on the Board of Magna Vitae, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on that item.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 249 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 5 March 2024

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 March 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


Actions: pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Actions from the previous Overview Committee Meeting.


Members noted that the following Actions were now complete.


Actions from the Meeting held on 5 March 2024


Action Nos. 87, 95 and 97 – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 23 January 2024


Action No. 81 – completed.


Actions from the Meeting held on 28 November 2023


Action No. 66 – completed.


Comments were received as follows:


Action No. 66 – ‘To outline a proposed Protocol on the use of Community Reserve to provide loans to Parish Councils for capital works’ from the meeting held on 28 November 2023, page 36 of the Agenda refers.


The Chairman informed Members that Action No. 66 was scheduled as an Agenda Item for today’s Meeting and a briefing note in relation to that item had been circulated to Members prior to the Meeting.  


Update on Heritage Appraisals:

To receive an update from the Place Manager - Economic Growth.


The Chairman welcomed Jeffery Kenyon, Place Manager - Economic Growth and Councillor Wendy Bowkett in her role as Heritage Champion to provide Members with an update on Heritage Appraisals.


The Place Manager – Economic Growth explained to Members that his role was to work alongside the Heritage Manager within the economic growth service and that his team undertook work on other projects such as the Levelling Up Fund, visitor economy and tourism.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth further advised Members that the Heritage Manager was currently on maternity leave and had provided detailed instructions for progressing the Conservation Area appraisals for Spilsby, Horncastle, Alford and Wainfleet.  It was further confirmed that Heritage appraisals for Spilsby and Horncastle had been drafted and that the appraisals for Alford and Wainfleet were currently in progress.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth further advised Members that the public consultation was expected to take place during June or July 2024 and a timeline had been envisioned for adoption to occur in September 2024 when the Heritage Manager returned.


The Place Manager – Economic Growth continued to provide Members with an update on conservation area leaflets and confirmed that the leaflets were being finalised before being uploaded to the website in the coming weeks.  It was further advised that the project had been jointly undertaken with the planning service as the Heritage Manager sat across both service areas.


N.B. Councillor Mossop joined the Meeting at 10.05am.


The Heritage Champion provided Members with an update on Heritage Trails and on a booklet that had been produced for walking routes around Wainfleet.  Members were advised that the Wainfleet Heritage Trail would be launched on the 26th May 2024 with the reopening of the museum and that all were welcome to attend and familiarise themselves with the wonderful heritage Wainfleet had to offer.  


The Chairman commented that similar methods to promote heritage had been used in Horncastle where interpretation boards had been installed.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         The Chairman requested whether a timeline was available for consultations with Parish Councils.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth advised Members that a timeline was not yet available as the proposals were still in draft.  It was further advised that the Heritage Manager had intended to carry out an informal consultation with Parish Councils and local ward Members in May 2024 before the formal consultation was undertaken in either June or July 2024.  The Place Manager – Economic Growth reassured Members that there was plenty of time to participate and raise awareness of the consultation.


·         A Member queried if any indications had been provided for additional conservations areas to be included in the appraisals.  In response, the Place Manager – Economic Growth advised Members that clarification would be obtained from Heritage Lincolnshire.


·         The Chairman commented on the number of conservation areas in East Lindsey and appreciated the work being undertaken.  In response, the Heritage Champion advised Members that greater public awareness of conservation areas  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Partnership Engagement Pledge: pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To receive a report from the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Shaun Gibbons, Group Manager – Communications and Engagement to provide Members with an update on the Partnership Engagement Pledge, pages 37 to 46 of the Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the Partnership Engagement Pledge was a continuation of last year’s Partnership Communication Strategy following a peer review recommendation to strengthen residents voices when informing on future service delivery.  The Group Manager – Communications and Engagement further advised Members that the corporate approach was focused on engagement and consultation work and that the pledge set out broad principles on how each of the Partnership Councils would approach engagement.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


N.B. Councillor Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging joined the Meeting at 10.05am


·         In relation to engagement, a Member queried the Council’s ability to reach different demographics when East Lindsey covered such a large rural area and in consideration of people who did not have internet access.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement provided an example of consultation undertaken in South Holland to reassure Members that every avenue was utilised to ensure that the engagement and consultation process was fully inclusive and considered all demographics. 


The Group Manager – Communications and Engagement assured Members that the Partnership did not focus on a digital only or digital first engagement process and were utilising other methods including printed leaflets and letters to ensure that everyone’s views were captured.


·         A Member commented on the high holiday maker population that lived in East Lindsey for a portion of the year and emphasised the importance of including seasonal residents in any consultations.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement provided assurance that all residents would be considered in the forthcoming engagement processes. 


·         A Member spoke in support of the Partnership Engagement Pledge and felt that ELDC did not have a strong track record of consulting and engaging with communities and commented there were lessons to be learned with examples such as the Sutton-on-Sea Colonnade Project.


·         A Member further queried whether more specific and detailed information could be included with the pledge such as an explanation of what constituted a community leader, page 45 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Group Manager – Communications and Engagement supported the points raised on the broader principles of engagement and confirmed that the suggestion for greater detail would be taken forward.


·         A Member queried initiatives and support for Community Reference Groups.


·         Referring to the statement on Proactive Outreach that ‘in some cases, we will also work alongside community leaders and champions’, a Member commented that the wording was not forceful enough and that the phrasing ‘we will work alongside community leaders and champions’ created greater effect, page 45 of the Agenda refers.


·         A Member further expressed that there was a need for greater Council engagement at events and spoke in support of the new policy on engagement to provide clearer guidance on the Council’s commitments.  In response, the Group  ...  view the full minutes text for item 104.


Development of the Community Reserve and Investment in Villages, Parishes and Market Towns across East Lindsey:

To receive a verbal report.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Saul Farrell, UKSPF Programme Manager to provide Members with an update on the Development of the Community Reserve and Investment in Villages, Parishes and Market Towns across East Lindsey.


Members received a tabled briefing note which outlined the proposals (a copy is attached at Appendix A to the Minutes).


The Chairman requested clarification on whether there was a protocol in place for distribution of the Community Reserve funds to town and parish councils.  In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager explained that funds that were obtained through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural Prosperity Fund (RPF) were distributed according to grant assessment criteria which were produced in alignment with UKSPF national guidance and with the investment plan that ELDC has agreed with central government.  It was confirmed that the investment criteria was the same across the main programme and the delegated scheme that the Council manages through the Lincolnshire Community Foundation.


The UKSPF Programme Manager further advised Members that the criteria for the distribution of grants considered value for money, deliverability by the end of 2025, financial and operational risk to the Council, diligence undertaken on community organisations and parish councils and the impacts that were demonstratable to central government.


For the Council’s UKSPF investment and assessment of projects, the UKSPF Programme Manager explained to Members that targets and metrics had been agreed with central government to outline what benefits were being obtained for communities such as the creation of jobs and the number of businesses supported.  The UKSPF Programme Manager assured Members that the assessment of grants across both schemes had robust processes in place for the allocation of funds. 


In conclusion the UKSPF Programme Manager confirmed that across the community reserve and future investment funding, £228,000 currently remained for ELDC to distribute and that requests were being examined to top-up the amount of funding available. 


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         The Chairman queried whether there were any plans to share and adopt the same protocol across the Partnership.  In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager confirmed that the Section 151 Officer was leading a piece of work to extend the protocol with Boston and East Lindsey and for his team to provide a Partnership wide service. 


·         The Chairman requested clarification on the timescale for adoption and queried the request for the Committee to examine the protocol before it was adopted. The UKSPF Programme Manager informed Members that clarification would be requested from the Section 151 Officer and the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Infrastructure.


·         A Member spoke in the support of the proposal to utilise the community reserve to support parish councils and local groups and queried whether the proposed rate was 1% over base rate.  In response, the UKSPF Programme Manager confirmed the rate was correct.


·         A Member commented that it was beneficial for Councillors and members of the public to be informed of the results and outputs of projects that have received funding and referenced the example  ...  view the full minutes text for item 105.


Unreasonable Behaviour Policy:

To consider the draft updated Unreasonable Behaviour Policy.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Richard Steele, Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer to provide Members with an update on the Unreasonable Behaviour Policy, pages 1 to 22 of the Supplementary Agenda refer.


Members were advised that the current policy was last updated in April 2017 and that a review of the policy had been necessary as there was a clear need to manage the safety of employees and Members of the Council and to limit the unnecessary impact on Council resources.  The Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer further advised that the policy was designed to achieve this aim whilst being proportionate and to ensure that customers were dealt with fairly and consistently.


It was explained that the draft policy had been aligned across the Partnership and was being presented to the Overview Committee for feedback prior to being presented to the Executive Board for approval.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


  • A Member commented that hostility towards frontline staff had been increasing and queried whether Ward Members should be made aware of the people who were on the cautionary contact register, page 18 of the Agenda refers.


In response, the Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer confirmed that Members would be notified of individuals that have had restrictions applied in accordance with the Unreasonable Behaviour Policy to protect them from exposure.  It was further advised that the sharing of information would occur in circumstances where it was deemed necessary and proportionate.  The Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer explained to Members that the cautionary contact register was a separate and linked process and that comments to share information with Members from that process would be discussed with the Assistant Director – Regulatory. 


  • Members provided examples of when being unaware of who was on the register could put Members’ safety at risk and noted that it was important to safeguard and protect those that were the most vulnerable.


  • A Member commented that the policy would benefit from LGSCO being written in full as ‘The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’, page 17 of the Agenda refers.


  • A Member spoke in support of the Draft Unreasonable Behaviour Policy and commented that data protection regulations had provided the ability to share certain information with Councillors which ensured greater awareness.


  •  A Member commented on expectations for the Unreasonable Behaviour Policy for protecting staff and referenced that the Unreasonable Behaviour Statistics were a cause for concern, page 21 of the Agenda refers.


  • A Member expressed concern that unreasonable behaviour complaints had dramatically risen and queried whether the combined three Council Partnership had led to an increase in frustration for members of the public who had contacted the Council.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that statistics nationwide across all authorities had increased and that unreasonable behaviour was a national problem which was not limited to the S&ELCP as a combined authority.


The Group Information Manager and Data Protection Officer advised Members that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.


Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire - Update: pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To receive a report from the Outside Body Appointee.



The Chairman referred Members to the briefing papers from Councillor Jill Makinson-Sanders, the Outside Body Appointee to the Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) for Lincolnshire following its Meeting held on 20 March 2024, pages 47 to 52 of the Agenda refer.


In Councillor Makinson-Sanders’ absence, Councillor Dickinson provided Members with the following update:


·         Reference was made to the progress of the new emergency department at Pilgrim Hospital which was estimated to open in 2026.

·         The Government were offering free Blood Pressure checks via pharmacies for the over 40’s to prevent health complications through early detection.

·         NHS 111 Option 2 was a new freephone initiative to assist people who needed mental health support.

·         A Virtual Autism Hub has been created in Louth to provide information and support to autistic people including adults, children, young people and their families.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Dickinson for updating the Committee.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


  • A Member commented on the new payments being offered for NHS dentists to create more appointments and informed Members that no opening dates had been advertised, page 47 of the Agenda refers.  In response, the Chairman recognised the national issues for the recruitment of dentists and other professionals for posts within the NHS.


  • A Member expressed disappointment on the provision of new NHS dentists and commented that Mablethorpe was still waiting to sign up for the opening of new dentists. 


Following which it was,




That the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire briefing papers be noted.


Updates from Scrutiny and Policy Panels including quality checking of final reports:


Scrutiny Panel Report - Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey: pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To review the final report of the Panel.

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced the final draft report from the Scrutiny Panel on Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey and informed Members that amendments had been made to the report following recommendations agreed at the previous Meeting, pages 53 to 80 of the Agenda refer.


Councillor Foster as Portfolio Holder for Operational Services informed Members that the DANFO contract for the public conveniences ended on 1st April 2024 and that Healthmatic was the new supplier for facilities on the coast and had been included in a second round of interest for maintaining the Council’s inland toilets.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services further advised Members that following the last Council Meeting, funds had been provided to refurbish facilities where there had been interest from Parish Councils to make them more attractive for an asset transfer to occur.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services further confirmed that the Council was working with Healthmatic to determine innovative ways of improving the remaining toilet facilities and to consider disposal of those with high maintenance costs or those that were highly vandalised.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         A Member expressed disappointment that installing pay toilet facilities in inland areas was not fully considered and commented that places with high seasonal footfall were strong candidates for income generation.


·         A Member further commented that public conveniences should remain the Council’s property and not be transferred to Parish Councils. 


·         The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services advised Members that some of the toilets were not viable to have pay facilities installed when considering disabled access and that installing pay gates needed to be cost effective for the maintenance contractors and the Council.  Assurance was provided that the Council would maintain ownership of the public conveniences where there was no interest for an asset transfer.


·         A Member of the Scrutiny Panel commented that it was important to acknowledge the significant cost of installing pay gates and that tremendous footfall was needed to recoup the expenditure. 


·         A Member further commented on the need to consider interest from town and parish councils for asset transfers and supported the plans for returning the toilets to a good working standard.   


·         The Chairman recollected a time when ELDC had more than 70 toilet blocks to maintain and inspect compared to the current number of toilets being maintained by the Council.


·         A Member queried whether a seamless transition between DANFO and Healthmatic had occurred for the toilet facilities at the coast.  The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services confirmed that a changeover had taken place on 1st April 2024 and that an issue had been experienced due to the transition between winter and summer opening hours which had resulted in the toilets being closed earlier over the bank holiday weekend.  Members were reassured that future contract changeovers would have provisions in place to ensure there was no impact on the facilities or users.


·         The Chairman queried the date for which the Public Convenience Provision in East Lindsey Report was being presented to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108a


Joint Scrutiny of the S&ELCP Healthy Living Action Plan: pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.

Additional documents:


Councillor Edginton as Chairman of the Healthy Living Action Plan Scrutiny Panel provided Members with an update on the recommendations being put forward following the joint Scrutiny Task & Finish Group’s review of the Healthy Living Action Plan which was being monitored and updated by the S&ELCP Healthy Living Board following approval of a county wide Health and Wellbeing Strategy, pages 81 to 126 of the Agenda refer.


Councillor Gray as Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging spoke in support of the report and advised Members that recommendations had been brought forward from the Healthy Living Delivery Plan which referenced important issues which included obesity and child obesity.  It was further advised that the Campus for Future Living in Mablethorpe was a key project which aimed to provide innovations with medical technology and research and bring together a range of partners in health, academia, housing and the voluntary sector.  The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging confirmed to Members that a preferred operator for the Campus for Future Living from Community Trust groups in the area was to be announced before a report was presented to the Council.


The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging further informed Members that the Healthy Living Board had proven significantly valuable for the Partnership Councils and had brought together a range of partners for the benefit of residents and the community.   


Roxanne Warrick, the Healthy Living Strategic Lead provided Members with a background to the work which had brought about ELDC’s adoption of a county wide and district led Health and Wellbeing Plan and was satisfied that the recommendations of the Joint Scrutiny Panel had focused on prevention initiatives.


The Chairman of the Healthy Living Action Plan Scrutiny Panel endorsed the report and its recommendations and provided thanks to the Healthy Living Strategic Lead for her input.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         The Chairman queried the timeline for expecting a progress report.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Better Aging advised Members that it was his expectation to provide an update in six months’ time and that senior health partners had been taking an active interest in the work being undertaken.


·         A Member spoke in support of an update being provided to the Overview Committee in six months’ time.


·         The Chairman queried whether the Joint Scrutiny Report was being presented to full Council.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate advised Members that the report would progress through the three Partnership authorities before being presented to Council. 


·         A Member further queried whether ELDC were the last of the Partnership Council’s to receive the report.  In response, the Healthy Living Strategic Lead confirmed that the report had already been presented to the two other Councils.


At this point in the Meeting, Councillor Watson declared an interest stating that he was an ELDC representative on the Board of Magna Vitae, however would remain in the Meeting to speak on the item.


·         A Member expressed disappointment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108b


Scrutiny Panel Update - To review the running of Invest East Lindsey Limited, with a particular focus on Kingfisher Caravan Park: pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To receive a written update from the Scrutiny and Policy Officer.


Members were referred to the briefing paper, pages 127 to 128 of the Agenda refer.


The Chairman queried the timeline for the draft report being presented to Overview Committee and informed Members that the Chairman of the Scrutiny Panel had previously requested to defer the report whilst further information was considered.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed the Committee’s expectations for the report to be presented at the June 2024 Meeting. 



Scrutiny and Policy Topic Suggestion Forms: pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To receive scrutiny topic suggestion forms.


Additional documents:


The Chairman informed Members that Topic Suggestion Forms had been received on four topics which included ‘Car Parking in East Lindsey’, ‘Councillors, Constitution and Democracy’, ‘Planning Scrutiny’ and ‘Project Management Analysis’, pages 129 and 136 of the Agenda refer.


Scrutiny Topic - Car Parking in East Lindsey


Members were informed that car parking scrutiny had not been undertaken in several years.  The Assistant Director – Corporate confirmed to Members that a review had previously been undertaken in 2012 and 2016.


Scrutiny Topic - Councillors, Constitution and Democracy


The Chairman advised Members that clearer separation between the responsibilities of the Overview and Audit and Governance Committee was needed and that the Assistant Director (Governance) and Monitoring Officer had provided guidance that the Constitution was the remit of the Audit Governance Committee, pages 131 and 132 of the Agenda refer.


Members were invited to put their comments and questions forward.


·         A Member queried whether a scrutiny panel could be established to report to the Audit and Governance Committee.  In response, the Chairman advised Members that further information was needed on what was permitted by the Constitution.  The Assistant Director – Corporate further advised that the Audit and Governance Committee held a responsibility to ensure the Constitution was fit for purpose through the Constitution Working Group and supported that the proposal fell within the remit of Audit and Governance rather than Overview.  Further to a discussion, it was agreed that more clarity would be requested before the next meeting.


·         A Member commented on the topic being proposed and felt it was a wider topic of concern which was not limited to the remit of the Constitution Working Group.


·         A Member noted that the topic suggestion form stated the proposal was for post decision scrutiny which suggested the Constitution Working Group were required to meet.  It was queried whether this had been agreed with the Audit and Governance Committee.  In response, the Chairman advised that it had not been agreed and that further clarification was needed as to how the topic was suited to Overview rather than Audit and Governance.


·         A Member expressed concern that there was a democratic deficit within the Council and commented that the topic proposal had been intended for a wider group of Councillors to undertake scrutiny compared to the Constitutional Working Group as a sub-group of Audit and Governance Committee which only consisted of three Members.  In response, the Assistant Director – Corporate informed Members that a constitutional review had been included for this year’s annual delivery plan which would examine constitutional alignment across the three Councils to improve consistency.  Assurance was provided that the Assistant Director (Governance) and Monitoring Officer was committed to progressing the work and ensuring that broader Member engagement was undertaken.  


Scrutiny Topic - Planning Scrutiny


The Chairman advised Members that feedback had been broad and that discussion with the new Head of Planning would assist with creating a more focused and refined submission, page 133 and 134 of the Agenda refer.


A Member commented  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109.


Draft Annual Scrutiny & Policy Panel Work Programme 24/25: pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the work programme for 2024/25.


The Chairman referred Members to the written update for upcoming scrutiny work for 2024/25, pages 137 and 138 of the Agenda refer.


No questions or comments were received.


Following which it was,




That the update on upcoming scrutiny work be noted.



Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker: pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To note the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


Members were referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker, pages 139 to 152 of the Agenda refer.  Members were invited to review the tracker and put their comments and questions forward.


Overview Standing Reference Group – Sutton on Sea Colonnade Project.


The Chairman expressed disappointment on the number of recommendations that had remained red and amber with a timescale listed as April 2024 and requested that further updates were obtained, pages 141 to 143 of the Agenda refer.


In response, the Ward Member for Sutton on Sea commented that no further information had been forthcoming, community engagement through consultations had not occurred and that he was not aware of any marketing opportunities for the Sutton on Sea Colonnade.


Recommendation No 3, ‘To work with Lincolnshire County Council to improve the surfacing of Broadway,' page 141 of the Agenda refers.


A Member queried the status of funding to resurface the Broadway car park and whether it had been announced that work was being undertaken with Lincolnshire County Council.  In response, the Chairman confirmed that further information would be obtained and brought back to the Committee.


Recommendation No 5, 'Include more soft landscaping in the final design,' page 143 of the Agenda refers.


The Chairman referred Members to the update on design and landscaping which noted that a meeting was taking place between officers and local representatives later this month to update on project progress.  In response, the Ward Member for Sutton on Sea expressed his delight to hear of a meeting and expected a date and further information to be forthcoming.


The Assistant Director – Corporate queried whether the Ward Member had been engaged in any meetings in relation to the Sutton on Sea Colonnade.  In response, the Ward Member confirmed that he had not been engaged in any meetings.


To explore the issues surrounding caravan licensing and enforcement


The Chairman queried when an update was being presented to the Committee by the Enforcement Service Manager, pages 144 to 150 of the Agenda refer.  In response, the Democratic Services Officer confirmed that the item was scheduled for June 2024 Meeting.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker be noted.



Executive/Council Forward Plan: pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To receive a copy of the Executive/Council Forward Plan.


Members were presented with the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24, pages 153 to 158 of the Agenda refer and were invited for their comments.


No further comments or questions were received.


Following which it was,




That the Executive/Council Forward Plan 2023-24 be noted.



Date of Next Meeting:


The programmed date for the next Meeting of this Committee was to be confirmed at the AGM.